Ulf Seltmann authored
* no image-import prior to build
A tool simplifying image building and deploying utilising docker, kubectl and helm. The tool tailors the commands according to the Workflow of University Library of Leipzig for creating official docker images and deploying to alpha- staging- and production environments.
The tool is bundled with docker, kubectl and helm into a docker image itself. You can use it like this:
docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/app ubleipzig/deployer:latest deployer build --build-arg http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128 --output image.tar.gz
the working directory inside the container is /app
, so make sure to bind local files there.
deployer build
This command builds an image from local context. You can set multiple --build-arg
options mainly used for providing proxy-environment variables such as HTTP_PROXY
, http_proxy
, ...
The See Advanced Configuration for more information.
$ deployer build --build-arg http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128 --output image.tar.gz
builds image and saves it to file image.tar.gz
deployer publish
This command publishes an image provided as tar.gz
-file to Docker-Hub. The credentials are provided as file content of dockers config-file located by default under ~/.docker/config.json
$ deployer publish --docker-config "$(cat ~/.docker/config.json)" --input image.tar.gz --name example/image --tag latest --tag 1.0 --tag 1
publishes the image from image.tar.gz
to Docker-Hub as example/image:latest, example/image:1.0 and example/image:1
deployer deploy
This command deploys a helm-chart to a kubernetes cluster. The credentials are provided by the cluster-admin as well as the namespace and the service-account.
$ deployer deploy \
--namespace example_namespace \
--cluster-url https://k8s-cluster.example.com:6443 \
--certificate-authority "$base64_encoded_cacert" \
--token "$base64_encoded_bearer_token" \
--service-account tiller-service-account \
--name example-staging \
--charts ./helmcharts
deploys helm-charts found at ./helmcharts
to namespace example_namespace
Depending on existing deployment with the same name either an installation or an upgrade is performed.