- Jun 12, 2018
Ulf Seltmann authored
refs #12124
- Jun 11, 2018
* adds format-list file to SolrDefault with extended content as compares to BS * this serves format/genre to result list and record view
- Jun 06, 2018
Ulf Seltmann authored
Ulf Seltmann authored
* removed sslcafile-config
- May 31, 2018
Ulf Seltmann authored
Ulf Seltmann authored
Ulf Seltmann authored
* set VUFIND_ENV to development * removed obsolete autoconfig-variables
* update docker-compose.yml to new images * remove /vendor folder * remove /local/dev folder * remove auth.json * update composer.lock
- May 30, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* changes in retrieval of hierarchy parent ID * adds source_id parameter to SOLR-query in closure
- May 16, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
Frank Morgner authored
* update finc master with VuFind v4.1.2 * merge release candidate issue/11810_rc1 in master
* improvement of getOtherRelationshipEntry() at finc\RecordDriver\SolrMarcFincTrait ** resolve identifier to finc id and record id if is available
* prevents display of empty lines when displaying values from merged fields
- May 15, 2018
* remove comment in finc/link-isn.phtml
- May 11, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* bugfixes rewriteLink() type error of preg_replace method for link['url']
- May 04, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* fixes serviceLocator issues at DocumentDeliveryService * fixes the dds form layout
- Apr 30, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* changes translation for Author to Author / Collection /local/languages/en.ini
Frank Morgner authored
Frank Morgner authored
* add German finc_class_facet translation at /local/languages/de.ini
Frank Morgner authored
* add German finc_class_facet translation at /local/languages/de.ini
Frank Morgner authored
* fixes serviceLocator changes by vf4 at /finc/Controller/CustomTraits/ResetPasswordTrait
- Apr 27, 2018
* fixes error message at change password form * catch auth exception and return status array instead
Frank Morgner authored
* bugfix false template name for method of getIndexOfGermanPrints()
- Apr 25, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* fixes serviceLocator changes vf4 for finc/Controller/CustomTrait/EmailHoldtrait.php * fixes Email-Hold-Links * bugfix in route configuration * @todo check side-effects on other link types (refs #11810)
- Apr 23, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* adds default/dummy configuration for localMarcFieldOfLibaryNamespace at [CustomIndex] local/config/vufind/config.ini
* adds finc_class_facet values to finc EN language file
* fixes link color for warning alerts
* fixes toggler behaviour in collection-info
* fixes table summary at lido view - replace with caption
- Apr 18, 2018
* enhances paiaLogin error handling * surpasses VF4-policy of patronLogin returning null on login fail * mixed commit, TODO: sort out instance and finc-master parts
Frank Morgner authored
* fixes serviceLocator changes of vf4 at finc/Controller/CustomTraits/PdaTrait
- Apr 16, 2018
* bugfix misleading message after false login data ** swallow auth exceptions and return null instead ** optimized import statements
- Apr 06, 2018
* changes color of alert shown for possible PDA candidates
Frank Morgner authored
* bugfixin several errors: * fixin missing record-emailholdlink route at finc module.config.php * fixin new implementation of Link Resolvers ** based on vufind pull request https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/685 ** regarding new Interface methods ** @todo check if it's possible to remove code parts of finc\Resolver\Driver\Ezb by regarding different constructors and config container
- Apr 05, 2018
* fixes collection view (accordeon always open) * slightly improves hierarchy-tree view in collection view
- Apr 04, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* adjust ViewHelper methods for finc collection-info.phtml and collection-record.phtml
- Mar 29, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* revert former new namespacing of GetGenericController method at finc\Controller\Factory
- Mar 21, 2018
* fixed styling reporterrorsform
* adds interim fix for aria-hidden issue on modals for module finc
* removes/replaces redundant classes in VF4