diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/FincMissing/result-list.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/FincMissing/result-list.phtml
index ac12afe218d6bbb6d573191c4570de887a9b20cd..b21060414fe9f741847bb2c695b19086527eca64 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/FincMissing/result-list.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/FincMissing/result-list.phtml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 <!-- finc: recordDriver - FincMissing - result-list -->
 <?php /*
  this is mostly a copy of finc: recordDriver - DefaultRecord - result-list
- it is only used for the print view of FincMissingRecords in bulk mode
+ it is only used for the print view of FincMissingRecords in bulk mode;
+ Fixme: Please remove any code we don't need here! - CK
-/* finc: compare SolrAI/result-list with this one during upgrades! - CK */
 $coverDetails = $this->record($this->driver)->getCoverDetails('result-list', 'medium', $this->recordLink()->getUrl($this->driver));
 $cover = $coverDetails['html'];
 $thumbnail = false;
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if ($cover):
   <?php /* Show finc style-based icons; */ ?>
 <?php elseif ($this->record($this->driver)->showStyleBasedIcons()): ?>
   <?php ob_start(); ?>
-  <div class="media-<?=$thumbnailAlignment?> record-icon">
+  <div class="media-<?=$thumbnailAlignment?> record-icon missing">
   <?php $thumbnail = ob_get_contents(); ?>
@@ -38,84 +38,18 @@ if ($cover):
   <div class="media-body">
     <div class="result-body">
-        <a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->getUrl($this->driver)?>" class="title getFull" data-view="<?=$this->params->getOptions()->getListViewOption()?>">
+        <?php /* We don't use links for missing records as they would lead nowhere - CK */ ?>
+        <span href="<?=$this->recordLink()->getUrl($this->driver)?>" class="title getFull" data-view="<?=$this->params->getOptions()->getListViewOption()?>">
-        </a>
+        </span>
-      <div>
-          <?php $summAuthors = $this->driver->getPrimaryAuthors();
-          if (!empty($summAuthors)): ?>
-            <?=$this->transEsc('by')?>
-            <?php $authorCount = count($summAuthors);
-            foreach ($summAuthors as $i => $summAuthor): ?>
-              <a href="<?=$this->record($this->driver)->getLink('author', $this->highlight($summAuthor, null, true, false))?>" class="author"><?=$this->highlight($summAuthor)?></a><?=$i + 1 < $authorCount ? ',' : ''?>
-            <?php endforeach; ?>
-          <?php endif; ?>
-          <?php
-          /* finc-specific from here, #8639, #7345 - CK */
-          /* finc-specific: nxt line #8639 - CK */ ?>
-          <?php $journalTitle = $this->driver->getContainerTitle();
-          $summDate = current($this->driver->getPublicationDates()); ?>
-          <?php if (!empty($journalTitle)): ?>
-            <?=!empty($summAuthor) ? '<br />' : ''?>
-            <?=$this->transEsc('Published in')?>
-            <?php $containerSource = $this->driver->getSourceIdentifier(); ?>
-            <?php $containerID = $this->driver->getContainerRecordID(); ?>
-            <?php /* TODO: handle highlighting more elegantly here: */ ?>
-            <a href="<?=($containerID ? $this->recordLink()->getUrl("$containerSource|$containerID") : $this->record($this->driver)->getLink('journaltitle', str_replace(['{{{{START_HILITE}}}}', '{{{{END_HILITE}}}}'], '', $journalTitle)))?>"><?=$this->highlight($journalTitle) ?></a>
-            <?php /* finc-specific: nxt line #8639 - CK */ ?>
-            <?=!empty($summDate) ? ' (' . $this->escapeHtml($summDate) . ')' : ''?>
-          <?php elseif (!empty($summDate)): ?>
-            <?=!empty($summAuthor) ? '<br />' : ''?>
-            <?php /* finc-specific: nxt line #8639 - CK */ ?>
-            <?=$this->transEsc('Published') . ' ' . $this->escapeHtml($summDate)?>
-          <?php endif; ?>
-          <?php $summInCollection = $this->driver->getContainingCollections();
-          if (!empty($summInCollection)): ?>
-            <?php foreach ($summInCollection as $collId => $collText): ?>
-              <div>
-                <strong><?=$this->transEsc("in_collection_label")?></strong>
-                <a class="collectionLinkText" href="<?=$this->url('collection', ['id' => $collId])?>?recordID=<?=urlencode($this->driver->getUniqueID())?>">
-                  <?=$this->escapeHtml($collText)?>
-                </a>
-              </div>
-            <?php endforeach; ?>
-          <?php endif; ?>
-      </div>
-      <?php $summCallNo = $this->driver->getCallNumber();
-        if (!empty($summCallNo)): ?>
-          <div class="callnumAndLocation">
-            <strong><?=$this->transEsc('Call Number')?>:</strong> <?=$this->escapeHtml($summCallNo)?>
-          </div>
-      <?php endif; ?>
+      <?php /* We don't display formats nor previews nor other details for missing records - CK */ ?>
-      <div class="result-formats">
-        <?=$this->record($this->driver)->getFormatList()?>
-      </div>
     <div class="result-links hidden-print">
-      <?php /* Display qrcode if appropriate: */ ?>
-      <?php if ($this->cart()->isActiveInSearch() && $this->params->getOptions()->supportsCart() && $this->cart()->isActive()): ?>
-        <?=$this->render('record/cart-buttons.phtml', ['id' => $this->driver->getUniqueId(), 'source' => $this->driver->getSourceIdentifier()]);?><br/>
-      <?php endif; ?>
-      <?php if ($this->userlist()->getMode() !== 'disabled'): ?>
-        <?php if ($this->permission()->allowDisplay('feature.Favorites')): ?>
-          <?php /* Add to favorites; finc: keep Icon inside link - CK */ ?>
-          <a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->getActionUrl($this->driver, 'Save')?>" data-lightbox class="save-record result-link-label" data-id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->driver->getUniqueId())?>" title="<?=$this->transEsc('Add to favorites')?>">
-            <i class="fa fa-fw fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"><?=$this->transEsc('Add to favorites')?></span>
-          </a><br/>
-        <?php elseif ($block = $this->permission()->getAlternateContent('feature.Favorites')): ?>
-          <?=$block?>
-        <?php endif; ?>
-        <?php /* Saved lists */ ?>
-        <p class="savedLists alert alert-info hidden">
-          <strong><?=$this->transEsc("Saved in")?>:</strong>
-        </p>
-      <?php endif; ?>
+      <?php /* We don't display any interaction buttons for missing records - CK */ ?>
       <?=$this->driver->supportsCoinsOpenUrl() ? '<span class="Z3988" title="' . $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->driver->getCoinsOpenUrl()) . '"></span>' : ''?>