@echo off rem Wrapper around import-marc.sh to allow import of authority records. rem No arguments? Display syntax: if not "!%1!"=="!!" goto argfound echo Usage: %0 c:\path\to\marc.mrc [properties file] goto end :argfound rem Make sure we know where the VuFind home directory lives: if not "!%VUFIND_HOME%!"=="!!" goto vufindhomefound rem VUFIND_HOME not set -- try to call env.bat to rem fix the problem before we give up completely if exist env.bat goto useenvbat rem If env.bat doesn't exist, the user hasn't run the installer yet. echo ERROR: env.bat does not exist -- could not set up environment. echo Please run "php install.php" to correct this problem. goto end :useenvbat call env > nul if not "!%VUFIND_HOME%!"=="!!" goto vufindhomefound echo You need to set the VUFIND_HOME environmental variable before running this script. goto end :vufindhomefound rem Override some settings in the standard import script: if not exist %VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR%\import\import_auth.properties goto nolocalproperties set PROPERTIES_FILE=%VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR%\import\import_auth.properties goto propertiesfound :nolocalproperties set PROPERTIES_FILE=%VUFIND_HOME%\import\import_auth.properties :propertiesfound rem Always use the authority mappings from PROPERTIES_FILE rem if the user specified an override file, add that to the setting. set MAPPINGS_FILENAMES="" for /f "delims=" %%a in ('findstr "^solr.indexer.properties" %PROPERTIES_FILE%') do set MAPPINGS_FILENAMES=%%a set MAPPINGS_FILENAMES="%MAPPINGS_FILENAMES:solr.indexer.properties=%" if not "%2"=="" set MAPPINGS_FILENAMES=%MAPPINGS_FILENAMES%,%2 set MAPPINGS_FILENAMES=%MAPPINGS_FILENAMES:"=% setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set MAPPINGS_FILES="" for %%a in (%MAPPINGS_FILENAMES%) do ( if not !MAPPINGS_FILES!=="" set MAPPINGS_FILES=!MAPPINGS_FILES!, if exist %VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR%\import\%%a ( set MAPPINGS_FILES=!MAPPINGS_FILES!%VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR%\import\%%a ) else ( set MAPPINGS_FILES=!MAPPINGS_FILES!%VUFIND_HOME%\import\%%a ) ) set MAPPINGS_FILES=%MAPPINGS_FILES:~2,99999% setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion set SOLRCORE="authority" set EXTRA_SOLRMARC_SETTINGS="-Dsolr.indexer.properties=%MAPPINGS_FILES%" rem Call the standard script: call %VUFIND_HOME%\import-marc.bat %1 :end