// Custom Variables for adlr -- inherits from finc, which inherits from BS, which inherits from root // see variables.scss for default values // Fixme bitte bereinigen, was nicht gebraucht wird, raus! // ***************************************************************** // ************ Imports ******************************************** // ***************************************************************** //@import '../../bootstrap3/scss/bootstrap'; // Import parent theme variables to have them all available here // @import '../../bootstrap3/scss/vendor/font-awesome/variables'; // @import '../../finc/scss/customVariables'; // ************ PLEASE NOTE **************************************** // *** adlr never seems to have imported finc variables!! *** // *** Therefore importing finc variables will cause issues here.*** // *** To avoid these we can either redefine variables in this *** // *** stylesheet or import finc variables directly below *** // *** OR remove all '!default' flags OR import finc variables *** // *** below in the declarations. *** // ***************************************************************** @import 'components/functions'; @import 'customFonts'; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Common colors referenced elsewhere in the code ***** // ***************************************************************** $amber: #f7c525; // rgb(247, 197, 37) $black: #000; // rgb(0, 0, 0) $azure: #004fe7; // rgb(0, 79, 231) // 'Azure' $asphalt: #707071; // rgb(112, 112, 113) $asphalt-dark: #d9d9d9; // rgb(112, 112, 113) $midnight: #00205d; // rgb(0, 32, 93) $midnight-light: #edf3ff; // rgb(237, 243, 255) $midnight-medium: #dfe9fc; // rgb(223, 233, 252) $seafoam: #2bedca; // rgb(43, 237, 202) $violet: #a10df2; // rgb(161, 13, 242) // ***************************************************************** // ************ Theme basic colors ********************************* // ***************************************************************** $brand-primary: $azure !default; $brand-secondary: $seafoam !default; $brand-danger: #e7006b !default; // rgb(231, 0, 107) $brand-info: #f2f2f2 !default; // rgb(242, 242, 242) $brand-success: #00c092 !default; // rgb(0, 192, 146) $brand-warning: $amber !default; // rgb(247, 197, 37) $state-danger-bg: $brand-danger !default; $state-warning-bg: $brand-warning !default; $state-success-bg: $brand-info !default; $state-info-bg: $brand-info !default; $state-info-text: $asphalt !default; $state-info-border: $asphalt !default; $database-link-hover-color: #00359b; $header-bg-color: $midnight; $a-visited-color: $black !default; $form-dropdown-focus-hover-color: #262626 !default; //// ELEMENT COLORS //$body-bg: $snow !default; //// Main content are bg //$main-bg: $white !default // ; //// ALERTS (see states, above, and compiled.scss - Code needs to go there to overwrite defaults) // ***************************************************************** // ************ Re-define BS Screen Widths for use in adlr ********* // ***************************************************************** // copies from bootstrap3/scss/vendor/bootstrap/variables $screen-sm-min: 768px !default; $screen-md-min: 992px !default; $screen-lg-min: 1200px !default; // So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum $screen-xs-max: ($screen-sm-min - 1) !default; $screen-sm-max: ($screen-md-min - 1) !default; $screen-md-max: ($screen-lg-min - 1) !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ General dimensions ********************************* // ***************************************************************** $screen-xl: 1600px !default; // FIXME EXPERIMENTAL $screen-xl-min: $screen-xl !default; $screen-lg-max: $screen-xl - 1 !default; //// The general gutter width (padding between columns) is calculated like so: '$grid-gutter-width / 2' //// which gives you the left or right gutter width; this can be taken further by using '$grid-gutter-width / 1.5' etc $grid-gutter-width: 30px !default; //// define standard main content minimum width $main-content-container-min-width-lg: 1170px; //// increase main content width for really wide screens $main-content-container-max-width-xl: 1250px; //// Navbar gets a minimum-height of 50px by default, activate and change here! // For fixed navbars ('navbar-fixed-top' in 'header.phtml'), // the body requires a padding-bottom of the same height // as the navbar because of postition.fixed // When using 'affix' instead of 'navbar-fixed-top', // set '$navbar-height', '$navbar-height-xs' and '$navbar-height-sm' to '=0' // or set the paddings-top under 'body' in compiled.scss to '=0'; see also the comment in header.phtml $navbar-height: 0 !default; $navbar-height-sm: $navbar-height !default; // Set navbar-height for small devices, USE px as rem will throw an error // $navbar-height-xs: $navbar-height + 40px !default; $navbar-height-xs: $navbar-height !default; // $navbar-max-height-xs: $navbar-height + 40px !default; $navbar-max-height-xs: $navbar-height !default; //// Top-padding for #content -> .row first-of-type (and .sidebar) - change this value to change both; //// sidebar gets an additional padding on half the content-top-padding for better horizontal alignment $content-bottom-padding: $grid-gutter-width / 2 !default; // default = 30px / 2 = 15px $content-top-padding: $grid-gutter-width / 2 !default; // default = 30px / 2 = 15px $content-l-r-padding: $grid-gutter-width / 2 !default; // default = 30px / 2 = 15px $logo-max-width: 220px !default; // override breakpoint of collapsing navbar for tablets and mobile // $grid-float-breakpoint: 992px; $default-header-height-lg: 208px; // ++ Height of textbox with adlr claim in header (home page) $home-text-top-padding-xs: 90px; $home-text-top-padding-sm: 0; $home-text-top-padding-lg: 0; $home-text-box-height-xs: 300px; $home-text-box-height-sm: 330px; $home-text-box-height-lg: 470px; $home-text-bottom-padding-xs: 500px; $home-text-bottom-padding-sm: 400px; $home-text-bottom-padding-lg: 700px; $home-text-left-margin-sm: 25px; $home-text-left-margin-lg: 0; $home-text-left-margin-xl: 100px; $home-services-sub-headline-offset: 50px; $screen-lg-wrapper-min: 1170px; //// Maximum designed body width $max-designed-body-width: 1926px; $screen-xl: 1600px !default; // FIXME EXPERIMENTAL $screen-xl-min: $screen-xl !default; $screen-lg-max: $screen-xl - 1 !default; $mobile-navigation-menu-breakpoint: $screen-md-max !default; // use mobile navigation below this width //// ANIMATIONS $transition-delay: .1s; $transition-duration: .1s; //// ANIMATIONS - END // ***************************************************************** // ************ Radii ********************************************** // ***************************************************************** // GET RID of ALL ROUND CORNERS //$border-radius-base: 0 !default; //$border-radius-large: 0 !default; //$border-radius-small: 0 !default; //$pager-border-radius: 0 !default; //$badge-border-radius: 0 !default; //// labels.scss uses no variable! Therefore it will be necessary //// to overwite in compiled.scss!!, Fixme when done more elegantly in BS //$label-radius: 0 !default; // GET RID of ALL ROUND CORNERS - END // ***************************************************************** // ************ Border styles ************************************** // ***************************************************************** //$border-color: $iron !default; //// Note that the nav-tabs have a different border color, use the following variable in your SCSS to change it // $nav-tabs-border-color: $gainsboro !default; // defined in BS _variables.scss $default-border: 3px; $default-border-hover: 3px; $default-outline-hover-offset: 5px; $default-outline-hover-width: 3px; // Default border styles //$border-default-styles: 1px solid $border-color !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Button styles ************************************** // ***************************************************************** ////// Use darker text color when default-buttons are used on white BG (new class: bth-transparent ////// for updateCart in search results, date-range slider in sidebar and adv search ////// NOTE that the hover states use the default color too! //$btn-primary-color: $white !default; //$btn-primary-bg: $brand-primary !default; // $btn-primary-color: $btn-primary-color !default; // already defined this way in BS _variables, use this variable to change it // $btn-primary-bg: $brand-primary !default; // already defined this way in BS _variables, use this variable to change it $search-button-clip-width-sm: 75px; // $button-top-padding: 6px; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Badge styles *************************************** // ***************************************************************** //// BADGES (elements in sidebar that hold the hit numbers) //$badge-bg: transparent !default; //$badge-color: $jet !default; //// Sidebar Badge/fa Colors //$sidebar-badge-fa-color: darken($brand-secondary, 40%) !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Form elements ************************************** // ***************************************************************** //// FORM ELEMENTS //$select-bg-color: $ghost !default; $form-group-margin-top: 50px; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Accordions/Collapse elements *********************** // ***************************************************************** //// Dropdown Background - this is used for ALL dropdowns, incl. the language selector; //// originally defined under BS _variables.scss, and used in _dropdowns.scss; you could use a value such as //// $dropdown-link-hover-color: lighten($brand-primary, 15%); //// $dropdown-link-hover-bg: lighten($brand-primary, 50%); //// Other variables include $dropdown-link-active-color; $dropdown-link-active-bg; $dropdown-link-color ... // ***************************************************************** // ************ Tooltips colors ************************************ // ***************************************************************** //$tooltip-color: $snow !default; //$tooltip-bg: lighten($brand-primary, 20%) !default; //$tooltip-arrow-color: $tooltip-bg !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Header and navbar ********************************* // ***************************************************************** //// Header and header elements colors //$header-bg-color: $gainsboro !default; //$navbar-bg-color: $header-bg-color !default; //$navbar-fixed-bg-color: $header-bg-color !default; //// NAVBAR // ++ Margin of navbar $navbar-margin-left: 25px; // ++ Height of navbar in header $navbar-header-height: 85px; $navbar-header-height-home-sm: 85px; $navbar-header-height-affix-sm: 105px; // $data_offset_top_affix + 1 in header $navbar-header-height-affix-lg: 105px; // $data_offset_top_affix + 1 in header $navbar-default-padding: 20px; $navbar-extended-padding: calc(2 * #{$navbar-default-padding}); //// NAVBAR - END // ***************************************************************** // ************ Search box ************************************ // ***************************************************************** // ++ Search Form $search-form-height-xs: 280px; // + 3px border $search-form-height-sm: 250px; // + 3px border $search-form-height-lg: 310px; // + 3px border // ++ Height and width of the search box - SMALL DESKTOP $search-form-width-sm: 100%; $search-form-width-affix-sm: 100%; // ++ Height and width of the search box - MEDIUM DESKTOP $search-form-width-affix-md: 100%; // ++ Height and width of the search box - LARGE DESKTOP $search-form-width-affix-lg: 590px; $search-form-width-home-lg: 1000px; // ++ Height and width of the search box - EXTRA LARGE DESKTOP $search-form-width-max: 1000px; $search-form-width-xl: 690px; $search-form-width-home-xl: $search-form-width-home-lg; // ++ Height and width of the default search input field $search-input-height-default: 92px; $search-input-height-fixed: 65px; $search-input-width-affix-xs: 75%; $search-input-width-affix-sm: 75%; $search-input-width-affix-md: 80%; $search-input-width-affix-lg: 90%; $search-input-width-sm: $search-input-width-affix-sm; $search-input-width-md: $search-input-width-affix-md; $search-input-width-lg: 710px; $search-input-height-affix-sm: $search-input-height-fixed; $search-input-height-affix-md: $search-input-height-fixed; $search-input-height-affix-lg: $search-input-height-fixed; $search-input-height-sm: $search-input-height-fixed; $search-input-height-lg: $search-input-height-default; $search-filter-padding-top: 25px; $search-filter-width-lg: 100px; $search-panel-width-xs-md: 100%; $search-toggle-padding-bottom-top: 40px; $search-padding-sm-md: 40px; $seachbox-width-lg: 710px; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Advanced Search ************************************ // ***************************************************************** $adv-search-form-X-top-margin: 31px; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Breadcrumbs **************************************** // ***************************************************************** //// Breadcrumbs //$breadcrumb-bg: $brand-primary !default; //$breadcrumb-color: $btn-primary-color !default; //// Link color for breadcrumb .active //$breadcrumb-active-color: $btn-primary-color !default; //// Separator between breadcrumb elements, use this variable to change it //// $breadcrumb-separator: '/' !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Sidebar elements *********************************** // ***************************************************************** //// Sidebar item hover effect (doesn't exist in VF out-of-the-box); active is for selected facets $get-it-button-offset-left: 42px; $get-it-link-offset-left: 10px; //$sidebar-item-hover-bg: transparentize($brand-secondary, .9) !default; //$sidebar-item-active-hover-bg: transparentize($brand-primary, .1) !default; //// Sidebar item padding //$sidebar-item-padding: .75em 1em !default; //// Table cell padding - adjust in themes to avoid content jumps when switching tabs // $table-cell-padding: 5px !default; // JS Tree // left padding on JSTree child icon elements //$jstree-li-left-padding: 1.5em !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Modal/lightbox ************************************* // ***************************************************************** //$modal-lg: 900px !default; //$modal-md: 600px !default; //$modal-sm: 300px !default; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Pagination (results)/pager (records) *************** // ***************************************************************** $pagination-flexbox-basis-20-percent: 20%; // ***************************************************************** // ************ Z-Index ******************************************** // ***************************************************************** $z-index: ( banner : 200, menubar : 350, search : 100, search affix : 300, sbox-dd-menu : 0, filter-dropdown : 500, navbar-brand : 500, navbar-header-link : 150, navigation-overlay : 400, ); //// Z-Index - END