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Alexander Purr au808guwu
André Lahmann lahmann
Anna Lingnau li555sele
Annika Schröer schroeer
Björn Muschall ml807ruru
Claas Kazzer kr246vabu
David Aumüller david
Fabian Böger SKD fr806tbuy
Fabian Stöhr stoehr
Felix Kreissig fk
Florian Flietner (UB Kiel) bv819gozi
Frank Morgner frnkmrgnr
Georg Hackel gk588vkia
Glenn Fischer
Holger Trapp ht736tili
Jean-Pascal Kanter jpkanter
Leander Seige leanderseige
Lutz Helm lutzhelm
Martin Czygan miku
Mathias Maaß me039bylo
- May 17, 2017
- Nov 26, 2014
End-of-line normalization. · 5ec14f6cMartin Czygan authored
From: > When a text file is normalized, its line endings are converted to LF in the repository. To control what line ending style is used in the working directory, use the eol attribute for a single file and the core.eol configuration variable for all text files.