- Dec 17, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Dec 14, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Made record router smart enough to figure out collection links even if not given a full record driver object.
Demian Katz authored
Made record router a service rather than a static class to enable dependency injection and easier overriding.
Demian Katz authored
Set up links to collection view rather than record view for appropriate records when collections are enabled.
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Revised Solr Tree Data Source to use record drivers instead of direct array access to Solr response.
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Dec 13, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Created collection controller; for starters, just an extension of AbstractRecord with a few minor changes and some cloned Solr Record templates.
- Dec 10, 2012
Demian Katz authored
- Dec 07, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Dec 06, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Resolving VUFIND-590: email now requires authentication by default (to deter spammers), but anonymous emailing can be enabled via config.ini.
Demian Katz authored
Treat account registration as non-AJAX form to prevent weird workflow issues (submitting subsequent forms to account registration endpoint instead of appropriate targets).
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Removing VUFIND-160 workaround now that it is no longer needed (thanks to VUFIND-715 Yaml library improvements).
Demian Katz authored
- Using version 2.1.4 of the Symfony/Yaml component. - This allows more standards-compliant YAML parsing.
Demian Katz authored
Resolving VUFIND-712 (Inconsistent YAML syntax for search specs QueryFields) and fixing use of escaped slashes in CallNumber munge rules.
- Dec 05, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
David Maus authored
David Maus authored
David Maus authored
* VuFind/Config/Reader/CacheDecorator.php (fromFile): Factor in file modification time in hash key generation.
David Maus authored
- Dec 04, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Abstracted record toolbar to a separate driver-linked template to allow toolbar customization on a driver-by-driver basis.
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Nov 29, 2012
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored