- Sep 27, 2022
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* config variable name * data transfer object user now has functionality to filter whitespace in orders * fid.ini got out-commented variable field for user export fields in [Admin] section * updated user export behaviour, field 'orders' will now always be the last in an export * introduced an user export hydrator that enriches data for export into csv and json files * further altered the interface and handling of various csv flavors, prepared work for an unified * export interface to a future date, created adlr exporting to stated specs * introduced an user export hydrator that enriches data for export into csv and json files * further altered the interface and handling of various csv flavors, prepared work for an unified * export interface to a future date, created adlr exporting to stated specs * added some language tokens for better integration * updated json export to make the address list a associative array co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * optimize csv export for windows / mac ** set UTF16 ** code styles
Robert Lange authored
- Sep 22, 2022
André Lahmann authored
Robert Lange authored
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* refactored logic for fidis orders, formerly living in the UserController, seperated User and Order Controller * added an (by default hidden) export option for orders) * extended abilities of order transfer object * added an order export hydrator that compiles data of an order to an array * extended the order list with a button that is hidden by default (if 'export_button' is not set) * allows export of orders in 3 different flavor of CSV (or rather, fake csv that is labelled as txt) and json. * language vars replaced some static texts with dynamic i18n ones, in this particular case the button descriptions of are affected
Robert Lange authored
* move rss helper to fid ** uses caching ** code styles co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * make get-it-box view helper factory reusable in instances
André Lahmann authored
* add robots.txt for all finc catalogues * disallow private lists for crawlers
- Sep 21, 2022
André Lahmann authored
Alexander Purr authored
* disabled by variable ** To think about: configuration via ini-file * prevents rendering emtpy content divs * improving link decoration inheritance * text-decoration configurable for ** links styles for .btn class ** links in main content ** links in footer * main variable: $link-text-decoration * inheriting in finc: ** $state-link-text-decoration ** $book-bag-add-to-in-sidebar-toggler-text-decoration ** $footer-link-text-decoration ** $btn-text-decoration * moving >Default anchor/link styles general< block to prior position for reuse of $link-text-decoration
- Sep 20, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* add test for getPages and .enw-output of marc and ai records * add fixures for marc and ai * code styles for SolrDefaultFincTrait * fix SolrMarcNewerPreviousTest * run test via: docker exec -it vufind_php_1 sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/RecordDriver"
- Sep 19, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* not ticket related: add colors for finc tests in general
- Sep 15, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* searchID is needed to edit existing advanced search
Robert Lange authored
- Sep 14, 2022
André Lahmann authored
- Sep 09, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
refs #22331 [finc] moving block of advanced search terms and advvanced search links from header to the top of search results * move functionality into own template, is rendered within results.phtml * contains search tabs functionality too (hast to be tested) * SCSS & tempalte: ** new variable for button distance ** new classes content_adv_search_terms & content_adv_search_links ** links as btn-default * remove additional breadcrumb display logic * now: hidden-xs by default on each breadcrumb
Robert Lange authored
* use setLine and break as separator in RecordDataFormatterFactory
- Sep 08, 2022
Robert Lange authored
- Sep 06, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* add var definition for padding and default value of 0 * filters: avoid notice by checking filter value not empty
Robert Lange authored
Claas Kazzer authored
* editlist * newpassword * setpin
- Sep 05, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* remove double translation for photo * add english translation for No linguistic content
- Aug 26, 2022
Robert Lange authored
Alexander Purr authored
Robert Lange authored
Alexander Purr authored
* hidden input values on search form are now set properly * improve record header selector to prevent interferences with main header
Claas Kazzer authored
Robert Lange authored
- Aug 25, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
* add text for screen reader to excel selected tab
Claas Kazzer authored
* adds padding to range slider in sidebar * adds VF5.1 offcanvas toggler to search history and library cards
Alexander Purr authored
* see also 21615
- Aug 24, 2022
Robert Lange authored
refs #18369 [finc] improve data-isbn.phtml and data-issn.phtml: remove obsolete check for null / empty array in templates
Mathias Maaß authored
refs #18369 [finc] improve data-isbn.phtml and data-issn.phtml: always use own span tag for each isbn and issn
- Aug 23, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* adapt /Helpers/ and /myresearch/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt footer templates to VF6.1.2 * reset ajax/resolverLinks VF6.1.2 changes, remove noResolverContent * reset off-Canvas-Togglers in myresearch/profile VF6.1.2
Viola Elsenhans authored
* fix style of title in checkedout and storageretrievalrequests * add header and h2 to title in historicloans and illrequests
- Aug 18, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* extend regex to include GBV DAIA/PAIA API URLs for ILSConnection check
André Lahmann authored
* implemented client_credentials login for PAIA driver according to vufind-org PR#2449 * allow login withouth password when client_credential is set (Shibboleth, todo PR for vufind-org)
- Aug 17, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* do not show title hold link for certain status
* see also refs #21611 * add fid ini-files inheriting from finc
- Aug 16, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
- Aug 15, 2022