*vufind-httpd* is [VuFind]s default webserver, which delivers file-requests and passes requests through to the php-service. the image is based on [httpd:alpine].
The images are extended by a default configuration with [VuFind]-specific configuration. The configuration expects the [VuFind]-Sources under `/usr/local/vufind`, and the cache-files which are built at [VuFind]-runtime under `/var/cache/vufind`.
Also i created a new *entrypoint* that modifies the configuration based on the value from the environment variable `BASE_PATH`. If you want to access [VuFind] unter http://localhost/vufind you need to provide the environment variable `BASE_PATH=/vufind` on container-create.
## supported tags
* 2.4-*, 2.4, 2, latest ([2.4/Dockerfile])
* vufind1-2.4-*, vufind1-2.4, vufind1-2, vufind1 ([vufind1/Dockerfile])
## Usage of the image
Usage makes only sense in connection with with [vufind-php], which provides the application server of [VuFind]. The server needs to be available as host *php*. Also the [VuFind]-files need to be connected to the container, so that the webserver can serve static content. [VuFind] creates additional cache-files, which have to be served by the webserver. This folder needs to be connected to the container as well.
You can start the webserver as follows:n:
#$ docker run --name httpd \
--link php:php \
--volume /path/to/vufind:/usr/local/vufind:ro \
--volume /path/to/cache:/var/cache/vufind:ro \
--environment BASE_PATH=/vufind
## advanced configuration
### SSL
To start containers with ssl-support enabled one has to modify the containers startup command:
httpd -D FOREGROUND -D ssl
By this apache will load all necessary modules and configuration to enable SSL on port 443. The provided key and certificate are self-signed and not meant for production usage. to provide a valid key and certificate the files `/usr/local/apache2/conf/server.key` and `/usr/local/apache2/conf/server.crt` have to be overridden e.g.
$# docker run --name httpd \
--link php:php \
--volume /path/to/vufind:/usr/local/vufind:ro \
--volume /path/to/cache:/var/cache/vufind:ro \
--volume /path/to/ssl_key.pem:/usr/local/apache2/conf/server.key:ro \
--volume /path/to/ssl_cert.pem:/usr/local/apache2/conf/server.crt \
--environment BASE_PATH=/vufind \
ubleipzig/vufind-httpd \
httpd -D FOREGROUND -D ssl
## Notes
* The _vufind1-*_-Image exists only for development purposes. It enables developers to easily switch containers when they have VuFind1-work to do. The `BASE_PATH`-Option will not work for this Images
* There are no tests until i know how to write them for Docker-images