- Aug 24, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* fix xdebug settings * fix gd library for dynamic covers * set php version as variable in .env file ** for local development: copy .env.local to .env ** after changing run "docker-compose build php" or "docker-compose up --build --force-recreate" to start immediately * also refs 23937
- Feb 07, 2022
* to sync with alpha and staging * need to run "docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build php"
- Mar 03, 2020
* no more usage of slow vufind-php image for various containers * use stock docker library images where possible for faster startup * build custom images for php and composer only to include xdebug and required extensions * provide and leverage custom entrypoint shell scripts for most containers * inject environment variables defined in docker-env.*.yml files within entrypoints * place environment variables defaults in in docker-env.0.finc.yml * place composer and npm caches in git-ignored subdirectories of project root directory * gracefully terminate all container processes (especially grunt and mail) for faster shutdown * let versions of php and mariadb equal those in current live systems * let container-written files have uid/gid of project root directory by default * forward exposed container ports to non-standard ports on host system * allow to override uid/gid of written files as well as host ports via environment variables * specify exact au...