From e85ca5a738e4debc4be1cba235668e17508d1e87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julia Bauder <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 15:13:48 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] One bug fix and one enhancement

Fixed a bug related to new items: daysOld was always defaulting to 30
days because mathematical comparisons with it were always failing;
needed to cast daysOld as an integer before doing mathematical
comparisons with it. Enhancement: changed item status queries to pull
the human-readable location rather than the cryptic location code from
the database.
 .../VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Sierra.php   | 25 +++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Sierra.php b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Sierra.php
index 6eba97bd130..1eb75a5b623 100644
--- a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Sierra.php
+++ b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Sierra.php
@@ -359,17 +359,22 @@ class Sierra extends AbstractBase
             // Use the database ids to get the item-level information (status,
             // location, and potentially call number) associated with that bib record
             $query1 = "SELECT item_view.item_status_code, "
-                    . "item_view.location_code, "
+                    . ", "
                     . "varfield_view.field_content, "
                     . "varfield_view.varfield_type_code, "
                     . "checkout.due_gmt "
                     . "FROM sierra_view.item_view "
                     . "LEFT JOIN sierra_view.varfield_view "
                     . "ON ( = varfield_view.record_id) "
+                    . "LEFT JOIN sierra_view.location "
+                    . "ON (item_view.location_code = location.code) "
+                    . "LEFT JOIN sierra_view.location_name "
+                    . "ON ( = location_name.location_id) "
                     . "LEFT JOIN sierra_view.checkout "
                     . "ON ( = checkout.item_record_id) "
-                    . "WHERE = $1"
-            . "AND varfield_view.record_type_code = 'i';";
+                    . "WHERE = $1 "
+                    . "AND varfield_view.record_type_code = 'i' "
+                    . "AND location_name.iii_language_id = '1';";
             pg_prepare($this->db, "prep_query", $query1);
             foreach ($itemIds as $item) {
                 $callnumber = null;
@@ -431,20 +436,25 @@ class Sierra extends AbstractBase
             $itemIds = $this->getIds($id);
             // Use the database ids to get the item-level information (status,
             // location, and potentially call number) associated with that bib record
-            $query1 = "SELECT
+        $query1 = "SELECT
-                        item_view.location_code,
+              ,
-                        sierra_view.item_view
+                            sierra_view.item_view
+                        LEFT JOIN sierra_view.location
+                        ON (item_view.location_code = location.code) 
+                        LEFT JOIN sierra_view.location_name 
+                        ON ( = location_name.location_id) 
                         LEFT JOIN sierra_view.checkout
                         ON ( = checkout.item_record_id)
                         LEFT JOIN sierra_view.varfield_view
                         ON ( = varfield_view.record_id)
                         WHERE = $1
-                        AND varfield_view.record_type_code = 'i';";
+                        AND varfield_view.record_type_code = 'i'
+                        AND location_name.iii_language_id = '1';";
             pg_prepare($this->db, "prep_query", $query1);
             foreach ($itemIds as $item) {
                 $callnumber = null;
@@ -515,6 +525,7 @@ class Sierra extends AbstractBase
         try {
             $newItems = array();
             $offset = $limit * ($page - 1);
+            $daysOld = (int) $daysOld;
             if (is_int($daysOld) == false || $daysOld > 30) {
                 $daysOld = "30";