- Oct 26, 2022
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* no security question as of now * wont work without expansion of fidis * added route for order deletion (requires admin rights) * config parameters displayCols defines, 'delete' for the delete button * using font awesome for the fa-trash symbol, can be overwritte in field-delete.html * design changes for orderDelete * Code Stlye changes to Delete Order Modal ** Modal has its own template now, only rendered when activated via config ** fixed a bug where the default fid delete button would have missed crucial info and had just outright deleted the entry ** known problem: the delete route is actually reacheable for any one user but will be rebuffed by fidis itself, still not entirely clean
- Sep 22, 2022
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* refactored logic for fidis orders, formerly living in the UserController, seperated User and Order Controller * added an (by default hidden) export option for orders) * extended abilities of order transfer object * added an order export hydrator that compiles data of an order to an array * extended the order list with a button that is hidden by default (if 'export_button' is not set) * allows export of orders in 3 different flavor of CSV (or rather, fake csv that is labelled as txt) and json. * language vars replaced some static texts with dynamic i18n ones, in this particular case the button descriptions of are affected