#!/bin/bash # # Wrapper around import-marc.sh to allow import of authority records. # E_BADARGS=65 # No arguments? Display syntax: if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo " Usage: `basename $0` ./path/to/marc.mrc [properties file]" exit $E_BADARGS fi ################################################## # Set VUFIND_HOME ################################################## if [ -z "$VUFIND_HOME" ] then # set VUFIND_HOME to the absolute path of the directory containing this script # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4774054/reliable-way-for-a-bash-script-to-get-the-full-path-to-itself export VUFIND_HOME="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P)" if [ -z "$VUFIND_HOME" ] then exit 1 fi fi # Override some settings in the standard import script: if [ -f "$VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/import_auth.properties" ] then export PROPERTIES_FILE="$VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/import_auth.properties" else export PROPERTIES_FILE="$VUFIND_HOME/import/import_auth.properties" fi # Always use the authority mappings from PROPERTIES_FILE # if the user specified an override file, add that to the setting. MAPPINGS_FILENAMES=($(sed --quiet --expression='s/^\(solr.indexer.properties\s*=\s*\)\(.*\)/\2/p' $PROPERTIES_FILE | tr "," " ")) if [ $# -gt 1 ] then MAPPINGS_FILENAMES+=($2) fi MAPPINGS_FILES="" for MAPPINGS_FILENAME in ${MAPPINGS_FILENAMES[@]}; do if [ -n "$MAPPINGS_FILES" ]; then MAPPINGS_FILES+="," fi if [ -f "$VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/$MAPPINGS_FILENAME" ] then MAPPINGS_FILES+="$VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/$MAPPINGS_FILENAME" else MAPPINGS_FILES+="$VUFIND_HOME/import/$MAPPINGS_FILENAME" fi done export SOLRCORE="authority" export EXTRA_SOLRMARC_SETTINGS="-Dsolr.indexer.properties=$MAPPINGS_FILES" # Call the standard script: $VUFIND_HOME/import-marc.sh $1