;------ ; refs #14912 new format translations due to k10plus translation ;------ # FormatCalculator Results eBook = E-Book Book = Book BookComponentPart = Book Component Part ElectronicBookComponentPart = E-Book Component Part SerialComponentPart = Article ElectronicSerialComponentPart = E-Article Newspaper = Newspaper ElectronicNewspaper = Electronic Newspaper Journal = Journal ElectronicJournal = Electronic Journal Serial = Serial ElectronicSerial = Electronic Serial Manuscript = Manuscript Kit = Kit NotatedMusic = Notated Music CartographicImage = Cartographic Image Slide = Slide Sounds = Sounds PerformedMusic = Performed Music StillImage = Still Image ComputerData = Computer Data Object = Object BluRayAudio = Blu Ray Audio BluRayDisc = Blu Ray Disc CD = CD CDROM = CD-ROM FloppyDisc = Floppy Disc DualDisc = Dual Disc DVDAudio = DVD Audio DVDROM = DVD-ROM DVDVideo = DVD Video MicroSD = Micro SD VinylRecord = Vinyl Record SDCard = SD Card USBFlashDrive = USB Drive Sheet = Sheet Flipchart = Flip Chart Object = Object Card = Card Roll = Roll MemoryCard = Memory Card ComputerChipCartridge = Computer Chip Cartridge ComputerDiscCartridge = Computer Disk Cartridge ComputerTapeCartridge = Computer Tape Cartridge ComputerTapeCassette = Computer Tape Cassette ComputerTapeReel = Computer Tape OtherComputerCarrier = Computer Carrier ApertureCard = Aperture Card Microfiche = Microfiche MicroficheCassette = Microfiche Cassette MicrofilmCartridge = Microfilm Cartridge MicrofilmCassette = Microfilm Cassette MicrofilmSlip = Microfilm Slip MicrofilmRoll = Microfilm Roll MicrofilmReel = Microfilm Reel Microopaque = Micro Opaque OtherMicroformCarrier = Microform FilmCartridge = Film Cartridgee FilmCassette = Film Cassette FilmRoll = Film Roll FilmReel = Film Reel Filmslip = Film Slip FilmstripCartridge = Film Strip Cartridge Filmstrip = Film Strip OverheadTransparency = Overhead Transparency OtherTransparentCarrier = Other Transparent Carrier StereographCard = Stereograph Card StereographDisc = Stereograph Disc OtherStereographCarrier = Other Stereograph Carrier AudioCartridge = Audio Cartridge AudioDisc = Audio Disk AudioCassette = Audio Cassette AudioWireReel = Audio Wire Reel AudioCylinder = Audio Cylinder AudioTapeReel = Audio Tape Reel SoundTrackReel = Sound Track Reel OtherAudioCarrier = Audio Carrier MicroscopeSlide = Microscope Slide OtherMicroscopeCarrier = Microscope Carrier VideoTapeReel = Videotape Reel VideoCartridge = Video Cartridge VideoDisc = Video Disc VideoCassette = Video Cassette OtherVideoCarrier = Video Carrier Atlas = Atlas Globe = Globe TactileText = Tactile Text Collage = Collage Drawing = Drawing Painting = Painting Print = Print Photonegative = Photonegativ FlashCard = Flash Card Chart = Chart Photo = Photo SensorImage = Sensor Image NotatedMovement = Notated Movement ComputerDataset = Computer Dataset ComputerProgram = Computer Programm ThreeDimensionalForm = Three Dimensional Form ThreeDimensionalMovingImage = Three Dimensional Moving Image SpokenWord = Spoken Word CartographicThreeDimensionalForm = Cartographic Three Dimensional Form CartographicDataset = Cartographic Dataset CartographicMovingImage = Cartographic Moving Image CartographicImage = Cartographic Image CartographicTactileImage = Cartographic Tactile Image CartographicTactileThreeDimensionalForm = Cartographic Tactile Three Dimensional Form TactileNotatedMovement = Tactile Notated Movement TactileThreeDimensionalForm = Tactile Three Dimensional Form TactileNotatedMusic = Tactile Notated Music TactileImage = Tactile Image StillImage = Still Image TwoDemensionalMovingImage = Video ExhibitionCatalogue = Exhibition Catalogue Autobiography = Autobiography Bibliography = Bibliography IllustratedBook = Illustrated Book Biography = Biography ComicBook = Comic Database = Database CommemorativePublication = Commemorative Publication Thesis = Thesis Audiobook = Audio Book ConferenceProceedings = Conference Proceedings LooseLeafCollection = Loose Leaf Collection MonographSeries = Monograph Series Textbook = Textbook Weblog = Weblog Website = Website Magazine = Magazine ManuscriptFragement = Manuscript Fragement Correspondence = Correspondence PersonalDocument = Personal Document SerialPart = Serial Part CollectorsItem = Collectors Item SpecialPrint = Special Print EncyclopediaEntry = Encyclopedia Entry TwoDemensionalMovingImage = Video WorkingManuscripts = Working Manuscripts # specific Unknown = Unknown DBIS = DBIS LockerKey = Locker Key NaxosCD = Naxos CD # format_finc facet Article, E-Article = Article, E-Article Audio = Audio Sheet = Sheet Book, E-Book = Book, E-Book Card = Card Database = Database DBIS = DBIS Flipchart = Flipchart Journal, E-Journal = Journal, E-Journal Kit = Kit Map = Map Notated Music = Notated Music Software = Software Tactile Media = Tactile Media Unknown Format = Unknown Format Video = Video ; refs #14912 supplement - adds detected missing format BookPart = Chapter ElectronicArticle = E-Article ElectronicBook = E-Book ElectronicBookPart = E-Chapter ElectronicIntegratingResource = Electronic Resource ElectronicMap = Electronic Map ElectronicMusicalScore = Electronic Musical Score ElectronicNotatedMusic = Electronic Notated Music ElectronicProceeding = Electronic Proceeding ElectronicResourceRemoteAccess = Electronic Resource ElectronicSoundRecordingMedium = Sound Recording Online ElectronicThesis = Electronic Thesis ElectronicVideo = Electronic Video MusicalScore = Musical Score VideoTape = Video Tape ;------ ; maybe deprecated format translations - remains after checking doubles for new format facets ;------ ;Electronicserial = Electronic Serial ;Electronicnewspaper = Electronic Newspaper ;Article = Article ;Electronicarticle = Electronic Article ;Electronicthesis = Electronic Thesis ;AudioTape = Audio Tape ;Audiotape = Audio Tape ;Cd = CD ;Dvdaudio = DVD Audio ;MusicRecording = Music Recording ;Musicrecording = Music Recording ;Record = Record ;SoundRecordingMedium = Sound Recording Medium ;Soundrecordingmedium = Sound Recording Medium ;Electronicsoundrecordingmedium = Sound Recording Online ;SoundCassette = Sound Cassette ;Soundcassette = Sound Cassette ;SoundDisc = Sound Disc ;Sounddisc = Sound Disc ;SoundRecording = Sound Recording ;Soundrecording = Sound Recording ;AudioVisualMedia = Audio Visual Media ;Audiovisualmedia = Audio Visual Media ;Bluraydisc = Blu-Ray Disc ;Dvdvideo = DVD Video ;MotionPicture = Motion Picture ;Motionpicture = Motion Picture ;Videotape = Video Tape ;Videocartridge = Video Cartridge ;Videocassette = Video Cassette ;Videodisc = Video Disc ;VideoReel = Video Reel ;Videoreel = Video Reel ;ArtPrint = Art Print ;Artprint = Art Print ;Flashcard = Flash Card ;Placard = Placard ;Sensorimage = Sensor Image ;Transparency = Transparency ;Cdrom = CD-ROM ;ChipCartridge = Chip Cartridge ;Chipcartridge = Chip Cartridge ;DiscCartridge = Disc Cartridge ;Disccartridge = Disc Cartridge ;DVDO = DVDO ;Dvdrom = DVD-ROM ;FloppyDisk = Floppy Disk ;Floppydisk = Floppy Disk ;TapeCartridge = Tape Cartridge ;Tapecartridge = Tape Cartridge ;TapeCassette = Tape Cassette ;Tapecassette = Tape Cassette ;TapeReel = Tape Reel ;Tapereel = Tape Reel ;Microform = Microform ;MusicalScore = Musical Score ;Musicalscore = Musical Score ;Notatedmusic = Notated Music ;Electronicmusicalscore = Electronic Musical Score ;Nachlass = Estate ;PhysicalObject = Physical Object ;Physicalobject = Physical Object # Electronic = # Electronic ;ElectronicResourceDataCarrier = Electronic Resource Data Carrier ;ResourceDataCarrier = Electronic Resource Data Carrier ;Electronicresourcedatacarrier = Electronic Resource Data Carrier ;Electronicresourceremoteaccess = "Electronic Resource (Remote Access)" ;ElectronicIntegratingResource = "Electronic Resource (Remote Access)" ;Conference Proceedings = Conference Proceedings ;conference_proceedings = Conference Proceedings ;conference_proceeding = Conference Proceedings ;Conferenceproceeding = Conference Proceedings ;dissertations = Dissertations ;Dissertations = Dissertations ;Legal Document = Legal Document ;Multimedia = Multimedia ;Newspaper Article = Newspaper Article ;Newspaper Articles = Newspaper Articles ;newspaper_articles = Newspaper Articles ;Reference Entry = Reference Entry ;Review = Review ;review = Review ;reviews = Reviews ;Text = Text ;Textresource = Text Resource ;text_resource = Text Resource ;text_resources = Text Resources ;Accession = Accession ;accession = Accession ;Art Print = Art Print ;articleearticle = Article ;Articleearticle = Article ;article = Article ;Articles = Articles ;articles = Articles ;Audio Tape = Audio Tape ;Audio-Visual Media = Audio-Visual Media ;Blu-Ray Disc = Blu-Ray Disc ;books = Books ;Chip Cartridge = Chip Cartridge ;Create QR Code = Create QR Code ;dvdo = DVDO ;Ebook = E-Book ;ElectronicBook = E-Book ;ElectronicBookPart = E-Book Chapter ;Electronic Article = Electronic Article ;Electronic Journal = Electronic Journal ;Electronic Media = Electronic Media ;Electronic Newspaper = Electronic Newspaper ;Electronic Resource (Data Carrier) = Electronic Resource (Data Carrier) ;Electronic Resource (Remote Access) = Electronic Resource (Remote Access) ;Electronic Serial = Electronic Serial ;Electronic Thesis = Electronic Thesis ;Floppy Disk = Floppy Disk ;Images = Images ;Journal / Newspaper = Journal / Newspaper ;Motion Picture = Motion Picture ;Music Recording = Music Recording ;Newspaper, E-Paper = Newspaper, E-Paper ;ReliefPrint = Relief Print ;Sound Cassette = Sound Cassette ;Sound Disc = Sound Disc ;Sound Recording Medium = Sound Recording Medium ;Sound Recording = Sound Recording ;Tape Cartridge = Tape Cartridge ;Tape Cassette = Tape Cassette ;Tape Reel = Tape Reel ;Theses = Theses ;Video Cartridge = Video Cartridge ;Video Cassette = Video Cassette ;Video Disc = Video Disc ;Video Reel = Video Reel ;Video Tape = Video Tape ;Visual Media = Visual Media ;------ ; end of remaining format tanslations ;------ AND = AND APA Citation = "APA Citation" Access = Access Account = Account Add = Add Add a Note = "Add a Note" # Add to favorites = "Add to Favorites" Add to favorites = "Favorite" Add your comment = "Add your Comment" Address = Address Address Additional = "Address Addendum" Advanced = Advanced Audience = Audience # Author = Creator Author = "Author / Corporation" Available = Available Awards = Awards Backtrace = Backtrace Bag = Bag Balance = Balance Bereich = Area Bookchapter = "Book Chapter" Bookmark = Bookmark Books = Books Braille = Braille # Brazilian Portuguese = "Português (Brasil)" Brazilian Portuguese = "Portuguese (Brazil)" Browse = Browse Browse the Collection = "Browse the Collection" By = By By Alphabetical = "In Alphabetic Order" Cannot find similar records = "Cannot find similar records." Cassette = Cassette Checkedoutpermanent = "Checked Out Permanent Items" # Chinese = "中文(繁體)" Chinese = Chinese Clock = "" Code = Code Comments = Comments Contents = Contents Copies = Copies Copy = Copy Course = Course Create New Account = "Create New Account" Created = Created DVD = DVD Date = Date Days = Days Delete = Delete Department = Department Description = Description Desired Username = "Desired User Name" Displaying the top = "Displaying the Top" Dissertation Note = Dissertation Note Document delivery = "Document Delivery" Document delivery - Medicine = "Document Delivery - Medicine" Due = Due # Dutch = Nederlands Dutch = Dutch Edit = Edit Edition = Edition Electronic = "Electronic Resource" Electronic Resources = "Electronic Resources" Electronicjournal = "Electronic Journal" Email = E-Mail Email Address = "E-Mail Address" Email Record = "E-Mail Record" Email address is invalid = "E-mail address is invalid" Email this = "E-mail this" Email this Search = "E-Mail this Search" Empty = Empty English = English Era = Era Extent Author = [et al.] Excerpt = Excerpt Expires = Expires Export = Export Favorites = Favorites Fee = Fee Find = Find Fine = Fine Fines = Fines Format = "Type of Resource" Former catalogue = "Former Catalog" # French = Français French = French Full description = "Full Description" full text = "Full Text" Genre = Genre Geography = Geography # German = Deutsch German = German Get full text = "Get additional information online" # Greek = Ελληνικά Greek = Greek Grid = Grid Group = Group # Hebrew = עברית Hebrew = Hebrew History = History Holdings = Holdings Holdings details from = "Holdings Details from" Holdnep-Submit = "Patron Driven Acquisition" Holds = Holds Home = Home ISBN = ISBN ISBN/ISSN = "ISBN / ISSN" ISSN = ISSN Illustrated = Illustrated In order to establish you account profile, please enter the following information = "In order to establish your account profile, please enter the following information" Institution = Institution Instructor = Instructor Internet = Internet Interlibrary loan = "Interlibrary Loan" Interlibrary loan information = "Interlibrary Loan Information" Interlibrary loan - Medicine = "Interlibrary Loan - Medicine" Interlibraryloans = "Interlibrary Loans" Invalid Recipient Email Address = "Invalid recipient e-mail address" Invalid Sender Email Address = "Invalid sender e-mail address" # Irish = Gaeilge Irish = Irish Issue = Issue # Italian = Italiano Italian = Italian # Japanese = 日本語 Japanese = Japanese Journals = Journals Kollektion = Collection Kontakt = Contact Language = Language Library = Library Library Catalog Username = "Library Catalog User Name" Limit To = "Limit to" Link to = "To Website" List = List Loading = Loading Located = Located Location = Location Lockaccount = "Block my Account" Login = "My Account" Login-to-account = "Login" Logout = Logout Maps = Maps Membercode = "Library Card No." Message = Message Message From Sender = "Message from Sender" Microfilm = Microfilm More Summon results = "More Summon Results" More catalog results = "More Catalog Results" More options = "More Options" Multiple Branches = "Multiple Branches" Multiple Call Numbers = "Multiple Call Numbers" MyResearch Help = "MyResearch Help" NOT = NOT Narrow Search = "Refine my Results" Nep = "Acquisition" Next = Next No Preference = "No Preference" No Tags = "No Tags" No citations are available for this record = "No citations are available for this record." No reviews were found for this record = "No reviews were found for this record." Not On Reserve = "Not on Reserve" Note = Note Notes = Notes Number = Number OR = OR On Reserve - Ask at Circulation Desk = "On Reserve - Please contact staff". On Site = Library Participants = Contributors Password = Password Password Again = "Repeat new password" Password Change = "Change Password" Password Current = "Current password" Password New = "New password" Password Strength = "Password strength" Past = Past Permanent Checked Out Items = "Checked Out Permanent Items" Place a Hold = "Request" Please check back soon = "Please check back soon." Please contact the Library Reference Department for assistance = "Please contact staff." # Portuguese = "Português" Portuguese = Portuguese Prev = Prev Private = Private Profile = Profile Provider = Provider Public = Public Publication = Publication Published = published PubList = "Public List" Range = Range Range slider = "Range Slider" Reader Card = "Library Card No." Readingroommedia = "Reading Room Items" Readyforcollection = "Circulation Desk" Readyforcollectionstacks = "Circulation Desk" Recall This = "Recall this" Recent acquisitions = "Recent Acquisitions" Region = Region Remove all Filters = "remove all Filters" Reserves = Reserves Results per page = "Results per Page" Reviews = Reviews RVK = "RVK Notation" Save = Save Search = Search Search For = "Search for" Search For Items on Reserve = "Search for Items on Reserve" Search RVK-Online = "Search via RVK-Online" See also = "See Also" Select your carrier = "Select your Carrier" Selfcheckout = "Self-Checkout" Send = Send Series = Series Set = Set Set Multipart = Series Showing = Showing # Simplified Chinese = "中文(简体)" Simplified Chinese = "Simplified Chinese" Sort = "Sorted by" # Spanish = Español Spanish = Spanish StackRequest = "Stack Request" Start Page = "Start Page" Status = Status Subject = Subject Submit = Submit Suggestions for acquisition = "Suggestions for Acquisition" Summary = Summary Switch view to = "Switch View to" Systemmessage = "System Messages" Tag = Tag Tags = Tags That email address is already used = "This e-mail address is already used." That username is already taken = "This user name is already taken." This email was sent from = "This e-mail was sent from" Title = Title Topic = Topic Topics = Topics # Turkish = Türkçe Turkish = Turkish Username = "User ID" Username cannot be blank = "User name cannot be blank" Valid until = "Card valid until" VHS = VHS Videos = Videos View online: Full view Book Preview from the Hathi Trust = "View Online: View full book preview from Hathi Trust" Volume = Volume Warning: These citations may not always be 100% accurate = "Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work" Web = Web # Welsh = "Cymraeg" Welsh = Welsh Yesterday = Yesterday You do not have any fines = "You do not have any fines." You do not have any holds or recalls placed = "You do not have any holds or recalls placed." You do not have any items checked out = "You do not have any items checked out." You do not have any saved resources = "You do not have any saved resources." You must be logged in first = "You must log in first" Your Account = "My Account" Your book bag is empty = "Your Book Bag is empty" Your search terms = "Your Search Terms" Zip = Zip ### Standardbenennung sollte nach englisch geändert und dann in der de.ini auf ### deutsche Bezeichnung gemappt werden: Zweigbibliothek = "Branch Library" Fachgebiet = Subject #### add_favorite_fail = "Error: Record not saved" add_favorite_prefix = Add add_favorite_suffix = "to Favorites" add_list_fail = "Error: List not created" add_other_libraries = "Include articles at other libraries" add_search = "Add Search Field" add_search_group = "Add Search Group" add_tag_error = "Error: Could not save tags" add_tag_error_chars = "Tag should have 2 chars and at minimum and 25 at maximum." add_tag_example = "Example: "Romeo and Julia" Shakespeare English" add_tag_note = "Use a comma or press [ENTER] to separate tags. Maximum length of a tag is 25 characters." add_tag_success = "Tags saved" advSearchError_noRights = "Sorry, but you don't have permission to edit this search. Perhaps your browser session has expired?" advSearchError_notAdvanced = "The search you have requested to edit is not an advanced search." advSearchError_notFound = "The search you have requested was not found." adv_search_all = "All Fields" adv_search_author = "Person / Institution" adv_search_callnumber = "Call Number" adv_search_filters = "Applied Filters" adv_search_isn = "ISBN / ISSN" adv_search_journaltitle = "Journal Title" adv_search_label = "Search for" adv_search_publisher = Publisher adv_search_publishPlace = "Place of Publication" adv_search_rvk = RVK adv_search_select_all = "Select All" adv_search_series = Series adv_search_subject = Subject adv_search_title = Title adv_search_toc = "Table of Contents" adv_search_year = "Year of Publication" alphabrowse_matches = "Titles" authentication_error_admin = "We cannot log you in at this time. Please contact staff." authentication_error_blank = "Login information cannot be blank." authentication_error_denied = "Credentials do not match! Access denied." authentication_error_invalid = "Invalid login – please try again." authentication_error_technical = "We cannot log you in at this time. Please try again later." basic_search_keep_filters = "Retain my Current Filters" banner_text = "Your opinion, please" banner_link = "comment on the blog!" bookbag_confirm_empty = "Are you sure you want to empty your Book Bag?" bookbag_delete = "Delete Selected Book Bag Items" bookbag_delete_selected = "Delete Selected" bookbag_email = "E-mail Selected Book Bag Items" bookbag_email_selected = "E-mail Selected" bookbag_export = "Export Selected Book Bag items" bookbag_export_selected = "Export Selected" bookbag_full = "Full" bookbag_full_msg = "Your Book Bag is full" bookbag_is_empty = "Your Book Bag is empty" bookbag_print_selected = "Print Selected" bookbag_save = "Save Selected Book Bag Items" bookbag_save_selected = "Save Selected" bookchapter = "Book Chapter" book_chapter = "Book Chapter" booking_nep_successful = "Thank you for your purchase order. We will inform you about further proceedings via e-mail." bounded_book = "Please follow this link to check availability." browse_dewey = "Call Number (Dewey)" browse_lcc = "Call Number (LC)" bulk_email_success = "Your item(s) were e-mailed" bulk_email_title = "Library Catalog Items" bulk_error_missing = "Some data was missing. Your request was not successful." bulk_export_not_supported = "The record(s) you have selected do not support bulk export." bulk_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again." bulk_noitems_advice = "No items were selected. Please click on a checkbox next to an item and try again." bulk_save_error = "Some data was missing. Your items were not saved." bulk_save_success = "Your item(s) were saved successfully" by = by callnumber_abbrev = "Call #" cat_establish_account = "In order to establish your account profile, please enter the following information:" cat_password_abbrev = "Catalog Password" cat_username_abbrev = "Catalog User Name" close = close comment_error_load = "Error: Could not redraw comment list" comment_error_save = "Error: Could not save comment" confirm_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this?" confirm_delete_list_text = "Are you sure you want to delete this list?" confirm_hold_cancel_all_text = "Do you wish to cancel all your current holds?" confirm_hold_cancel_selected_text = "Do you wish to cancel your selected holds?" course_reserves_empty_list = "No matching Course Reserves found." date_day_placeholder = "D" date_from = "From" date_month_placeholder = "M" date_to = "To" date_year_placeholder = "Y" del_search = "Remove Search Group" delete_list = "Delete List" delete_selected = "Delete Selected" delete_selected_favorites = "Delete Selected Favorites" delete_selected_reserves = "Cancel Selected Reservations" edit_list = "Edit List" edit_list_fail = "Sorry, you are not permitted to edit this list" edit_list_success = "List successfully updated." email_failure = "Error - Message cannot be sent" email_link = "Link" email_selected = "E-mail Selected" email_selected_favorites = "E-mail Selected Favorites" email_sending = "Sending Message..." email_success = "Message Sent" error_inconsistent_parameters = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Inconsistent parameters detected" errorcode_error = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try it again" errorcode_http_status_error = "No network available for the Integrated Library System" errorcode_empty_response_error = "No response received from the Integrated Library System" errorcode_opac_error = "Sorry, an error occurred at the Integrated Library System" errorcode_login_error = "The login failed" errorcode_empty_member_code = "Some data was missing. No member number was submitted" errorcode_empty_password = "Some data was missing. No password was submitted" errorcode_member_not_found = "The member number does not exist" errorcode_password_validation_error = "Your passed password is not correct" errorcode_old_password_validation_error = "Invalid combination of username and password, please check your entries." errorcode_empty_req_param_error = "All required fields have to be filled to submit successfully the form" exclude_newspapers = "Exclude Newspaper Articles" export_download = "Download File" export_exporting = "Creating Export File" export_fail = "Your items were not exported" export_missing = "Some data was missing. Your items were not exported." export_refworks = "Start Export to RefWorks" export_save = "Save File" export_selected = "Export Selected" export_selected_favorites = "Export Selected Favorites" export_success = "Export Complete" export_unsupported_format = "Unsupported Export Format" fav_delete = "Delete Selected Favorites" fav_delete_deleting = "Your favorite(s) are being deleted." fav_delete_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your favorite(s) were not deleted." fav_delete_missing = "Some data was missing. Your favorite(s) were not deleted." fav_delete_success = "Your favorite(s) were deleted." fav_delete_warn = "You are about to delete these favorites from all your lists. If you want to delete favorites from a specific list only, please select the list before clicking delete." fav_email_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your favorite(s) were not e-mailed." fav_email_missing = "Some data was missing. Your favorite(s) were not e-mailed." fav_email_success = "Your favorite(s) were e-mailed as requested." fav_export = "Export Favorites" fav_list_delete = "Your favorites list was deleted." fav_list_delete_cancel = "This list was not deleted." fav_list_delete_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your list was not deleted." fee_desc_BE = "Fee for Book Compensation" fee_desc_EG = "Fee for Processing" fee_desc_F = "Overdue Media" fee_desc_FL = "Fee for Interlibrary Loan" fee_desc_FLK = "Fee for Interlibrary Loan Copies" fee_desc_FLZ = "Additional Fee for Interlibrary Loan" fee_desc_K = "Fee for Copies of Fotostelle" fee_desc_KOR = "Fee for Accounting Error and Correction" fee_desc_LE = "Replacement of Library Card" fee_desc_M1 = "Overdue Fines (First Reminder)" fee_desc_M2 = "Overdue Fines (Second Reminder)" fee_desc_M3 = "Overdue Fines (Third Reminder)" fee_desc_P1 = "Postage (First Reminder)" fee_desc_P2 = "Postage (Second Reminder)" fee_desc_P3 = "Postage (Third Reminder)" fee_desc_R = "Fee for Reservation" fee_desc_S = "Other Types of Fees" fee_desc_STORNO = "Fee for Cancellation" fine_limit_patron = "You have reached your fines limit and cannot renew items" for search = "for Search" found = found fulltext_limit = "Limit to articles with full text available" google_map_cluster = "Cluster" group_AND = "ALL Groups" group_OR = "ANY Groups" history = "Search History" history_delete = Delete history_delete_link = Delete history_empty_search = "Anything (Empty Search)" history_limits = Limits history_no_searches = "Currently there are no searches in your history." history_purge = "Discard my Unsaved Searches" history_recent_searches = "Your Recent Searches" history_results = Results history_save = Save? history_save_link = Save history_saved_searches = "Your Saved Searches" history_search = Search history_time = Time hold_available = "Available for Pickup" hold_cancel = "Cancel Hold" hold_cancel_all = "Cancel All Holds" hold_cancel_fail = "Your request was not canceled. Please contact staff" hold_cancel_selected = "Cancel Selected Holds" hold_cancel_success = "Your request was canceled successfully" hold_cancel_success_items = "Your request(s) were canceled successfully" hold_date_invalid = "Please enter a valid date" hold_date_past = "Please enter a date in the future" hold_empty_selection = "No holds were selected" hold_error_blocked = "You do not have sufficient privileges to place a hold on this item." hold_error_fail = "Your request failed. Please contact staff" hold_invalid_pickup = "An invalid pick up location was entered. Please try again" hold_login = "for Hold and Recall Information" hold_place = "Place Request" hold_place_fail_missing = "Your request failed. Some data was missing. Please contact staff" hold_place_success = "Your request was successful" hold_queue_position = "Queue Position" hold_required_by = "No longer required after" hold_success = "Your request was successful" home_browse = "Browse by" in = in item_permanent_loan = "Item is a Permanent Loan." items = items items_added_to_bookbag = "Item(s) added to your Book Bag" items_already_in_bookbag = "Item(s) are either already in your Book Bag or could not be added" less = less lightbox_error = "Error: Cannot load popup box" list_access_denied = "You do not have permission to view this list." list_edit_name_required = "List name is required." load_tag_error = "Error: Could not load tags" lock_account_already_blocked = "User account is already blocked. Please contact staff." lock_account_notice = "Please note that the blocking of a user account can only be removed by staff." lock_account_button = "Block my account now" lock_account_error = "Error occurred. System cannot block user account." map_results_label = "At this Location:" msg_renew_prev = "The item" msg_renew_middle = "has been successfully renewed till:" msg_renew_after = "." msg_renew_error_prev = "The item" msg_renew_error_after = "has failed to renew." more = more no_description = "Description not available." no_items_selected = "No items were selected" nohit_filters = "Filters currently applied to this search:" nohit_adjust_filters = "Please adjust your filters or" nohit_heading = "No Results." nohit_no_filters = "No filters were applied to this search." nohit_parse_error = "There seems to be a problem with your search query. Please check the syntax. If you are not trying to use advanced features, putting the query inside double quotes may help." nohit_prefix = "Your Search" nohit_spelling = "Perhaps you should try some spelling variations" nohit_suffix = "did not match any resources." nohit_suggest = "You may want to try to revise your search phrase by removing some words or check your spelling." not_applicable = "n/a" note_760 = "Main Series" note_765 = "Translation of" note_770 = "Has Supplement" note_772 = "Supplement to" note_773 = "Contained in" note_774 = "Constituent Unit" note_775 = "Other Edition Available" note_777 = "Issued with" note_780_0 = "Continues" note_780_1 = "Continues in Part" note_780_5 = "Absorbed" note_785_0 = "Continued by" note_785_7 = "Merged with" notice_journal_order = "Please note: Journals published before 1850 will be provided at Forschungslesesaal." of = of on_reserve = "Reserves - Please contact staff" online_resources = "Online Resources" create a new list = "Create a New List" password_too_short = "Too short" password_very_weak = "Very weak" password_weak = "Weak" password_better = "Better" password_medium = "Medium" password_good = "Good" password_strong = "Very good" peer_reviewed = "Peer Reviewed" peer_reviewed_limit = "Limit to articles from peer-reviewed journals" pick_up_location = "Pickup Library" posted_on = "on" print_selected = "Print Selected" profile_update = "Your profile was updated as requested" query time = "Query Time" renew_all = "Renew All Items" renew_determine_fail = "We were unable to determine if your item can be renewed. Please contact staff." renew_empty_selection = "No items were selected" renew_error = "We were unable to renew your item(s) - Please contact staff" renew_fail = "This item could not be renewed" renew_item = "Renew Item" renew_item_count = "Number of Renewals" renew_item_due = "Item due within the next 24 hours" renew_item_limit = "This item cannot be renewed." renew_item_maximum = "There is a maximum of three renewals allowed." renew_item_no = "This item cannot be renewed" renew_item_overdue = "Item overdue" renew_item_requested ="This item has been requested by another user" renew_select_box = "Renew Item" renew_selected = "Renew Selected Items" renew_success = "Renewal Successful" request_place_text = "Place a Request" request_submit_text = "Submit Request" reserved_item_canceled_successful = "Reserved items were canceled successfully." reserved_item_canceled_failure = "An error has occurred. 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Europe = Europe Andorra = Andorra Albania = Albania Austria = Austria Austria / Burgenland = Austria / Burgenland Austria / Carinthia = Austria / Carinthia Austria / Lower Austria = Austria / Lower Austria Austria / Upper Austria = Austria / Upper Austria Austria / Salzburg = Austria / Salzburg Austria / Styria = Austria / Styria Austria / Tyrol = Austria / Tyrol Austria / Vorarlberg = Austria / Vorarlberg Austria / Vienna = Austria / Vienna Åland Islands = Åland Islands Bosnia and Herzegovina = Bosnia and Herzegovina Belgium = Belgium Bulgaria = Bulgaria Belarus = Belarus Switzerland = Switzerland Switzerland / Aargau = Switzerland / Aargau Switzerland / Appenzell Innerrhoden = Switzerland / Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland / Appenzell Ausserrhoden = Switzerland / Appenzell Ausserrhoden Switzerland / Bern = Switzerland / Bern Switzerland / Basel-Landschaft = Switzerland / Basel-Landschaft Switzerland / Basel = Switzerland / Basel Switzerland / Fribourg = Switzerland / Fribourg Switzerland / Geneva = Switzerland / Geneva Switzerland / Glarus = Switzerland / Glarus Switzerland / Graubünden = Switzerland / Graubünden Switzerland / Jura = Switzerland / Jura Switzerland / Lucerne = Switzerland / Lucerne Switzerland / Neuchâtel = Switzerland / Neuchâtel Switzerland / Nidwalden = Switzerland / Nidwalden Switzerland / Obwalden = Switzerland / Obwalden Switzerland / St. Gallen = Switzerland / St. Gallen Switzerland / Schaffhausen = Switzerland / Schaffhausen Switzerland / Solothurn = Switzerland / Solothurn Switzerland / Schwyz = Switzerland / Schwyz Switzerland / Thurgau = Switzerland / Thurgau Switzerland / Ticino = Switzerland / Ticino Switzerland / Uri = Switzerland / Uri Switzerland / Vaud = Switzerland / Vaud Switzerland / Valais = Switzerland / Valais Switzerland / Zug = Switzerland / Zug Switzerland / Zurich = Switzerland / Zurich Cyprus = Cyprus Czech Republic = Czech Republic Germany = Germany Germany / Brandenburg = Germany / Brandenburg Germany / Berlin = Germany / Berlin Germany / Baden-Württemberg = Germany / Baden-Württemberg Germany / Bavaria = Germany / Bavaria Germany / Bremen = Germany / Bremen Germany / Hesse = Germany / Hesse Germany / Hamburg = Germany / Hamburg Germany / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern = Germany / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany / Lower Saxony = Germany / Lower Saxony Germany / North Rhine-Wesphalia = Germany / North Rhine-Wesphalia Germany / Rhineland-Palatinate = Germany / Rhineland-Palatinate Germany / Schleswig-Holstein = Germany / Schleswig-Holstein Germany / Saarland = Germany / Saarland Germany / Saxony = Germany / Saxony Germany / Saxony-Anhalt = Germany / Saxony-Anhalt Germany / Thuringia = Germany / Thuringia Denmark = Denmark Estonia = Estonia Spain = Spain Finland = Finland France = France United Kingdom = United Kingdom Guernsey = Guernsey Gibraltar = Gibraltar Greece = Greece Croatia = Croatia Hungary = Hungary Ireland = Ireland Isle of Man = Isle of Man Iceland = Iceland Italy = Italy Italy / 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= Kazakhstan Laos = Laos Lebanon = Lebanon Sri Lanka = Sri Lanka Myanmar = Myanmar Mongolia = Mongolia Macao = Macao Maldives = Maldives Malaysia = Malaysia Nepal = Nepal Oman = Oman Philippines = Philippines Pakistan = Pakistan Palestinian territories = Palestinian territories Qatar = Qatar Saudi Arabia = Saudi Arabia Singapore = Singapore Syria = Syria Thailand = Thailand Tajikistan = Tajikistan Timor-Leste = Timor-Leste Turkmenistan = Turkmenistan Turkey = Turkey Taiwan = Taiwan Uzbekistan = Uzbekistan Vietnam = Vietnam Yemen = Yemen Africa = Africa Angola = Angola Burkina Faso = Burkina Faso Burundi = Burundi Benin = Benin Botswana = Botswana Congo, Democratic Republic of the = Congo, Democratic Republic of the Central African Republic = Central African Republic Congo, Republic of the = Congo, Republic of the Côte d'Ivoire = Côte d'Ivoire Cameroon = Cameroon Cape Verde = Cape Verde Djibouti = Djibouti Algeria = Algeria Egypt = Egypt Western Sahara = Western Sahara Eritrea = Eritrea Ethiopia = Ethiopia Gabon = Gabon Ghana = Ghana Gambia = Gambia Guinea = Guinea Equatorial Guinea = Equatorial Guinea Guinea-Bissau = Guinea-Bissau Kenya = Kenya Comoros = Comoros Liberia = Liberia Lesotho = Lesotho Libya = Libya Morocco = Morocco Madagascar = Madagascar Mali = Mali Mauritania = Mauritania Mauritius = Mauritius Malawi = Malawi Mozambique = Mozambique Namibia = Namibia Niger = Niger Nigeria = Nigeria Rwanda = Rwanda Seychelles = Seychelles Sudan = Sudan Sierra Leone = Sierra Leone Senegal = Senegal Somalia = Somalia South Sudan = South Sudan São Tomé and Príncipe = São Tomé and Príncipe Swaziland = Swaziland Chad = Chad Togo = Togo Tunisia = Tunisia Tanzania = Tanzania Uganda = Uganda Mayotte = Mayotte South Africa = South Africa Zambia = Zambia Zimbabwe = Zimbabwe America = America Antigua and Barbuda = Antigua and Barbuda Anguilla = Anguilla Argentina = Argentina American Samoa = American Samoa Aruba = Aruba Barbados = Barbados Saint Barthélemy = Saint Barthélemy Bermuda = Bermuda Bolivia = Bolivia Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba (Caribbean Netherlands) = Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba (Caribbean Netherlands) Brazil = Brazil Bahamas = Bahamas Belize = Belize Canada = Canada Chile = Chile Colombia = Colombia Costa Rica = Costa Rica Cuba = Cuba Curaçao = Curaçao Dominica = Dominica Dominican Republic = Dominican Republic Ecuador = Ecuador Grenada = Grenada French Guiana = French Guiana Guadeloupe = Guadeloupe Guatemala = Guatemala Guyana = Guyana Honduras = Honduras Haiti = Haiti Jamaica = Jamaica Saint Kitts und Nevis = Saint Kitts und Nevis Cayman Islands = Cayman Islands Saint Lucia = Saint Lucia Saint Martin = Saint Martin Martinique = Martinique Montserrat = Montserrat Mexico = Mexico Nicaragua = Nicaragua Panama = Panama Peru = Peru Saint Pierre and Miquelon = Saint Pierre and Miquelon Puerto Rico = Puerto Rico Paraguay = Paraguay Suriname = Suriname El Salvador = El Salvador Sint Maarten = Sint Maarten Turks and Caicos Islands = Turks and Caicos Islands Trinidad and Tobago = Trinidad and Tobago USA = USA Uruguay = Uruguay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela = Venezuela Virgin Islands, British = Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, United States = Virgin Islands, United States Australia and Oceania = Australia and Oceania Australia = Australia Cocos (Keeling) Islands = Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands = Cook Islands Christmas Island <Australia> = Christmas Island <Australia> Fiji = Fiji Micronesia, Federated States of = Micronesia, Federated States of Guam = Guam Kiribati = Kiribati Marshall Islands = Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Islands = Northern Mariana Islands New Caledonia = New Caledonia Norfolk Island = Norfolk Island Nauru = Nauru New Zealand = New Zealand French Polynesia = French Polynesia Papua New Guinea = Papua New Guinea Palau = Palau Solomon Islands = Solomon Islands Tokelau = Tokelau Tonga = Tonga Tuvalu = Tuvalu Vanuatu = Vanuatu Wallis and Futuna = Wallis and Futuna Samoa = Samoa Arctic = Arctic Antarctic = Antarctic Antarctica = Antarctica Heard Islands and McDonald Islands = Heard Islands and McDonald Islands Atlantic Ocean = Atlantic Ocean Bouvet Island = Bouvet Island Falkland Islands = Falkland Islands Faroe Islands = Faroe Islands Greenland = Greenland South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands = South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha = Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Svalbard and Jan Mayen = Svalbard and Jan Mayen Indian Ocean = Indian Ocean British Indian Ocean Territory = British Indian Ocean Territory Réunion = Réunion French Southern and Antarctic Lands = French Southern and Antarctic Lands Pacific Ocean = Pacific Ocean Niue = Niue Pitcairn = Pitcairn United States Minor Outlying Islands = United States Minor Outlying Islands Outer Space = Outer Space International organisations and communities of states = International organisations and communities of states Entire world = Entire world Palestinian people = Palestinian people Arab people = Arab people Jewish people = Jewish people Fictitious places = Fictitious places Other places = Other places Ancient Near East = Ancient Near East Ancient Greece = Ancient Greece Roman Empire = Roman Empire Byzantine Empire = Byzantine Empire Ottoman Empire = Ottoman Empire Saudi-Iraqi neutral zone (-1993) = Saudi-Iraqi neutral zone (-1993) Austria (- 12.11.1918) = Austria (- 12.11.1918) Czechoslovakia (-1993) = Czechoslovakia (-1993) Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006) = Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006) German Democratic Republic (-1990) = German Democratic Republic (-1990) German Reich = German Reich Metropolitan France (1993-1997) = Metropolitan France (1993-1997) Soviet Union (-1992) = Soviet Union (-1992) Yugoslavia (-2003) = Yugoslavia (-2003) Burma (-1989) = Burma (-1989) Sikkim (-1975) = Sikkim (-1975) East Timor (-2002) = East Timor (-2002) Vietnam, Republic of (i.e. South Vietnam) (-1977) = Vietnam, Republic of (i.e. South Vietnam) (-1977) Yemen (i.e. South Yemen) (-1990) = Yemen (i.e. South Yemen) (-1990) Djibouti (French Territory of the Afars and the Issas) (-1977) = Djibouti (French Territory of the Afars and the Issas) (-1977) Benin (Dahomey) (-1977) = Benin (Dahomey) (-1977) Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) (-1984) = Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) (-1984) Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) (-1980) = Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) (-1980) Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire) (-1997) = Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire) (-1997) Netherlands Antilles (1974-2011) = Netherlands Antilles (1974-2011) Panama Canal Zone (-1980) = Panama Canal Zone (-1980) Canton and Enderbury Islands (-1984) = Canton and Enderbury Islands (-1984) Gilbert and Ellice Islands (-1979) = Gilbert and Ellice Islands (-1979) Vanuatu (New Hebrides) (-1980) = Vanuatu (New Hebrides) (-1980) Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the (-1986) = Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the (-1986) British Antarctic Territory (-1979) = British Antarctic Territory (-1979) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (-1979) = French Southern and Antarctic Lands (-1979) Queen Maud Land (-1983) = Queen Maud Land (-1983) Johnston Island (-1986) = Johnston Island (-1986) Midway Islands (-1986) = Midway Islands (-1986) United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (-1986) = United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (-1986) Wake Island (-1986) = Wake Island (-1986) Abkhazian = Abkhazian Acoli = Acoli Afrikaans = Afrikaans Afro-Asiatic = Afro-Asiatic Ainu = Ainu Akkadian = Akkadian Albanian = Albanian Aleut = Aleut Algonquian = Algonquian Altaic = Altaic Amharic = Amharic Ancient Egyptian = Ancient Egyptian Ancient Greek = Ancient Greek Arabic = Arabic Aragonese = Aragonese Aramaic = Aramaic Armenian = Armenian Aromanian = Aromanian Artificial = Artificial Assamese = Assamese Australian = Australian Austronesian = Austronesian Avestan = Avestan Awadhi = Awadhi Azerbaijani = Azerbaijani Baltic = Baltic Baluchi = Baluchi Bambara = Bambara Banda = Banda Bantu = Bantu Bashkir = Bashkir Basque = Basque Belarusian = Belarusian Bemba = Bemba Bengali = Bengali Berber = Berber Bhojpuri = Bhojpuri Bihari = Bihari Bini = Bini Bosnian = Bosnian Braj = Braj # Brazilian Portugese = # Brazilian Portugese Brazilian Portugese = Brazilian Portugese Breton = Breton Buginese = Buginese Bulgarian = Bulgarian Buriat = Buriat Burmese = Burmese Catalan = Catalan Caucasian = Caucasian Central American Indian = Central American Indian Central Khmer = Central Khmer Chagatai = Chagatai Chamic = Chamic Chechen = Chechen Cherokee = Cherokee Chichewa = Chichewa Chinook = Chinook Church Slavic = Church Slavic Chuvash = Chuvash Classical Syriac = Classical Syriac Coptic = Coptic Cornish = Cornish Cree = Cree Creole = Creole Creoles = Creoles Croatian = Croatian Cushitic = Cushitic Czech = Czech Dakota = Dakota Danish = Danish Delaware = Delaware Divehi = Divehi Dogri = Dogri Dravidian = Dravidian Duala = Duala Dzongkha = Dzongkha Esperanto = Esperanto Estonian = Estonian Ewe = Ewe Fanti = Fanti Faroese = Faroese Finnish = Finnish Finno-Ugrian = Finno-Ugrian Fulah = Fulah Ga = Ga Gaelic = Gaelic Galician = Galician Ganda = Ganda Geez = Geez Georgian = Georgian Germanic = Germanic Gothic = Gothic Gujarati = Gujarati Haitian = Haitian Hausa = Hausa Hawaiian = Hawaiian Herero = Herero Hittite = Hittite Hungarian = Hungarian Icelandic = Icelandic Ido = Ido Igbo = Igbo Ijo = Ijo Indic = Indic Indo-European = Indo-European Indonesian = Indonesian Ingush = Ingush Interlingua = Interlingua Inuktitut = Inuktitut Inupiaq = Inupiaq Iranian = Iranian Iroquoian = Iroquoian Javanese = Javanese Judeo-Arabic = Judeo-Arabic Judeo-Persian = Judeo-Persian Kabardian = Kabardian Kabyle = Kabyle Kachin = Kachin Kalaallisut = Kalaallisut Kalmyk = Kalmyk Kamba = Kamba Kannada = Kannada Kanuri = Kanuri Kara-Kalpak = Kara-Kalpak Karelian = Karelian Kashmiri = Kashmiri Kashubian = Kashubian Kazakh = Kazakh Khasi = Khasi Khoisan = Khoisan Khotanese = Khotanese Kikuyu = Kikuyu Kinyarwanda = Kinyarwanda Kirghiz = Kirghiz Komi = Komi Kongo = Kongo Konkani = Konkani Korean = Korean Kpelle = Kpelle Kru languages = Kru languages Kuanyama = Kuanyama Kumyk = Kumyk Kurdish = Kurdish Kurukh = Kurukh Ladino = Ladino Lamba = Lamba Land Dayak = Land Dayak Lao = Lao Latin = Latin Latvian = Latvian Lezghian = Lezghian Lingala = Lingala Lithuanian = Lithuanian Low German = Low German Lower Sorbian = Lower Sorbian Luba-Katanga = Luba-Katanga Luba-Lulua = Luba-Lulua Lule Sami = Lule Sami Luo = Luo Luxembourgish = Luxembourgish Macedonian = Macedonian Maithili = Maithili Makasar = Makasar Malagasy = Malagasy Malay = Malay Malayalam = Malayalam Maltese = Maltese Manchu = Manchu Mandar = Mandar Mandingo = Mandingo Manipuri = Manipuri Manx = Manx Maori = Maori Marathi = Marathi Mari = Mari Marwari = Marwari Masai = Masai Mayan = Mayan Mende = Mende Middle English = Middle English Middle French = Middle French Middle High German = Middle High German Mi-kmaq = Mi-kmaq Mohawk = Mohawk Mongo = Mongo Mongolian = Mongolian Mon-Khmer = Mon-Khmer Mossi = Mossi Multiple = Multiple Munda = Munda Music = Music Nahuatl = Nahuatl Navajo = Navajo Ndonga = Ndonga Nepal Bhasa = Nepal Bhasa Nepali = Nepali Niger-Kordofanian = Niger-Kordofanian Nilo-Saharan = Nilo-Saharan Nogai = Nogai North American Indian = North American Indian North Ndebele = North Ndebele Northern Frisian = Northern Frisian Norwegian = Norwegian Norwegian Bokmål = Norwegian Bokmål Nubian = Nubian Nyamwezi = Nyamwezi Occitan = Occitan Ojibwa = Ojibwa Old English = Old English Old French = Old French Old High German = Old High German Old Norse = Old Norse Old Persian = Old Persian Old Provençal = Old Provençal Oriya = Oriya Oromo = Oromo Ossetian = Ossetian Otomian = Otomian Ottoman Turkish = Ottoman Turkish Pahlavi = Pahlavi Pali = Pali Panjabi = Panjabi Papiamento = Papiamento Papuan = Papuan Pedi = Pedi Persian = Persian Phoenician = Phoenician Polish = Polish Prakrit languages = Prakrit languages Pushto = Pushto Quechua = Quechua Rajasthani = Rajasthani Romance = Romance Romanian = Romanian Romansh = Romansh Romany = Romany Rundi = Rundi Russian = Russian Salishan = Salishan Samaritan Aramaic = Samaritan Aramaic Sami languages = Sami languages Samoan = Samoan Sanskrit = Sanskrit Santali = Santali Sardinian = Sardinian Scots = Scots Semitic = Semitic Serbian = Serbian Serer = Serer Shona = Shona Sidamo = Sidamo Sindhi = Sindhi Sinhala = Sinhala Sino-Tibetan = Sino-Tibetan Slave = Slave Slavic = Slavic Slovak = Slovak Slovenian = Slovenian Sogdian = Sogdian Somali = Somali Songhai = Songhai Sorbian = Sorbian Southern Altai = Southern Altai Southern Sotho = Southern Sotho Sumerian = Sumerian Swahili = Swahili Swedish = Swedish Swiss German = Swiss German Syriac = Syriac Tagalog = Tagalog Tahitian = Tahitian Tai = Tai Tajik = Tajik Tamashek = Tamashek Tamil = Tamil Tatar = Tatar Telugu = Telugu Tetum = Tetum Thai = Thai Tibetan = Tibetan Tigre = Tigre Tigrinya = Tigrinya Timne = Timne Tiv = Tiv Tok = Tok Tsonga = Tsonga Tswana = Tswana Tupi = Tupi Turkmen = Turkmen Tuvinian = Tuvinian Twi = Twi Udmurt = Udmurt Ugaritic = Ugaritic Uighur = Uighur Ukrainian = Ukrainian Umbundu = Umbundu Undetermined = Undetermined Upper Sorbian = Upper Sorbian Urdu = Urdu Uzbek = Uzbek Venda = Venda Vietnamese = Vietnamese Volapük = Volapük Votic = Votic Wakashan = Wakashan Walamo = Walamo Walloon = Walloon Western Frisian = Western Frisian Wolof = Wolof Xhosa = Xhosa Yakut = Yakut Yao = Yao Yiddish = Yiddish Yoruba = Yoruba Yupik = Yupik Zande = Zande Zapotec = Zapotec Zhuang = Zhuang Zulu = Zulu Zuni = Zuni ################### finc-spezifisch hinzugefuegt ########################## ; document delivery service Delivery to = "Delivery to" Delivery service for documents = "Delivery service for documents" Details for requested item = "Details for requested item" Division = Division Email = E-Mail Pages = "Pages (from - till)" Phone = Phone 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