- Feb 24, 2020
* add translation in adlr layout * use same translations in js as in php searchTabs
- Dec 04, 2019
* add translations for keywords, description and title * set default title in layout when no title is set * remove setting of page title from other pages except detail
refs #16584 [fid_adlr] set design for closing button of lightbox / flash messages to adlr primary button
- Sep 25, 2019
author Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> 1567515639 +0200 committer Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de> 1569409532 +0200 refs #15785 [fid_adlr] result list * optimize search option ** show "results per page" in sidebar as adlr template like sort option ** set text uppercase ** improve displayed text in sidebar ** expand margin to sort option * style range slider label ** use uppercase and bold text ** remove colon * style sidebar and mainbody ** expand distance between results and sidebar... ** .. and therefore expand mainbody width for xl screens ** add padding for mobile sidebar ** adapt result list more like mockup: remove main border et cetera * refactor simple display problems in result list ** also open lightbox by clicking saving search ** prevent overlapping facet text ** center text in get-it-box vertically * change api - set latest adlr api * implement pagination styling ** as described in mockup ** arrows for previous and next page ** t...
- Aug 30, 2019
* refine submenu and mobile search menu for xs and lg ** use simple dropdown for language select ** fix bootstrap affix bug, prevent switch after click ** disable transitions for menus ** improve menu for xs and lg ** sm+lg: change background / color for collapsed main menu header links ** xs: shift language and registrion links to navigation-overlay * format header template ** use two spaces for tab ** lg: remove scrollbar on home page when menu is opened * style links after login * hide text on xs (navbar-extended) * set link to my account before login link * consolidate sm, md and lg ** style medium size ** prevent overlapping elements in menu bar ** rename navbar-extended to navbar-additional-text-[screen] to show / hide elements depending on size * improve search tabs behaviour and styling ** suppress page reload loading after click on tab / format filter ** transform tab list into select ** instead fetch selected hidden values by javascript ** style format filter like normal filter * several small improvements ** change translations for "forgot password" and "Email-Address" ** show whole words in language dropdown ** set Open Sans for filter options ** start fixing problems with flexbox in outdated Safari browser * use lightbox for register and translate languages completely
- Jul 15, 2019
* New Adlr header design ** initial implementation of SCSS structure ** initial implementation of basic fonts (icon font still missing) ** initial commit of basic images for header ** initial template customizations to accomodate new header design and behavior * improves LG look (not yet complete) * adds category icons folder * adds initial translations
- May 08, 2019
* adopts changes to data-otherRelationshipEntry in DefaultRecord * changes searchbox to flex for better display on XS and SM * pushes shard checkboxes benath search box on SM * adopts NEW OFFCANVAS toggler (visible in XS, SM only) * adapts new offcanvas toggler for record view use (XS, SM only) * fixes search-sort, limit etc appearance in result list (XS, SM only) * moves offcanvas-toggler code to separate template * updates references to offcanvas-toggler in all recorddriver core files @to-do PLS NOTE: ALL SOLRDEFAULT files had to be moved to DEFAULTRECORD! during migration
- May 03, 2019
- Jan 15, 2019
* replacing of ServiceLocator by ContainerInterface at several Factories * adjusts finc theme.config.php to zf3 conventions * replaces docker php 5.6 image by v7.2
- Mar 21, 2018
* adds interim fix for aria-hidden issue on modals for module finc
- Jan 25, 2018
* merge finc theme in finc release candidate v1 ** interim stage: templates adapted to VF4 code for revision of description.phtml ** home page: adds top margin for better looks ** advanced search: makes right-hand header parts full width for desktops ** fixes offcanvas and offcanvas-toggler in mobile views ** fixes header menu and reverses header item order on anything but XS ** fixes visibility of add to favorites text ** fixes sidebar item hovers and backgrounds ** fixes breadcrumbs after col removal ** removes myresearch/login ** removes form-horizontal class ** adds braces round calculations ** removes some col-columns ** cleans up some scss ** removes unwanted JS calls from theme.config * add new views for core and description view at VF4 for LIDO * interim stage: templates adapted to VF4 code for revision of description.phtml * deletes erroneous test.phtml * refs #11813 cmp. #12259 comment out ViewHelper Permission at themes/finc/theme.config.php * replace finc/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/co...
- Jul 18, 2017
Frank Morgner authored
* minor fix of remove twice element of navbar class at header
- Jul 17, 2017
* adapted finc js files to v3.1.3 * removed call to removed getController() * Remove BS-SCSS + fonts from finc tree, add BS-links to SCSS, refs #9416 * Code revision + adaptation for Bootstrap Theme 3.1.3 update, refs #9416 * Fixed offcanvas-toggler display, refs #9416 * Fix for toolbar in detail view, refs #9416 * Fix sidefacets form field spillover on SM in collection view, refs #9416 * Fix add to favs and collection view on sm devices, refs #9416 * Fix collection view icon view in result list for sm, refs #9416 * Fix collection view icon properly, refs #9416 * Fix dropdown-on-hover to work on SM up only, refs #9416
- Jun 12, 2017
* post BS-overhaul fixes incl. header and JS files
André Lahmann authored
* bootstrap3 finc-theme
- Apr 20, 2016
* implementation of patron driven acquisitions
- Apr 18, 2016
* foundation5 core-update changes + W3C compatibility adaptations
- Apr 14, 2016
* W3C validation fixes for foundation5 theme
- Mar 31, 2016
André Lahmann authored
* updated foundation5 view helpers and theme
- Mar 16, 2016
* adjusted foundation5 theme to changes in bootstrap3 * adaption of new delightbox in foundation5 * upgrade to FNDTN 5.5.3
- Dec 18, 2015
* theme adaptation to recent boostrap3 changes
- Nov 11, 2015
* integration of new vufind version into themes foundation5 and finc
- Jul 30, 2015
Claas Kazzer authored
- Jul 28, 2015
* use only searchbox.phtml instead of searchbox and searchbox-topbar.phtml * fixed error in default.scss and default.css + deleted searchbox-topbar * removed old .scss/.css files from foundation/scss /css * recompiled finc css
- Jul 07, 2015
* adapted foundation5 theme to vufind-org/master/33505585
- Jun 25, 2015
* merging foundation5 updates from finc/pullrequest_foundation5 into master
- May 18, 2015
* introducing Foundation-based theme to VuFind2.4
- May 05, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
- Apr 24, 2015
Demian Katz authored
Chris Hallberg authored
- See https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber for details
Demian Katz authored
Chris Hallberg authored
- Apr 23, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
- Resolves VUFIND-217 by adding delete capabilities - Changes the way tags are counted -- now counted per-user, rather than per-copy, for more accurate ranking - Includes some stylistic improvements to the LESS code
- Mar 23, 2015
Ere Maijala authored
- Feb 03, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
- Jan 09, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
- Dec 09, 2014
Demian Katz authored
- Oct 28, 2014
Chris Hallberg authored
Bootstrap3 cart confirms and close fixes. The permenant close fix is temporary until jsobjects is implemented in 2.4.
- Oct 08, 2014
Ere Maijala authored