;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################
;################### Leipzig University Library © 2015 ##############
; This is a ISIL-instance-specific default LANGUAGE-file and inherits
; all the settings from the LANGUAGE-file defined in @parent_ini which
; points to the default LANGUAGE-file located in the folder
; vufind2/local/languages
@parent_ini = "../../../local/languages/de.ini"
; Add instance-specific customization after this header.
;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################
Viola Elsenhans
LibraryName = " - Literatur für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler"
enter-search-term = "Suchbegriff eingeben ..."
Find = "Suchen"
header_text = "Ressourcen für die Kommunikations-, Medien- und Filmwissenschaft"
prefacet_all = "Alles"
prefacet_books_and_more = "Bücher & mehr"
open_search_box = "Suche öffnen"