@echo off
rem #####################################################
rem Make sure that environment edits are local and that we have access to the
rem Windows command extensions.
rem #####################################################
setlocal enableextensions
if not errorlevel 1 goto extensionsokay
echo Unable to enable Windows command extensions.
goto end
rem ##################################################
rem # Set SOLR_HOME
rem ##################################################
if not (!%VUFIND_HOME%!)==(!!) goto vufindhomefound
rem VUFIND_HOME not set -- try to call env.bat to
if exist env.bat goto useenvbat
rem If env.bat doesn't exist, the user hasn't run the installer yet.
echo WARNING: env.bat does not exist -- trying default environment settings.
echo Please run "php install.php" to correct this problem.
rem Extract path from current batch file and trim trailing slash:
set VUFIND_HOME=%~dp0%
goto vufindhomefound
call env > nul
if not (!%VUFIND_HOME%!)==(!!) goto vufindhomefound
echo You need to set the VUFIND_HOME environmental variable before running this script.
goto end
if not (!%SOLR_HOME%!)==(!!) goto solrhomefound
set SOLR_HOME=%VUFIND_HOME%\solr\vufind
rem #####################################################
rem # Build java command
rem #####################################################
if not (!%JAVA_HOME%!)==(!!) goto javahomefound
set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
SET CLASSPATH="browse-indexing.jar;%SOLR_HOME%\jars\*;%SOLR_HOME%\..\vendor\contrib\analysis-extras\lib\*;%SOLR_HOME%\..\vendor\server\solr-webapp\webapp\WEB-INF\lib\*"
SET bib_index=%SOLR_HOME%\biblio\index
SET auth_index=%SOLR_HOME%\authority\index
SET index_dir=%SOLR_HOME%\alphabetical_browse
rem #####################################################
rem If we're being called for the build_browse function, jump there now:
rem #####################################################
if "!%1!"=="!build_browse!" goto build_browse
rem #####################################################
rem If we got this far, we want to go through the main logic:
rem #####################################################
if exist %index_dir% goto nomakeindexdir
mkdir "%index_dir%"
Demian Katz
call %VUFIND_HOME%\index-alphabetic-browse.bat build_browse hierarchy hierarchy_browse
call %VUFIND_HOME%\index-alphabetic-browse.bat build_browse title title_fullStr 1 "-Dbibleech=StoredFieldLeech -Dsortfield=title_sort -Dvaluefield=title_fullStr"
call %VUFIND_HOME%\index-alphabetic-browse.bat build_browse topic topic_browse
call %VUFIND_HOME%\index-alphabetic-browse.bat build_browse author author_browse
call %VUFIND_HOME%\index-alphabetic-browse.bat build_browse lcc callnumber-raw 1 "-Dbrowse.normalizer=org.vufind.util.LCCallNormalizer"
call %VUFIND_HOME%\index-alphabetic-browse.bat build_browse dewey dewey-raw 1 "-Dbrowse.normalizer=org.vufind.util.DeweyCallNormalizer"
goto end
rem Function to process a single browse index:
SET browse=%1
SET field=%2
SET jvmopts=%4
rem Strip double quotes from JVM options:
SET jvmopts=###%jvmopts%###
SET jvmopts=%jvmopts:"###=%
SET jvmopts=%jvmopts:###"=%
SET jvmopts=%jvmopts:###=%
echo Building browse index for %browse%...
set args="%bib_index%" "%field%" "%browse%.tmp"
if "!%3!"=="!1!" goto skipauth
set args="%bib_index%" "%field%" "%auth_index%" "%browse%.tmp"
rem Extract lines from Solr
java %jvmopts% -Dfile.encoding="UTF-8" -Dfield.preferred=heading -Dfield.insteadof=use_for -cp %CLASSPATH% PrintBrowseHeadings %args%
rem Sort lines
sort %browse%.tmp /o sorted-%browse%.tmp /rec 65535
rem Remove duplicate lines
php %VUFIND_HOME%\util\dedupe.php "sorted-%browse%.tmp" "unique-%browse%.tmp"
rem Build database file
java -Dfile.encoding="UTF-8" -cp %CLASSPATH% CreateBrowseSQLite "unique-%browse%.tmp" "%browse%_browse.db"
del /q *.tmp > nul
move "%browse%_browse.db" "%index_dir%\%browse%_browse.db-updated" > nul
echo OK > "%index_dir%\%browse%_browse.db-ready"