An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
* ignore print.css and compiled.css globally in finc gitignore and delete obsolete one in finc css folder
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Gruntfile.js 6.77 KiB
module.exports = function(grunt) {
require('jit-grunt')(grunt); // Just in time library loading
var fs = require('fs');
* @param {string} file
* @return {Array} retval - path to file as Array
function getLoadPaths(file) {
var config;
var parts = file.split('/');
parts.pop(); // eliminate filename
// initialize search path with directory containing LESS file
var retVal = [];
// Iterate through theme.config.php files collecting parent themes in search path:
while (config = fs.readFileSync("themes/" + parts[1] + "/theme.config.php", "UTF-8")) {
// First identify mixins:
var mixinMatches = config.match(/["']mixins["']\s*=>\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/);
if (mixinMatches !== null) {
var mixinParts = mixinMatches[1].split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < mixinParts.length; i++) {
parts[1] = mixinParts[i].trim().replace(/['"]/g, '');
retVal.push(parts.join('/') + '/');
// Now move up to parent theme:
var matches = config.match(/["']extends["']\s*=>\s*['"](\w+)['"]/);
// "extends" set to "false" or missing entirely? We've hit the end of the line:
if (matches === null || matches[1] === 'false') {
parts[1] = matches[1];
retVal.push(parts.join('/') + '/');
return retVal;
var fontAwesomePath = '"../../bootstrap3/css/fonts"';
var lessFileSettings = [{
expand: true,
src: "themes/*/less/compiled.less",
rename: function (dest, src) {
return src.replace('/less/', '/css/').replace('.less', '.css');
// LESS compilation
less: {
compile: {
files: lessFileSettings,
options: {
paths: getLoadPaths,
compress: true,
modifyVars: {
'fa-font-path': fontAwesomePath
// Less with maps
lessdev: {
less: {
// SASS compilation
scss: {
sass: {
options: {
style: 'compress'
// Convert LESS to SASS, mostly for development team use
lessToSass: {
convert: {
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: 'themes/bootstrap3/less',
src: ['*.less', 'components/*.less'],
ext: '.scss',
dest: 'themes/bootstrap3/scss'
expand: true,
cwd: 'themes/bootprint3/less',
src: ['*.less'],
ext: '.scss',
dest: 'themes/bootprint3/scss'
expand: true,
cwd: 'themes/sandal/less',
src: ['*.less'],
ext: '.scss',
dest: 'themes/sandal/scss'
options: {
replacements: [
// Activate SCSS
pattern: /\/\* #SCSS>/gi,
replacement: "/* #SCSS> */",
order: -1 // Do before anything else
pattern: /<#SCSS \*\//gi,
replacement: "/* <#SCSS */",
order: -1
// Deactivate LESS
pattern: /\/\* #LESS> \*\//gi,
replacement: "/* #LESS>",
order: -1
pattern: /\/\* <#LESS \*\//gi,
replacement: "<#LESS */",
order: -1
{ // Change separator in @include statements
pattern: /@include ([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\);/gi,
replacement: function mixinCommas(match, $1, $2) {
return '@include ' + $1 + '(' + $2.replace(/;/g, ',') + ');';
order: 4 // after defaults included in less-to-sass
{ // Remove unquote
pattern: /unquote\("([^"]+)"\)/gi,
replacement: function ununquote(match, $1) {
return $1;
order: 4
{ // Inline &:extends converted
pattern: /&:extend\(([^\)]+)\)/gi,
replacement: '@extend $1',
order: 4
{ // Wrap variables in calcs with #{}
pattern: /calc\([^;]+/gi,
replacement: function calcVariables(match) {
return match.replace(/(\$[^ ]+)/gi, '#{$1}');
order: 4
{ // Remove !default from extends (icons.scss)
pattern: /@extend ([^;}]+) !default;/gi,
replacement: '@extend $1;',
order: 5
watch: {
options: {
atBegin: true
less: {
files: 'themes/*/less/**/*.less',
tasks: ['less']
lessdev: {
files: 'themes/*/less/**/*.less',
tasks: ['lessdev']
scss: {
files: 'themes/*/scss/**/*.scss',
tasks: ['scss']
grunt.registerMultiTask('lessdev', function lessWithMaps() {
grunt.config.set('less', {
dev: {
files: lessFileSettings,
options: {
paths: getLoadPaths,
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFileInline: true,
modifyVars: {
'fa-font-path': fontAwesomePath
grunt.registerMultiTask('scss', function sassScan() {
var sassConfig = {},
path = require('path'),
themeList = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve('themes')).filter(function (theme) {
return fs.existsSync(path.resolve('themes/' + theme + '/scss/compiled.scss'))
|| fs.existsSync(path.resolve('themes/' + theme + '/scss/print.scss'));
* Define mapping of input (scss) to output files (css) for following sass task
for (var i in themeList) {
var config = {
options: {
outputStyle: 'compressed'
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: path.join('themes', themeList[i], 'scss'),
src: ['compiled.scss', 'print.scss'],
dest: path.join('themes', themeList[i], 'css'),
ext: '.css'
for (var key in {
config.options[key] =[key] + '';
/* get Array of unique input paths */
config.options.includePaths = Array.from(
new Set(
getLoadPaths('themes/' + themeList[i] + '/scss/compiled.scss')
.concat(getLoadPaths('themes/' + themeList[i] + '/scss/print.scss'))
sassConfig[themeList[i]] = config;
grunt.config.set('sass', sassConfig);'sass');
grunt.registerTask('default', ['scss']);