;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################
;################### Leipzig University Library © 2015 ##############
; This is a ISIL-instance-specific default LANGUAGE-file and inherits
; all the settings from the LANGUAGE-file defined in @parent_ini which
; points to the default LANGUAGE-file located in the folder
; vufind2/local/languages

@parent_ini = "../../../local/languages/en.ini"

;       Add instance-specific customization after this header.
;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################

LibraryName = "adlr.link - Literatur für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler"

enter-search-term = "Enter search term ..."

About Us = About us
Blog = Blog
Create New Account = "Register"
Deutsch = "German"
Find = "Search"
Login = "Login"
Menu = "Menu"
Press Databases = Press Databases, E-Books
Specific Databases = Subject-Specific Databases
header_text = "Ressources for the communication, media and film sciences"
prefacet_all = "All"
prefacet_books_and_more = "Books & more"
open_search_box = "Open Search Box"
Refine Results = "Filter"
clear_tag_filter_all = "Clear all Filters"
get_it = "Get it"

# facet_avail
Availability = "Access"
Free    = "Open Access"
Local   = "Physical Resources"
Online  = "Online Resources"

# Pagination
Page = "Page"
of = "of"

# SearchTabs
All = "All"
AV-Media = "AV-Media"
Releases = "New Releases"
Texts = "Texts"

# SearchToggler
Apply Filters = "apply filter"
Apply Format Filters = "apply format filter"
Close Search = "close search"
Open Search = "open search"

Format = "Media Type"
view_worldcat = "Available in this Libraries"
Description = "further information"