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* Move links to the top * Move charges notice to the bottom * Remove duplicate links * Remove redundant "Online Links" caption * Remove `target="_blank"` from external links; it should be the user's decision if links are opened in the current tab or a new one * Remove breaks from strings * On small screens: ** Remove the vertical decorative lines to make better use of available space ** Change tabs layout so all tabs are clickable, highlight the current tab with a connecting line * fix label on free resources ** Freely available resources no longer have contradictory labels. ** Fix typo in translations. * increase margin on WorldCat link list * improve get-it box ** Add external-link icon ** Use external-link view helper ** Update translations: Remove breaks and fix capitalization * fix resolver links (WIP) ** Remove duplicate resolver links ** Style print links * Fix margins THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND REQUIRES FURTHER CHANGES.
Code owners
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