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Commit e12591fa authored by Steffen Köhler's avatar Steffen Köhler
Browse files

Ship with correct version of hazelcast.xml.

Prepare introducing okapi-config.json
parent cc640096
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #7583 passed with stages
in 2 minutes and 38 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
~ Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -16,21 +16,28 @@
The default Hazelcast configuration. This is used when no hazelcast.xml is present.
Please see the schema for how to configure Hazelcast at
or the documentation at
The default Hazelcast configuration.
This XML file is used when no hazelcast.xml is present.
To learn how to configure Hazelcast, please see the schema at
or the Reference Manual at
<hazelcast xsi:schemaLocation=" hazelcast-config-3.8.xsd"
<!--suppress XmlDefaultAttributeValue -->
<hazelcast xmlns=""
<management-center enabled="false">http://localhost:8080/mancenter</management-center>
<management-center enabled="false">http://localhost:8080/hazelcast-mancenter</management-center>
<port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">${hazelcast.port}</port>
<port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
Allowed port range when connecting to other nodes.
......@@ -42,8 +49,6 @@
<multicast enabled="true">
<tcp-ip enabled="false">
......@@ -63,6 +68,27 @@
<gcp enabled="false">
<azure enabled="false">
<kubernetes enabled="false">
<eureka enabled="false">
......@@ -88,6 +114,9 @@
<!-- iteration count to use when generating the secret key -->
<icmp enabled="false"/>
<partition-group enabled="false"/>
<executor-service name="default">
......@@ -95,6 +124,9 @@
<!--Queue capacity. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE.-->
<queue name="default">
Maximum size of the queue. When a JVM's local queue size reaches the maximum,
......@@ -117,6 +149,8 @@
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<map name="default">
......@@ -139,18 +173,18 @@
Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the map. Entries that are
older than <time-to-live-seconds> and not updated for <time-to-live-seconds>
will get automatically evicted from the map.
Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means infinite. Default is 0.
Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the map. Entries that are
older than <time-to-live-seconds> and not updated for <time-to-live-seconds>
will get automatically evicted from the map.
Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means infinite. Default is 0
Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map. Entries that are
idle(not touched) for more than <max-idle-seconds> will get
automatically evicted from the map. Entry is touched if get, put or containsKey is called.
Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means infinite. Default is 0.
Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map. Entries that are
idle(not touched) for more than <max-idle-seconds> will get
automatically evicted from the map. Entry is touched if get, put or containsKey is called.
Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means infinite. Default is 0.
Valid values are:
......@@ -169,12 +203,14 @@
<max-size policy="PER_NODE">0</max-size>
`eviction-percentage` property is deprecated and will be ignored when it is set.
As of version 3.7, eviction mechanism changed.
It uses a probabilistic algorithm based on sampling. Please see documentation for further details
`min-eviction-check-millis` property is deprecated and will be ignored when it is set.
As of version 3.7, eviction mechanism changed.
It uses a probabilistic algorithm based on sampling. Please see documentation for further details
......@@ -187,13 +223,14 @@
Values of these entries might be different for that same key.
Which value should be set for the key? Conflict is resolved by
the policy set here. Default policy is PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy
There are built-in merge policies such as; entry will be overwritten if merging entry exists for the key. ; entry will be added if the merging entry doesn't exist in the cluster. ; entry with the higher hits wins. ; entry with the latest update wins.
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
Control caching of de-serialized values. Caching makes query evaluation faster, but it cost memory.
......@@ -206,17 +243,55 @@
Configuration for an event journal. The event journal keeps events related
to a specific partition and data structure. For instance, it could keep
map add, update, remove, merge events along with the key, old value, new value and so on.
<event-journal enabled="false">
<event-journal enabled="false">
Configuration for a merkle tree.
The merkle tree is a data structure used for efficient comparison of the
difference in the contents of large data structures. The precision of
such a comparison mechanism is defined by the depth of the merkle tree.
<merkle-tree enabled="false">
<multimap name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<replicatedmap name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<list name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<set name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<jobtracker name="default">
......@@ -247,8 +322,27 @@
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<flake-id-generator name="default">
<atomic-long name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<atomic-reference name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<count-down-latch name="default"/>
......@@ -257,4 +351,26 @@
<lite-member enabled="false"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<cardinality-estimator name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">HyperLogLogMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<scheduled-executor-service name="default">
<merge-policy batch-size="100">com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
<pn-counter name="default">
"storage" : "postgres",
"postgres_host" : "okapi-db",
"postgres_port" : "5432",
"postgres_database" : "okapi",
"postgres_username" : "okapi",
"postgres_password" : "changeMe"
\ No newline at end of file
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