#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (C) 2021 Leipzig University Library # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # @author Robert Lange <lange@ub.uni-leipzig.de> # @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GNU GPLv3 # this script merges token files and removes unused / duplicate tokens with parent and target translation file *.ini # assumes You are in projects base dir # if new translations are on alpha, first copy files via: # scp -r [user]@[instance]/[issue_number]/data/i18n/languages /[path_to_instance_directory]/data/i18n/languages Help() { # Display Help echo "Usage: $0 path/to/language/with/new/tokens path/to/language/file/of/instance [path/to/parent/file/of/instance]" echo "example command 1: \"devops/i18n-merge.sh data/i18n/languages/de.ini de_zi4/languages/de.ini local/languages/de.ini\""; echo "if new translations are on alpha, first copy files via: scp -r [user]@[instance]/[issue_number]/data/i18n/languages /[path_to_instance_directory]/data/i18n/languages" } while getopts ":h" option; do case $option in h) # display Help Help exit;; \?) # incorrect option echo "Error: Invalid option" exit 1; esac done CACHE_FILE=$1; INSTANCE_FILE=$2; PARENT_FILE=$3; HAS_ERROR=0; if [ -z "$CACHE_FILE" ] || [ -z "$INSTANCE_FILE" ]; then Help exit 1; else if [ ! -f "$CACHE_FILE" ] then echo "Language File "$CACHE_FILE" does not exist on your filesystem."; HAS_ERROR=1; fi if [ ! -f "$INSTANCE_FILE" ] then echo "Language File "$INSTANCE_FILE" does not exist on your filesystem."; HAS_ERROR=1; fi if [ ${CACHE_FILE##*/} != ${INSTANCE_FILE##*/} ] then echo "Cache file "$CACHE_FILE" and language file "$INSTANCE_FILE" must have same file name."; HAS_ERROR=1; fi fi if [ -z "$CACHE_FILE" ]; then if [ ! -f "$PARENT_FILE" ]; then echo "Parent Language File "$PARENT_FILE" does not exist on your filesystem."; HAS_ERROR=1; fi if [ ${CACHE_FILE##*/} != ${PARENT_FILE##*/} ]; then echo "Cache file "$CACHE_FILE" and parent file "$PARENT_FILE" must have same file name."; HAS_ERROR=1; fi fi if [ ! -z "$PARENT_FILE" ]; then if [ ${INSTANCE_FILE##*/} != ${PARENT_FILE##*/} ]; then echo "Instance file "$INSTANCE_FILE" and parent file "$PARENT_FILE" must have same file name."; HAS_ERROR=1; fi fi if [ $HAS_ERROR = 1 ] then exit 1; fi echo "Read new tokens from $CACHE_FILE." declare -A newTokens declare -a newTokensOrder while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ] # handle possible missing newline in last line do if [ ! -z "$line" ]; then # ignore empty lines key=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,0,st-1)}') value=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,st+1)}') newTokens["$key"]="$value" newTokensOrder+=("$key"); fi done < $CACHE_FILE echo "Reading and minify existing tokens from $INSTANCE_FILE" declare -A instanceTokens declare -A instanceComments declare -a instanceTokensOrder i=0 while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; # handle possible missing newline in last line do if [ -z "$line" ]; then #echo "empty" instanceTokensOrder+=("X_empty_X"); elif [[ ${line:0:1} == "#" ]] || [[ ${line:0:1} == ";" ]]; then #echo "comment" instanceTokensOrder+=("X_comment_$i") instanceComments["X_comment_$i"]="$line" elif [[ ${line:0:11} == "@parent_ini" ]]; then #echo "relative path to parent ini" instanceTokensOrder+=("X_comment_$i") instanceComments["X_comment_$i"]="$line" #PARENT_FILE=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,st+3)} ' | sed 's/.$//') #PARENT_FILE=$(echo "${PARENT_FILE#@(.)}") #PARENT_FILE="${INSTANCE_FILE}/${PARENT_FILE}" #echo "$PARENT_FILE" else key=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,0,st-1)}') value=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,st+1)}') #echo "$line" # only add to instanceTokensOrder when key entry is NOT already existing -> remove duplicates / ignored by letting latest entry win if [[ -n "${instanceTokens["$key"]}" ]]; then echo "* remove duplicate token \"${key}\" with obsolete value ${instanceTokens["$key"]} by $value." else instanceTokensOrder+=("$key"); fi instanceTokens["$key"]="$value"; fi ((i=i+1)) done < $INSTANCE_FILE if [ -f "$PARENT_FILE" ]; then echo "Reading and minifying existing tokens from $PARENT_FILE..." declare -A parentTokens declare -a parentTokensOrder while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ] do if [ -z "$line" ] || [[ ${line:0:1} == "#" ]] || [[ ${line:0:1} == ";" ]] || [[ ${line:0:11} == "@parent_ini" ]]; then continue else key=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,0,st-1)}') value=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,st+1)}') #echo "$line" # only add to instanceTokensOrder when key entry is NOT already existing -> remove duplicates / ignored by letting latest entry win if [[ ${instanceTokens["$key"]} == "$value" ]] ; then #instanceTokens["$key"]="$value"; echo "* remove duplicate token \"${key}\" and $value with parent file." instanceTokens["$key"]="X_duplicate_X"; fi fi done < $PARENT_FILE fi echo "Adding new token translations..." for i in "${!newTokensOrder[@]}" do if [[ -n "${instanceTokens[${newTokensOrder[$i]}]}" ]]; then echo "* replace token \"${newTokensOrder[$i]}\" with old value ${instanceTokens[${newTokensOrder[$i]}]} by new value $value" else instanceTokensOrder+=("${newTokensOrder[$i]}"); echo "* add new token \"${newTokensOrder[$i]}\" with value ${newTokens[${newTokensOrder[$i]}]}" fi instanceTokens["${newTokensOrder[$i]}"]="${newTokens[${newTokensOrder[$i]}]}"; done echo "4) Writing merged translations to instance file..." true > "${INSTANCE_FILE}" for i in "${!instanceTokensOrder[@]}" do key="${instanceTokensOrder[$i]}" if [[ "$key" == "X_empty_X" ]]; then #echo "empty" echo -en '\n' >> "${INSTANCE_FILE}" elif [[ ${key:0:10} == "X_comment_" ]]; then #echo "comment" echo "${instanceComments[${key}]}" >> "${INSTANCE_FILE}" elif [[ "${instanceTokens[${key}]}" != "X_duplicate_X" ]]; then #echo "$key" echo "${key}=${instanceTokens[${key}]}" >> "${INSTANCE_FILE}" fi done