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Commit cc3a2748 authored by Demian Katz's avatar Demian Katz
Browse files

Normalized whitespace.

parent ba176155
No related merge requests found
......@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
<phingcall target="startup" />
<trycatch property="exceptionmsg">
<phingcall target="ci-tasks" />
<phingcall target="ci-tasks" />
<phingcall target="shutdown" />
<fail>Unexpected error during continuous integration tasks -- ${exceptionmsg}</fail>
<phingcall target="shutdown" />
<fail>Unexpected error during continuous integration tasks -- ${exceptionmsg}</fail>
<phingcall target="shutdown" />
......@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
<phpdoc2 title="VuFind API Documentation"
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="module/VuFind/src/**/*.php" />
<!-- This file breaks phpdoc2; exclude until we can figure out why: -->
<exclude name="module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Log/Writer/Stream.php" />
<include name="module/VuFind/src/**/*.php" />
<!-- This file breaks phpdoc2; exclude until we can figure out why: -->
<exclude name="module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Log/Writer/Stream.php" />
......@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
<equals arg1="${dbtype}" arg2="pgsql" />
<!-- build database -->
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP DATABASE ${vufinddb};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP USER ${vufinddbuser};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;CREATE DATABASE ${vufinddb};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;CREATE USER ${vufinddbuser} PASSWORD '${vufinddbpass}';\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;GRANT ALL ON DATABASE ${vufinddb} TO ${vufinddbuser};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<!--<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;select 'grant SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on '||schemaname||'.'||tablename||' to ${vufinddbuser};' from pg_tables where schemaname in ('${vufinddb}') order by schemaname, tablename;\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />-->
<exec command="PGPASSWORD=${vufinddbpass} psql -U ${vufinddbuser} -f ${srcdir}/module/VuFind/sql/postgres.sql ${vufinddb}" checkreturn="true" />
<!-- configure VuFind -->
<exec command="sed -e &quot;s!mysql://root@localhost/vufind!pgsql://${vufinddbuser}:${vufinddbpass}@${pgsqlhost}/${vufinddb}!&quot; ${srcdir}/config/vufind/config.ini &gt; ${srcdir}/local/config/vufind/config.ini" />
<!-- build database -->
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP DATABASE ${vufinddb};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP USER ${vufinddbuser};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;CREATE DATABASE ${vufinddb};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;CREATE USER ${vufinddbuser} PASSWORD '${vufinddbpass}';\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;GRANT ALL ON DATABASE ${vufinddb} TO ${vufinddbuser};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<!--<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;select 'grant SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on '||schemaname||'.'||tablename||' to ${vufinddbuser};' from pg_tables where schemaname in ('${vufinddb}') order by schemaname, tablename;\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />-->
<exec command="PGPASSWORD=${vufinddbpass} psql -U ${vufinddbuser} -f ${srcdir}/module/VuFind/sql/postgres.sql ${vufinddb}" checkreturn="true" />
<!-- configure VuFind -->
<exec command="sed -e &quot;s!mysql://root@localhost/vufind!pgsql://${vufinddbuser}:${vufinddbpass}@${pgsqlhost}/${vufinddb}!&quot; ${srcdir}/config/vufind/config.ini &gt; ${srcdir}/local/config/vufind/config.ini" />
<!-- build database -->
<exec command="mysqladmin -f -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} drop ${vufinddb}" />
<exec command="mysqladmin -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} create ${vufinddb}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysql -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} -e &quot;GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ${vufinddb}.* TO '${vufinddbuser}'@'${mysqlhost}' IDENTIFIED BY '${vufinddbpass}' WITH GRANT OPTION&quot;" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysql -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} -e &quot;FLUSH PRIVILEGES&quot;" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysql -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} -D ${vufinddb} &lt; ${srcdir}/module/VuFind/sql/mysql.sql" checkreturn="true" />
<!-- configure VuFind -->
<exec command="sed -e &quot;s!mysql://root@localhost/vufind!mysql://${vufinddbuser}:${vufinddbpass}@${mysqlhost}/${vufinddb}!&quot; ${srcdir}/config/vufind/config.ini &gt; ${srcdir}/local/config/vufind/config.ini" />
<!-- build database -->
<exec command="mysqladmin -f -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} drop ${vufinddb}" />
<exec command="mysqladmin -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} create ${vufinddb}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysql -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} -e &quot;GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ${vufinddb}.* TO '${vufinddbuser}'@'${mysqlhost}' IDENTIFIED BY '${vufinddbpass}' WITH GRANT OPTION&quot;" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysql -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} -e &quot;FLUSH PRIVILEGES&quot;" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysql -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} -D ${vufinddb} &lt; ${srcdir}/module/VuFind/sql/mysql.sql" checkreturn="true" />
<!-- configure VuFind -->
<exec command="sed -e &quot;s!mysql://root@localhost/vufind!mysql://${vufinddbuser}:${vufinddbpass}@${mysqlhost}/${vufinddb}!&quot; ${srcdir}/config/vufind/config.ini &gt; ${srcdir}/local/config/vufind/config.ini" />
......@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
<equals arg1="${dbtype}" arg2="pgsql" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP DATABASE ${vufinddb};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP USER ${vufinddbuser};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP DATABASE ${vufinddb};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="sudo su -c &quot;psql -c \&quot;DROP USER ${vufinddbuser};\&quot;&quot; ${pgsqlrootuser}" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="mysqladmin -f -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} drop ${vufinddb}" />
<exec command="mysqladmin -f -h ${mysqlhost} -u ${mysqlrootuser} -p${mysqlrootpass} drop ${vufinddb}" />
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
<delete dir="${srcdir}/solr/biblio/spellShingle" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" />
<delete failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${srcdir}/solr/jetty/logs">
<include name="*.log" />
<include name="*.log" />
<delete dir="${srcdir}/local" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" />
......@@ -168,20 +168,20 @@
<istrue value="${filename}"/> <!-- To ignore the last token, as find command output list has ',' after last filename -->
<exec command="basename ${filename}" outputProperty="BASENAME" />
<exec command="basename ${filename}" outputProperty="BASENAME" />
<!-- create custom import configurations to load the MARC filename into the building facet to help
test cases to limit searches to within specific collections of test records. -->
<exec command="echo building=\&quot;${BASENAME}\&quot; &gt; ${srcdir}/import/marc-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<exec command="sed -e &quot;s!!marc-${BASENAME}.properties!&quot; ${srcdir}/local/import/ &gt; ${srcdir}/local/import/import-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<!-- create custom import configurations to load the MARC filename into the building facet to help
test cases to limit searches to within specific collections of test records. -->
<exec command="echo building=\&quot;${BASENAME}\&quot; &gt; ${srcdir}/import/marc-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<exec command="sed -e &quot;s!!marc-${BASENAME}.properties!&quot; ${srcdir}/local/import/ &gt; ${srcdir}/local/import/import-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<!-- perform the import -->
<exec command="VUFIND_HOME=${srcdir} VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR=${srcdir}/local ${srcdir}/ -p ${srcdir}/local/import/import-${BASENAME}.properties ${filename}" outputProperty="LASTOUTPUT" />
<echo message="${LASTOUTPUT}" />
<!-- perform the import -->
<exec command="VUFIND_HOME=${srcdir} VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR=${srcdir}/local ${srcdir}/ -p ${srcdir}/local/import/import-${BASENAME}.properties ${filename}" outputProperty="LASTOUTPUT" />
<echo message="${LASTOUTPUT}" />
<!-- clean up temp files -->
<delete file="${srcdir}/import/marc-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<delete file="${srcdir}/import/import-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<!-- clean up temp files -->
<delete file="${srcdir}/import/marc-${BASENAME}.properties" />
<delete file="${srcdir}/import/import-${BASENAME}.properties" />
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