diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index 11146e6a67ebb0a9fae8c028eebce698cf37bcc3..b6545b12585321afb6f443db11808a8b22d73dbd 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ $ deployer undeploy \
 * `--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin
 * `--name`: sets the name of the deployment.
 * `--charts`: sets the path where the helm-charts reside.
-* `--values`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts with values in the specified YAML file. May be provided multiple times. 
+* `--values`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts with values in the specified YAML file. May be provided multiple times.
 * `--set`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts. Provide multiple `--set`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides.
 * `--set-string`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts as string. Provide multiple `--set-string`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides.
@@ -103,3 +103,27 @@ $ deployer undeploy \
 * `--namespace`: sets the k8s-namespace where the deployment is located. This string is provided by the k8s-admin.
 * `--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin
 * `--name`: sets the name of the deployment.
+# Assumptions
+This tool makes a few assumptions in order to simplify  usage respecting the workflow and cluster-configuration principals if University Library Leipzig
+## One service account per namespace
+Namespaces are used to separate a project deployment from another. Each namespace is unique per project per deployment i.e. *website-alpha*, *website-staging* and *website-production*.
+The rights of a service account are bound to a namespace, therefore each namespace has its own service account which is allowed to apply deployments in it.
+By this we are able to publish the credentials of uncritical deployments such as *alpha* and *staging* to developers, so they can independently deploy their features. The credentials of critical deployments such as *production* are restricted to maintainers which are held responsible for their deployments.
+## One Tiller per namespace
+*Tiller* - the service component of *Helm* - is deployed in each namespace so they are independent from each other. Also *Tiller* is using the service account of the namespace to create deployments, so that a user can modify or interact with the deployments by using the service accounts credentials.
+## Helmchart location
+Each project consists of one or more applications which are deployed together in the projects deployment-environment. Each application is responsible for its own components and defines it via helm charts located in the application repository. For consistency this folders should be named `helmchart`.
+[Workflow of University Library of Leipzig]: https://git.sc.uni-leipzig.de/ubl/git-test/wikis/home
+[Advanced Configuration]: #Advanced-Configuration
+[Docker-Hub]: https://hub.docker.com/u/ubleipzig/dashboard/
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diff --git a/docs/deployenv.md b/docs/deployenv.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e9f386dc0e57feb6b6f01374ba2332110a304673..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/deployenv.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# create deploy environment
-consists of
-* _namespace_: where will all services be deployed
-* _service account_: which account will deploy the services
-## install via helm
-assuming the service-account name is "testuser" and the namespace is "testns"
-$ helm install k8s-admin/deployenv/ \
-	--wait \
-	--name test-deployenv \
-	--set saName=testuser \
-	--set namespace=testns \
-_will create a service account *testuser* in namespace *testns*. the helm install-name is *test-deployenv*_
-# remove serviceaccount
-$ helm delete --purge test-deployenv
-_will remove namespace service account, role and rolebinding for helm-install *test-deployenv*_
-# retrieve bearer token for service account
-$ export ns=testns
-$ export user=testuser
-$ kubectl --namespace $ns get secret $(kubectl --namespace ${ns} get serviceaccount $user -o jsonpath={.secrets[0].name}) -o jsonpath={.data.token}
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diff --git a/docs/workflow.wsd b/docs/workflow.wsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 35206e9ff3880673f727b250f6e7e975ffd2a117..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/workflow.wsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-@startuml "Deploy Alpha"
-"Developer" as dev -> "Gitlab" as gitlab: commit:1-issue
-gitlab -> "CI-Runner" as runner: build image
-runner->runner: docker build
-runner-->gitlab: ok (docker-image)
-gitlab->runner: publish image
-runner->hub as "Docker-Hub": docker push alpha-1-issue
-hub-->runner: ok
-runner-->gitlab: ok
-gitlab->runner: deploy
-runner->cluster as "K8S-Cluster": helm install alpha-1-issue
-cluster->hub: docker pull alpha-1-issue
-hub-->cluster: docker-image
-cluster->cluster: deploy alpha
-cluster-->runner: ok
-runner-->gitlab: ok
-gitlab-->dev: https://alpha.uni-leipzig.de/alpha-1-issue/
\ No newline at end of file