user_update_form_title = Change account data required_fields_note = All fields marked with an asterisk * are required. label_job_title = User group job_title_0 = Faculty staff (Full/Associate professor, Reader, Senior lecturer) job_title_1 = Faculty staff (Assistant professor, Lecturer) job_title_2 = Faculty staff (Instructor) job_title_3 = Doctoral student/Scholarship holder (without a position at a university/research institution) job_title_4 = Adjunct/Visiting Lecturer job_title_5 = Member of a scientific association (without position at a university/research institution) job_title_6 = Student (Bachelor) job_title_7 = Student (Master) job_title_8 = Librarian/Subject specialist in libraries/Archivist job_title_9 = Other job_title_notice_prefix = If you would like to update your user group, please send us a job_title_notice_suffix = message label_college = University/institution label_salutation = Form of address label_address_0 = Office address label_address_0_line_1 = Street/no. label_address_0_line_2 = Department label_address_0_zip = Postal code label_address_0_city = City label_address_0_country = Country label_address_1 = Home address label_address_1_line_1 = Street/no. label_address_1_line_2 = Address supplement label_address_1_zip = Postal code label_address_1_city = City label_address_1_country = Country error_home_address_value = "This value is required." label_delivery_address = Use my home address as delivery address label_newsletter = Yes, I would like to receive regular information about new releases and improvements at by e-mail (approx. once a month). label_deleted = Flagged for deletion Edit Account = Change account data granted_groups = Access to requested_groups = Access requested label_access_level_basic_access = "Basic account only, no orders or licenses" label_access_level_limited_access = All services label_access_level_full_access = All services and licenses label_access_level_extended_access = All services and licenses and staff view permission_limited_access = "Access to all services" permission_full_access = "Access to services and licenses" permission_extended_access = "Access to all services and licenses and staff view" acquisition_fid_name = "" acquisition_library = "Leipzig University Library" acquisition_error_page_selection = "The page range you specify exceeds the 10 percent of the total volume permitted by copyright law. The team will therefore probably not be able to process your order. Please check your order details. Order anyway?" password_reset_form_title = "Change password" password_reset_form_information = "Please enter the e-mail address by which you registered your user account at We will send you a link to change your password." username_change_form_information = "Please enter your new e-mail address. We will send you a link to confirm your new email address. Then you can login to with your new e-mail address." #17031 save_privacy = Privacy setting saved #19182 label_newsletter_profile = Newsletter requested newsletter_1 = yes newsletter_0 = no auth_error_account_deleted = Your account is marked for deletion and your data will be permanently removed during the next maintenance run. Please contact us at to unblock and prevent deletion.