GitLab now enforces expiry dates on tokens that originally had no set expiration date. Those tokens were given an expiration date of one year later. Please review your personal access tokens, project access tokens, and group access tokens to ensure you are aware of upcoming expirations. Administrators of GitLab can find more information on how to identify and mitigate interruption in our documentation.
*`--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin
*`--name`: sets the name of the deployment.
*`--charts`: sets the path where the helm-charts reside.
*`--values`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts with values in the specified YAML file. May be provided multiple times.
*`--values`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts with values in the specified YAML file. May be provided multiple times.
*`--set`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts. Provide multiple `--set`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides.
*`--set-string`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts as string. Provide multiple `--set-string`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides.
@@ -103,3 +103,27 @@ $ deployer undeploy \
*`--namespace`: sets the k8s-namespace where the deployment is located. This string is provided by the k8s-admin.
*`--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin
*`--name`: sets the name of the deployment.
# Assumptions
This tool makes a few assumptions in order to simplify usage respecting the workflow and cluster-configuration principals if University Library Leipzig
## One service account per namespace
Namespaces are used to separate a project deployment from another. Each namespace is unique per project per deployment i.e. *website-alpha*, *website-staging* and *website-production*.
The rights of a service account are bound to a namespace, therefore each namespace has its own service account which is allowed to apply deployments in it.
By this we are able to publish the credentials of uncritical deployments such as *alpha* and *staging* to developers, so they can independently deploy their features. The credentials of critical deployments such as *production* are restricted to maintainers which are held responsible for their deployments.
## One Tiller per namespace
*Tiller* - the service component of *Helm* - is deployed in each namespace so they are independent from each other. Also *Tiller* is using the service account of the namespace to create deployments, so that a user can modify or interact with the deployments by using the service accounts credentials.
## Helmchart location
Each project consists of one or more applications which are deployed together in the projects deployment-environment. Each application is responsible for its own components and defines it via helm charts located in the application repository. For consistency this folders should be named `helmchart`.
[Workflow of University Library of Leipzig]: