module.exports = function(grunt) { require('jit-grunt')(grunt); // Just in time library loading var fs = require('fs'); function getLoadPaths(file) { var config; var parts = file.split('/'); parts.pop(); // eliminate filename // initialize search path with directory containing LESS file var retVal = []; retVal.push(parts.join('/')); // Iterate through theme.config.php files collecting parent themes in search path: while (config = fs.readFileSync("themes/" + parts[1] + "/theme.config.php", "UTF-8")) { // First identify mixins: var mixinMatches = config.match(/["']mixins["']\s*=>\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/); if (mixinMatches !== null) { var mixinParts = mixinMatches[1].split(','); for (var i = 0; i < mixinParts.length; i++) { parts[1] = mixinParts[i].trim().replace(/['"]/g, ''); retVal.push(parts.join('/') + '/'); } } // Now move up to parent theme: var matches = config.match(/["']extends["']\s*=>\s*['"](\w+)['"]/); // "extends" set to "false" or missing entirely? We've hit the end of the line: if (matches === null || matches[1] === 'false') { break; } parts[1] = matches[1]; retVal.push(parts.join('/') + '/'); } return retVal; } var fontAwesomePath = '"../../bootstrap3/css/fonts"'; var lessFileSettings = [{ expand: true, src: "themes/*/less/compiled.less", rename: function (dest, src) { return src.replace('/less/', '/css/').replace('.less', '.css'); } }]; grunt.initConfig({ // LESS compilation less: { compile: { files: lessFileSettings, options: { paths: getLoadPaths, compress: true, modifyVars: { 'fa-font-path': fontAwesomePath } } } }, // Less with maps lessdev: { less: { } }, // SASS compilation scss: { sass: { options: { style: 'compress' } } }, // Convert LESS to SASS, mostly for development team use lessToSass: { convert: { files: [ { expand: true, cwd: 'themes/bootstrap3/less', src: ['*.less', 'components/*.less'], ext: '.scss', dest: 'themes/bootstrap3/scss' }, { expand: true, cwd: 'themes/bootprint3/less', src: ['*.less'], ext: '.scss', dest: 'themes/bootprint3/scss' }, { expand: true, cwd: 'themes/sandal/less', src: ['*.less'], ext: '.scss', dest: 'themes/sandal/scss' } ], options: { replacements: [ { // Replace ; in include with , pattern: /(\s+)@include ([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\);/gi, replacement: function mixinCommas(match, space, $1, $2) { return space + '@include ' + $1 + '(' + $2.replace(/;/g, ',') + ');'; }, order: 3 }, { // Remove unquote pattern: /(\s+)unquote\("([^"]+)"\)/gi, replacement: function mixinCommas(match, space, $1) { return space + $1; }, order: 3 }, { // Inline &:extends converted pattern: /&:extend\(([^\)]+)\)/gi, replacement: '@extend $1', order: 3 }, { // Inline variables not default pattern: / !default; }/gi, replacement: '; }', order: 3 }, { // VuFind: Correct paths pattern: 'vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap', replacement: 'vendor/bootstrap', order: 4 }, { pattern: '$fa-font-path: "../../../fonts" !default;\n', replacement: '', order: 4 }, { pattern: '@import "vendor/font-awesome/font-awesome";', replacement: '$fa-font-path: ' + fontAwesomePath + ';\n@import "vendor/font-awesome/font-awesome";', order: 4 }, { // VuFind: Bootprint fixes pattern: '@import "bootstrap";\n@import "variables";', replacement: '@import "variables", "bootstrap";', order: 4 }, { pattern: '$brand-primary: #619144 !default;', replacement: '$brand-primary: #619144;', order: 4 }, // Wrap calcs in {} { pattern: /calc\((\$[^ ]+)/g, replacement: 'calc(#{$1}', order: 5 }, ] } } }, watch: { options: { atBegin: true }, less: { files: 'themes/*/less/**/*.less', tasks: ['less'] }, lessdev: { files: 'themes/*/less/**/*.less', tasks: ['lessdev'] }, scss: { files: 'themes/*/scss/**/*.scss', tasks: ['scss'] } } }); grunt.registerMultiTask('lessdev', function lessWithMaps() { grunt.config.set('less', { dev: { files: lessFileSettings, options: { paths: getLoadPaths, sourceMap: true, sourceMapFileInline: true, modifyVars: { 'fa-font-path': fontAwesomePath } } } });'less'); }); grunt.registerMultiTask('scss', function sassScan() { var sassConfig = {}, path = require('path'), themeList = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve('themes')).filter(function (theme) { return fs.existsSync(path.resolve('themes/' + theme + '/scss/compiled.scss')); }); for (var i in themeList) { var config = { options: { outputStyle: 'compressed' }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: path.join('themes', themeList[i], 'scss'), src: ['compiled.scss'], dest: path.join('themes', themeList[i], 'css'), ext: '.css' }] }; for (var key in { config.options[key] =[key] + ''; } config.options.includePaths = getLoadPaths('themes/' + themeList[i] + '/scss/compiled.scss'); sassConfig[themeList[i]] = config; } grunt.config.set('sass', sassConfig);'sass'); }); grunt.registerTask('default', ['scss']); };