diff --git a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/CombinedController.php b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/CombinedController.php
index 4e9cc2188ee7bd2bc4a231fa4714af4d4c88f8a1..ef04476b8fcd9dcc2563e5f6c2ce97f897c06938 100644
--- a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/CombinedController.php
+++ b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/CombinedController.php
@@ -102,11 +102,21 @@ class CombinedController extends AbstractSearch
         ) {
             $html = '';
         } else {
+            $cart = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\Cart');
+            $general = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\Config')
+                ->get('config');
+            $viewParams = array(
+              'searchClassId' => $searchClassId,
+              'currentSearch' => $settings,
+              'showCartControls' => $currentOptions->supportsCart()
+                && $cart->isActive(),
+              'showBulkOptions' => $currentOptions->supportsCart()
+                && isset($general->Site->showBulkOptions)
+                && $general->Site->showBulkOptions
+            );
             $html = $this->getViewRenderer()->render(
-                array(
-                    'searchClassId' => $searchClassId, 'currentSearch' => $settings
-                )
+                $viewParams
@@ -142,16 +152,18 @@ class CombinedController extends AbstractSearch
         $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\Config')->get('combined')
-        $supportsCart = false;
+        $supportsCart = true;
+        $supportsCartOptions = array();
         foreach ($config as $current => $settings) {
             // Special case -- ignore recommendation config:
-            if ($current == 'RecommendationModules') {
+            if ($current == 'Layout' || $current == 'RecommendationModules') {
             $currentOptions = $options->get($current);
+            $supportsCartOptions[] = $currentOptions->supportsCart();
             if ($currentOptions->supportsCart()) {
-                $supportsCart = true;
+              $supportsCart = true;
             list($controller, $action)
                 = explode('-', $currentOptions->getSearchAction());
@@ -171,13 +183,33 @@ class CombinedController extends AbstractSearch
         // Run the search to obtain recommendations:
+        $columns = isset($config['Layout']['columns'])
+        && intval($config['Layout']['columns']) <= count($combinedResults)
+            ? intval($config['Layout']['columns'])
+            : count($combinedResults);
+        $placement = isset($config['Layout']['stack_placement'])
+            ? $config['Layout']['stack_placement']
+            : 'distributed';
+        if (!in_array($placement, array('distributed', 'left', 'right'))) {
+            $placement = 'distributed';
+        }
+        // Get default config for showBulkOptions
+        $settings = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\Config')->get('config');
         // Build view model:
         return $this->createViewModel(
-                'results' => $results,
-                'params' => $params,
+                'columns' => $columns,
                 'combinedResults' => $combinedResults,
+                'config' => $config,
+                'params' => $params,
+                'placement' => $placement,
+                'results' => $results,
                 'supportsCart' => $supportsCart,
+                'supportsCartOptions' => $supportsCartOptions,
+                'showBulkOptions' => isset($settings->Site->showBulkOptions)
+                  && $settings->Site->showBulkOptions
@@ -233,3 +265,4 @@ class CombinedController extends AbstractSearch
         $query->noRecommend = 1;
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results-list.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results-list.phtml
index 85712c53c6a9e9c91174eb563515c48971c78e6a..fa1f250eee05b509cd2d6d6c6bba8b4601a476bb 100644
--- a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results-list.phtml
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results-list.phtml
@@ -66,10 +66,12 @@
     $viewType = in_array('list', array_keys($params->getViewList()))
       ? 'list' : $params->getView();
-    $viewParams = array('results' => $results, 'params' => $params);
-    if (!$params->getOptions()->supportsCart()) {
-      $viewParams['hideCartControls'] = true;
-    }
+    $viewParams = array(
+      'results' => $results,
+      'params' => $params,
+      'showCartControls' => $this->showCartControls,
+      'showBulkOptions' => $this->showBulkOptions
+    );
   <?=$this->render('search/list-' . $viewType . '.phtml', $viewParams)?>
   <? if ($currentSearch['more_link']): ?>
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results.phtml
index 6d80bb93c19da62b70383d303ae10fd2c94c19e8..e2988b6daaccae735a91382b51ff77af93e50917 100644
--- a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results.phtml
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/results.phtml
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
       $this->escapeHtml($lookfor) . '</li>';
+  // Disable cart if appropriate:
+  $this->showCartControls = $this->supportsCart && $this->cart()->isActive();
+  // Disable bulk options if appropriate:
+  $this->showBulkOptions = $this->supportsCart && $this->showBulkOptions;
   // Load Javascript dependencies into header:
@@ -54,19 +59,16 @@
       <?=$this->context($this)->renderInContext('search/bulk-action-buttons.phtml', array('idPrefix' => ''))?>
   <? endif; ?>
-  <div class="row">
-    <? $columns = count($this->combinedResults); ?>
-    <? foreach ($this->combinedResults as $searchClassId => $currentSearch): ?>
-      <? if ((!isset($currentSearch['ajax']) || !$currentSearch['ajax']) && isset($currentSearch['hide_if_empty']) && $currentSearch['hide_if_empty'] && $currentSearch['view']->results->getResultTotal() == 0) { continue; } ?>
-      <div class="col-sm-<?=floor(12/$columns)?> combined-list" id="combined_<?=$this->escapeHtml($searchClassId)?>">
-        <? if (isset($currentSearch['ajax']) && $currentSearch['ajax']): ?>
-          <?=$this->render('combined/results-ajax.phtml', array('searchClassId' => $searchClassId, 'currentSearch' => $currentSearch))?>
-        <? else: ?>
-          <?=$this->render('combined/results-list.phtml', array('searchClassId' => $searchClassId, 'currentSearch' => $currentSearch))?>
-        <? endif; ?>
-      </div>
-    <? endforeach; ?>
-  </div>
+  <?
+    $viewParams = array(
+      'searchClassId' => $searchClassId,
+      'combinedResults' => $this->combinedResults,
+      'supportsCartOptions' => $this->supportsCartOptions,
+      'showCartControls' => $this->showCartControls,
+      'showBulkOptions' => $this->showBulkOptions
+    );
+  ?>
+  <?=$this->context($this)->renderInContext('combined/stack-'.$placement.'.phtml', $viewParams)?>
   <? $recs = $combinedResults->getRecommendations('bottom'); if (!empty($recs)): ?>
       <? foreach ($recs as $current): ?>
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-distributed.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-distributed.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6344f61f376bba061b1a105db7dac6a137c5de7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-distributed.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<div class="row">
+  <? $span = floor(12/$columns); ?>
+  <? $sectionCount = count($this->combinedResults); ?>
+  <? $keys = array(); ?>
+  <? $searches = array(); ?>
+  <? foreach ($this->combinedResults as $searchClassId => $currentSearch): ?>
+    <? $keys[] = $searchClassId; ?>
+    <? $searches[] = $currentSearch; ?>
+  <? endforeach; ?>
+  <? for ($column=0;$column<$columns;$column++): ?>
+    <? $columnIndex = $column; ?>
+    <div class="col-sm-<?=$span ?> combined-list">
+      <? while ($columnIndex < $sectionCount): ?>
+        <? $searchClassId = $keys[$columnIndex]; ?>
+        <? $currentSearch = $searches[$columnIndex]; ?>
+        <? if ((!isset($currentSearch['ajax']) || !$currentSearch['ajax']) && isset($currentSearch['hide_if_empty']) && $currentSearch['hide_if_empty'] && $currentSearch['view']->results->getResultTotal() == 0) { $columnIndex += $columns; continue; } ?>
+          <?
+            $viewParams = array('searchClassId' => $searchClassId, 'currentSearch' => $currentSearch);
+            // Disable cart if appropriate:
+            $viewParams['showCartControls'] = $this->supportsCartOptions[$columnIndex] && $this->showCartControls;
+            // Disable bulk options if appropriate:
+            $viewParams['showBulkOptions'] = $this->supportsCartOptions[$columnIndex] && $this->showBulkOptions;
+          ?>
+          <div id="combined_<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($searchClassId)?>">
+            <? $templateSuffix = (isset($currentSearch['ajax']) && $currentSearch['ajax']) ? 'ajax' : 'list'; ?>
+            <?=$this->render('combined/results-' . $templateSuffix . '.phtml', $viewParams)?>
+          </div>
+        <? $columnIndex += $columns ?>
+      <? endwhile; ?>
+    </div>
+  <? endfor; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-left.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-left.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66666fd86f243fa2c1a628fd63f68e92542f4e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-left.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<div class="row">
+  <? $columnIndex = 0; ?>
+  <? $span = floor(12/$columns); ?>
+  <? $sectionCount = count($this->combinedResults); ?>
+  <? foreach ($this->combinedResults as $searchClassId => $currentSearch): ?>
+    <? if ((!isset($currentSearch['ajax']) || !$currentSearch['ajax']) && isset($currentSearch['hide_if_empty']) && $currentSearch['hide_if_empty'] && $currentSearch['view']->results->getResultTotal() == 0) { continue; } ?>
+    <? if ($columnIndex < $columns): ?>
+      <div class="col-sm-<?=$span ?><? if($columnIndex == $columns-1): ?> col-sm-pull-<?=$span*($columns-1) ?><? else: ?> col-sm-push-<?=$span ?><? endif; ?> combined-list">
+    <? endif; ?>
+    <?
+      $viewParams = array('searchClassId' => $searchClassId, 'currentSearch' => $currentSearch);
+      // Disable cart if appropriate:
+      $viewParams['showCartControls'] = $this->showCartControls;
+      // Disable bulk options if appropriate:
+      $viewParams['showBulkOptions'] = $this->showBulkOptions;
+    ?>
+    <div id="combined_<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($searchClassId)?>">
+      <? $templateSuffix = (isset($currentSearch['ajax']) && $currentSearch['ajax']) ? 'ajax' : 'list'; ?>
+      <?=$this->render('combined/results-' . $templateSuffix . '.phtml', $viewParams)?>
+    </div>
+    <? ++$columnIndex ?>
+    <? if($columnIndex < $columns || $columnIndex == $sectionCount): ?>
+      </div>
+    <? endif; ?>
+  <? endforeach; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-right.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-right.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c38a48f17b7f047e6abb2a9cd7dc2a79fe4c899c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/combined/stack-right.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<div class="row">
+  <? $columnIndex = 0; ?>
+  <? $span = floor(12/$columns); ?>
+  <? $sectionCount = count($this->combinedResults); ?>
+  <? foreach ($this->combinedResults as $searchClassId => $currentSearch): ?>
+    <? if ((!isset($currentSearch['ajax']) || !$currentSearch['ajax']) && isset($currentSearch['hide_if_empty']) && $currentSearch['hide_if_empty'] && $currentSearch['view']->results->getResultTotal() == 0) { continue; } ?>
+    <? if ($columnIndex < $columns): ?>
+      <div class="col-sm-<?=$span ?> combined-list">
+    <? endif; ?>
+    <?
+      $viewParams = array('searchClassId' => $searchClassId, 'currentSearch' => $currentSearch);
+      // Disable cart if appropriate:
+      $viewParams['showCartControls'] = $this->showCartControls;
+      // Disable bulk options if appropriate:
+      $viewParams['showBulkOptions'] = $this->showBulkOptions;
+    ?>
+    <div id="combined_<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($searchClassId)?>">
+      <? $templateSuffix = (isset($currentSearch['ajax']) && $currentSearch['ajax']) ? 'ajax' : 'list'; ?>
+      <?=$this->render('combined/results-' . $templateSuffix . '.phtml', $viewParams)?>
+    </div>
+    <? ++$columnIndex ?>
+    <? if($columnIndex < $columns || $columnIndex == $sectionCount): ?>
+      </div>
+    <? endif; ?>
+  <? endforeach; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/list-list.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/list-list.phtml
index 0986c37cdcfc22eb13fe8d22c444e0e00a1f5aac..624b9d9f0c6c03b99e34ed27c378b05e471b456a 100644
--- a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/list-list.phtml
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/list-list.phtml
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
 <? if (!isset($this->indexStart)) $this->indexStart = 0; ?>
+<? $showCheckboxes = (isset($this->showCartControls) && $this->showCartControls)
+  || (isset($this->showBulkOptions) && $this->showBulkOptions); ?>
 <? $i = $this->indexStart; foreach ($this->results->getResults() as $current):
   $recordNumber = $this->results->getStartRecord()+$i-$this->indexStart; ?>
   <div id="result<?=$i++ ?>" class="row result clearfix">
-    <div class="col-xs-1 hidden-print checkbox">
+    <div class="col-xs-1 hidden-print<? if ($showCheckboxes): ?> checkbox<? endif; ?>">
+<<<<<<< HEAD
         <? if (!isset($this->hideCartControls) && $this->cart()->isActive()): ?>
+        <? if ($showCheckboxes): ?>
+>>>>>>> b916700... Per column cart support checking and logic compression.
         <? endif; ?>
diff --git a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/results.phtml b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/results.phtml
index 85d2a9a62dbbbdfed817f104094826b996ae3694..dfa5837445eb1235cfd145f8f710d362df5ba01b 100644
--- a/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/results.phtml
+++ b/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/results.phtml
@@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
   // Disable cart if appropriate:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   if (!$this->params->getOptions()->supportsCart()) {
     $this->hideCartControls = true;
+  $this->showCartControls = $this->params->getOptions()->supportsCart() && $this->cart()->isActive();
+  // Disable bulk options if appropriate:
+  $this->showBulkOptions = $this->params->getOptions()->supportsCart() && $this->showBulkOptions;
+>>>>>>> b916700... Per column cart support checking and logic compression.
   // Load Javascript dependencies into header: