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_1000157170677.html</link><description>Jean Golein. Traducteur; 1374; The European Library</description></item><item><guid></guid><title>Guillaume Durand , Rational des divins offices [ Rationale divinorum officiorum ] , traduction française par Jean Golein. [Paris, BnF, MSS Français 176]</title><link></link><description>Durand, Guillaume (évêque de Mende). Auteur du texte; The European Library</description></item><item><guid></guid><title>Natural polymorphisms and transmitted drug resistance in Estonian HIV-1 CRF06_cpx and its recombinant viruses</title><link></link><description>Avi, Radko; The European Library</description></item><item><guid></guid><title>Tests for assessing the child’s school readiness and general development. Trial of the tests on the samples of pre-school children and first-grade students in Estonia</title><link></link><description>Häidkind, Pille; The European Library</description></item><item><guid></guid><title>Simultaneous adsorption of Cd2+, Ni2+, and Pb2+ on peat</title><link></link><description>Sõukand, Ülis; The European Library</description></item><item><guid></guid><title>Haaslava valla infoleht 2009. aasta valimiste ajal</title><link></link><description>Vaagen, Ilona; 2011; The European Library</description></item></channel></rss>
'title'=>'Saint Augustin , La cité de Dieu [De Civitate Dei] , (Livres XI-XXII), traduit en français par Raoul de Presles. [Paris, BnF, MSS Français 174]',