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Commit cf5b8a79 authored by Jean-Pascal Kanter's avatar Jean-Pascal Kanter :speech_balloon: Committed by Robert Lange
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refs #25129 [fid_bbi] release/fid_bbi/2024_01 GetItBox->links changed the way...

refs #25129 [fid_bbi] release/fid_bbi/2024_01 GetItBox->links changed the way links for certain sources will be displayed

* additionally to getting automatically resolved there will also be a notice if the user does not have the appropriate rights to view the ressource
* fixed some ancient bug in resolverlinks-print that used an deprecated language strings
* while writing new get it rules slightly polished the formatting of a few rules while sipping coffee
* new language strings and a way to complicated way to achive something that would have worked via brute force
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var_source9_vkfilm2: [ 183 ]
var_source_10_mediawb: [ 159 ]
var_source_11_base: [ 126 ]
var_source_12_gvi: [ 17, 35, 173, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 193, 198 ]
var_source_13_doi_proxy: [ 220 ]
var_source_13_doi_proxy: [ 219, 220, 220 ]
var_ger_network: [swb, bvb, kobv, gbv, hebis, hbz] # german library networks
var_media1: [ "Book, E-Book", Book, eBook, BookComponentPart, ElectronicBookComponentPart, IllustratedBook, ComicBook, E-Book, Thesis, ElectronicThesis ]
var_media2: [ "Article, E-Article", Article, ElectronicArticle, E-Article, Map, Unknown, Manuscript, ManuscriptFragement, WorkingManuscripts, VisualMedia, ElectronicVisualMedia, Microform, OtherMicroformCarrier ]
......@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ rules:
- 'isLogonRequired' # this defines the positive when to set Headline to "register" but it is that by default
- >
(is_source3) or
(is_source5) or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_collection2) or
(is_source3) or
(is_source5) or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_collection2) or
(is_source8 and is_facetLocal and ( (is_media1 and !is_institute1) or is_media3 ) ) or
(is_source8 and is_facetOnline and not is_facetFree and is_media1) or
(is_source8 and is_facetOnline and not is_facetFree and is_media1) or
boxHeadline_function: # refacot 1.1 --- actually, this seems to no be used in bbi anyway
- 'boxHeadline_function'
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ rules:
( allowDirectDelivery and !is_loggedOn ) or
( is_source9 and is_collection2 and !is_loggedOn ) or
( !is_source9 and is_facetLocal and ( (is_media1 and is_institute1) or is_media1) and !is_loggedOn ) or
( !is_source9 and !is_facetLocal and not ( (is_media1 and is_institute1) or is_media1) and
( !is_source9 and !is_facetLocal and not ( (is_media1 and is_institute1) or is_media1) and
is_facetOnline and !is_facetFree and !is_media1 and !is_loggedOn
boxHeadline_decider: [ 'boxHeadline', 'boxHeadline_function ? this.translate("getit_logged_not") : this.translate("Get it")' ]
......@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ rules:
- 'show_print_order_button'
- >
conf_allowPDA and
allowDirectDelivery and
conf_allowPDA and
allowDirectDelivery and
is_loggedOn and
show_print_order_button_decider: [ 'showOrderButton', 'show_print_order_button' ]
......@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ rules:
- 'show_digitization_button'
- >
conf_allowDigitizationOnDemand and
allowDigitizationOnDemand and
conf_allowDigitizationOnDemand and
allowDigitizationOnDemand and
is_loggedOn and
show_digitization_button_decider: [ 'showDigitizationOnDemandButton', 'show_digitization_button' ]
......@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ rules:
- 'show_part_copy_button'
- >
conf_allowSubitoPartialCopy and
!is_facetFree and !is_collection2 and
not is_facetOnline and is_media1 and
!is_facetFree and !is_collection2 and
not is_facetOnline and is_media1 and
is_collection and
is_loggedOn and is_authorized_for_fid_acquisitions
show_part_copy_button_decider: [ 'showPartCopyButton', 'show_part_copy_button' ]
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ rules:
- 'show_article_button'
- >
conf_allowSubitoArticleCopy and
conf_allowSubitoArticleCopy and
is_source3 and
is_loggedOn and is_authorized_for_fid_acquisitions
show_article_button_decider: [ 'showArticleButton', 'show_article_button' ]
......@@ -388,4 +388,13 @@ rules:
is_loggedOn and
# licensed link decider #####################################################################
- 'lic_notice'
- >
!is_source13 ? '' :
followProxy ? this.out('lic_access') :
is_loggedOn and !is_licensed ? this.out('lic_noaccess') :
stopFlags: 'break'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Questions And Notes = "allgemeine Fragen / Anmerkungen"
Privacy Policy = "Datenschutzerklärung"
Report an error = "Fehler melden"
Terms of Use = "Nutzungsbedingungen"
BBI Groups = Nutzer*innengruppe
# cf. #15230
email_subject = "Betreff"
email_contact_policy = "Ich akzeptiere die %%policy_link%%."
......@@ -498,6 +499,11 @@ getit_text_fidbbi_licence = "Dieses E-Book ist für Sie über eine FID BBI-Lizen
getit_text_media_typ_limitation = "Einige Medientypen (wie z. B. Manuskripte, Schallplatten, CDs, Videos) können von der Fernleihe ausgeschlossen sein."
getit_text_access_ebook_hint = "Wenn dieser Titel bei Ihrer Heimatbibliothek als vorhanden gekennzeichnet ist, sollte der direkte Zugang über den Link ohne weiteres möglich sein."
getit_text_digi_demand = "Möglicherweise ist dieses Buch gemeinfrei und kann von uns kostenlos für Sie digitalisiert werden."
getit_text_lic_req = "Diese Ressource wird Ihnen vom FID BBI zur Verfügung gestellt. Für den Zugriff müssen Forschende sich anmelden. Noch keinen Account? %%req%%"
getit_text_lic_noaccess = "Diese Ressource wird Ihnen vom FID BBI zur Verfügung gestellt. Für den Zugriff sind Sie derzeit nicht berechtigt. Eine Änderung Ihrer %%groups%% beantragen Sie bitte über eine Mail an %%mail%%."
getit_text_lic_access = "Diese Ressource wird Ihnen vom FID BBI zur Verfügung gestellt. Über den Link erhalten Sie Zugriff!"
getit_text_lic_bonus = "Möglicherweise sehen Sie hier dennoch einen Link, der Zugriff auf den Volltext ist ohne Berechtigung jedoch nicht möglich."
fid_bbi_mail = ""
sources_explanatory_line = "Das Rechercheportal des FID BBI vereint Titeldaten aus verschiedensten Datenquellen, die - vollständig oder gefiltert nach dem Fächerprofil des FID BBI - in das Portal übernommen werden. Die wichtigsten Informationen darüber, was in den einzelnen Quellen recherchiert werden kann, haben wir an dieser Stelle zusammengefasst. Um unsere Erläuterungen zu den einzelnen Datenquellen einzusehen, klicken Sie einfach auf den entsprechenden Listeneintrag."
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Privacy Policy = "Privacy Policy"
Remove all Filters = "Remove all Filters"
Report an error = "Report an Error"
Username = "E-Mail address"
BBI Groups = user group
email_contact_policy = "I hereby accept the %%policy_link%%."
Send = "Submit"
Book Suggestion = Acquisition Request
......@@ -489,7 +490,12 @@ getit_text_direct_delivery = "Order a loan copy of this new publication via the
getit_text_fidbbi_licence = "This e-book is free to access for you via an FID BBI license."
getit_text_media_typ_limitation = "Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_access_ebook_hint = "If this title is marked as available in your home library, you should be able to access it directly via the link."
getit_text_digi_demand = "This book may be in the public domain. In this case, we can digitize it for you free of charge. "
getit_text_digi_demand = "This book may be in the public domain. In this case, we can digitize it for you free of charge."
getit_text_lic_req = "This resource is available to you via the FID BBI. To gain access, researchers must log in. No account yet? %%req%%"
getit_text_lic_noaccess = "This resource is available via the FID BBI, but you are currently not authorised to access it. Please request a change of your %%groups%% by sending an email to %%mail%%."
getit_text_lic_access = "This resource is available to you via the FID BBI. Click on the link to gain access!"
getit_text_lic_bonus = "You may still see a link here, but access to the full text is not possible without authorisation."
fid_bbi_mail = ""
toolbar_add-to = "Save to ..."
......@@ -281,3 +281,8 @@
display: block;
.bonus-info { /*this small (i) for abbr information*/
margin: 5px;
padding: 2px;
......@@ -3,6 +3,34 @@
<div id="side-collapse-links-data">
<?php if (!empty($urls)): ?>
<h3 lang="en" link id="h3_solrurls"><?=$this->translate("Weblinks")?></h3>
<?php /* #refs 25129 - licensed links in get it box */?>
<?php if (!empty($getitConfig['lic_notice'])): ?>
<?php // i srsly question the wisdom of building these here like that
$account = $this->auth()->getManager();
$req = '<a href="' .
$this->url('myresearch-account') . '?auth_method=' . $account->getAuthMethod() . '">' .
$this->translate("getit_text_req_now") . "</a>";
$groups= '<a href="/Content/faq#groups-1">'.
$this->translate("BBI Groups") . '</a>';
$mail = '<a href="mailto: '.$this->translate("fid_bbi_mail").'">'.$this->translate("fid_bbi_mail").'</a>';
<?=str_replace(['%%req%%', '%%groups%%', '%%mail%%'],
[$req, $groups, $mail],
<?php if (!$getitConfig['followProxy']): /*link might there but not proxied*/?>
/* This tiny code snipped might be subject of discussion. The logic here is implicit which, in principle
breaks our previously established rule set. This only works because the combination of 'there is something'
and it's not privileged access creates a condition in itself. By sequencing it like this no additional
rule has to be written but the overall clarity has to suffer. On the other the getitrules.yaml can be
free of rules bloat which it already has a lot while it screams "refactor me!"*/
<sup><abbr title="<?=$this->translate('getit_text_lic_bonus')?>"><?=$this->icon('info', 'icon bonus-info')?></abbr></sup>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<ul class="unstyled-list">
<?php foreach ($urls as $url): ?>
......@@ -19,16 +19,6 @@
* configured in: getitbox.yaml
<?php if ($getitConfig['hideNotice']): ?>
<?php $script = <<<JS
$(document).ready(function() {
<?=$this->inlineScript(\Laminas\View\Helper\HeadScript::SCRIPT, $script, 'SET');?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($openUrlActive): ?>
<div class="getitbox-notices">
<div class="openUrlPrint"></div>
......@@ -68,4 +58,15 @@ JS;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($getitConfig['hideNotice']): ?>
<?php $script = <<<JS
$(document).ready(function() {
<?=$this->inlineScript(\Laminas\View\Helper\HeadScript::SCRIPT, $script, 'SET');?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- fid_bbi: get-it-box - notice - END -->
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