GitLab now enforces expiry dates on tokens that originally had no set expiration date. Those tokens were given an expiration date of one year later. Please review your personal access tokens, project access tokens, and group access tokens to ensure you are aware of upcoming expirations. Administrators of GitLab can find more information on how to identify and mitigate interruption in our documentation.
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ From now on charts located in this repository can be deployed by using the `--ch
*`--namespace`: sets the k8s-namespace where the deployment is located. This string is provided by the k8s-admin.
*`--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment.
*`--reset`: this ignores eventually existing config-folders of docker, helm and kubectl and removes them.
*`--debug`: outputs executed commands
## docker build
@@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ From now on charts located in this repository can be deployed by using the `--ch
*`--reset`: this ignores eventually existing config-folders of docker, helm and kubectl and removes them.
*`--image-name`: sets the image name in the local docker-registry. Can be useful for following builds to build upon existing builds
*`--docker-file`: sets the path to the Dockerfile
*`--pull`: tells docker to always pull newer images before building
*`--debug`: outputs executed commands
## docker publish
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ From now on charts located in this repository can be deployed by using the `--ch
*`--tags`: sets the tags of the image. Provide multiple `--tag`-options if you wish to tag an image with multiple tags.
*`--reset`: this ignores eventually existing config-folders of docker, helm and kubectl and removes them.
*`--image-name`: specifys the image name in the local docker-registry to publish
*`--debug`: outputs executed commands
## docker deploy
@@ -131,6 +135,7 @@ From now on charts located in this repository can be deployed by using the `--ch
*`--set-string`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts as string. Provide multiple `--set-string`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides.
*`--timeout`: sets the timeout for helm. defaults to `60` seconds.
*`--reset`: this ignores eventually existing config-folders of docker, helm and kubectl and removes them.
*`--debug`: outputs executed commands
## docker undeploy
@@ -141,6 +146,7 @@ From now on charts located in this repository can be deployed by using the `--ch
*`--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin
*`--name`: sets the name of the deployment.
*`--reset`: this ignores eventually existing config-folders of docker, helm and kubectl and removes them.
*`--debug`: outputs executed commands
## docker add-repo
@@ -152,6 +158,7 @@ From now on charts located in this repository can be deployed by using the `--ch
*`--name`: sets the name of the repo to add.
*`--repo-url`: sets the repository-url of the repo to add.
*`--reset`: this ignores eventually existing config-folders of docker, helm and kubectl and removes them.