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- Branches 20
- release/de_l242/2025_03 protected
- instance/de_15 protected
- instance/fid_nord protected
- release/de_l330/2025_03 protected
- instance/de_l330 protected
- release/fid_bbi/2025_03 protected
- instance/fid_bbi protected
- instance/de_l152 protected
- instance/de_d117 protected
- instance/de_540 protected
- instance/de_zi4 protected
- instance/de_ch1 protected
- finc default protected
- issue/27637
- issue/27596
- release/ba_sn/2025_03 protected
- instance/ba_sn protected
- release/fid_media/2025_03 protected
- instance/fid_media protected
- issue/26658
- Tags 20
- issue/26661/de_15
- instance/fid_media/alpha/26138
- mm-point-of-copy-files-to-finc-search-repo
- instance/de_l152/alpha/27067
- instance/de_zwi2/alpha/27191
- issue/27114_sid0_sid223
- instance/fid_bbi/alpha/26692
- finc-solrdevel
- instance/ba_sn/alpha/26325
- issue/25960_arte
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240813_133000 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240808_130300 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240808_113200 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240801_132900 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240801_105200 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240801_102600 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240731_131000 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240731_110500 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240729_163700 protected
- instance/fid_adlr/staging/20240729_141500 protected
refs #19708 [fid_bbi] load print styles only once · b048d482
Print stylesheet is now a separate file, no need to import it in the main stylesheet.
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