diff --git a/config/vufind/config.ini b/config/vufind/config.ini
index ed924d1eb1c59b5b9d74f7ff865e8b8554435131..9cbda6c4936a5ea361ba067a6b1ae885d98cf5c1 100644
--- a/config/vufind/config.ini
+++ b/config/vufind/config.ini
@@ -695,13 +695,19 @@ show_full_status = false
 next_prev_navigation = false
 ; You can enable this setting to show links to related MARC records using certain
-; 7XX fields.  Just enter a comma-separated list of the MARC fields that you wish
-; to make use of.  This relies on subfield w containing either a reference to a bib
-; number or an OCLC number prefixed by (OCoLC).  Do not enable this option if your
-; data is unable to support it!  Also note that turning on the 780 and 785 fields
-; may result in redundant information in the display, since the Solr title_old and
-; title_new fields are likely to contain the same information.
+; 7XX fields. Just enter a comma-separated list of the MARC fields that you wish
+; to make use of.
 ;marc_links = "760,765,770,772,774,773,775,777,780,785"
+; In the marc_links_link_types enter the fields you want the module to use to
+; construct the links. The module will run through the link types in order
+; until it finds one that matches. If you don't have id numbers in the fields,
+; you can also use title to construct a title based search. id represents a raw
+; bib id, dlc represents an LCCN.  Default setting:
+;marc_links_link_types = id,oclc,dlc,isbn,issn,title
+; Set use_visibility_indicator to false if you want to show links that are marked as
+; "Do not show" in the MARC record (indicator 1). Otherwise, these links will be
+; suppressed. (Default = true)
+;marc_links_use_visibility_indicator = false
 ; You can use this setting to hide holdings information for particular named locations
 ; as returned by the catalog.
diff --git a/languages/en-gb.ini b/languages/en-gb.ini
index 56bf29e89ed69d6376b72ae4998b491036751b0f..81ab8394f02b4e31a49d16ae4036a9003ecdca5e 100644
--- a/languages/en-gb.ini
+++ b/languages/en-gb.ini
@@ -645,9 +645,21 @@ note_775   = "Other edition available"
 note_777   = "Issued with"
 note_780_0 = "Continues"
 note_780_1 = "Continues in part"
+note_780_2 = "Supersedes"
+note_780_3 = "Supersedes in part"
+note_780_4 = "Formed by"
 note_780_5 = "Absorbed"
+note_780_6 = "Absorbed in part"
+note_780_7 = "Separated from"
 note_785_0 = "Continued by"
+note_785_1 = "Continued in part by"
+note_785_2 = "Superseded by"
+note_785_3 = "Superseded in part by"
+note_785_4 = "Absorbed by"
+note_785_5 = "Absorbed in part by"
+note_785_6 = "Split into"
 note_785_7 = "Merged with"
+note_785_8 = "Changed back to"
 of = of
 on_reserve = "Reserves - Ask at Circulation"
 or create a new list = "or create a new list"
diff --git a/languages/en.ini b/languages/en.ini
index 7df08689af3f68219aadac11fc7109bf6355d8cb..efd334440a70e5b40a28574bcb6b03c97a494b7e 100644
--- a/languages/en.ini
+++ b/languages/en.ini
@@ -645,9 +645,21 @@ note_775   = "Other edition available"
 note_777   = "Issued with"
 note_780_0 = "Continues"
 note_780_1 = "Continues in part"
+note_780_2 = "Supersedes"
+note_780_3 = "Supersedes in part"
+note_780_4 = "Formed by"
 note_780_5 = "Absorbed"
+note_780_6 = "Absorbed in part"
+note_780_7 = "Separated from"
 note_785_0 = "Continued by"
+note_785_1 = "Continued in part by"
+note_785_2 = "Superseded by"
+note_785_3 = "Superseded in part by"
+note_785_4 = "Absorbed by"
+note_785_5 = "Absorbed in part by"
+note_785_6 = "Split into"
 note_785_7 = "Merged with"
+note_785_8 = "Changed back to"
 of = of
 on_reserve = "Reserves - Ask at Circulation"
 or create a new list = "or create a new list"
diff --git a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/RecordDriver/SolrMarc.php b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/RecordDriver/SolrMarc.php
index b0414d434e7b830773182237d68a31f4727aaae8..0455866089620cb229a8e95cf925e88a534d347c 100644
--- a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/RecordDriver/SolrMarc.php
+++ b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/RecordDriver/SolrMarc.php
@@ -643,31 +643,56 @@ class SolrMarc extends SolrDefault
     public function getAllRecordLinks()
+        // Load configurations:
         $config = ConfigReader::getConfig();
         $fieldsNames = isset($config->Record->marc_links)
             ? explode(',', $config->Record->marc_links) : array();
+        $useVisibilityIndicator
+            = isset($config->Record->marc_links_use_visibility_indicator)
+            ? $config->Record->marc_links_use_visibility_indicator : true;
         $retVal = array();
         foreach ($fieldsNames as $value) {
             $value = trim($value);
             $fields = $this->marcRecord->getFields($value);
             if (!empty($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
-                    $indicator = $field->getIndicator('2');
+                    // Check to see if we should display at all
+                    if ($useVisibilityIndicator) {
+                        $visibilityIndicator = $field->getIndicator('1');
+                        if ($visibilityIndicator == '1') {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // The relationship type is one of the following and there is a
+                    // 580 field, the 580 field should be shown instead see:
+                    //     http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd580.html
+                    $has580 = $this->marcRecord->getFields('580');
+                    $relationshipIndicator = $field->getIndicator('2');
+                    if ($has580
+                        && (($value == '780') && ($relationshipIndicator == '4'))
+                        || (($value == '785') && (($relationshipIndicator == '6')
+                        || ($relationshipIndicator =='7')))
+                    ) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // Assign notes based on the relationship type
                     switch ($value) {
                     case '780':
-                        if ($indicator == '0' || $indicator == '1'
-                            || $indicator == '5'
-                        ) {
-                            $value .= '_' . $indicator;
+                        if (in_array($relationshipIndicator, range('0', '7'))) {
+                            $value .= '_' . $relationshipIndicator;
                     case '785':
-                        if ($indicator == '0' || $indicator == '7') {
-                            $value .= '_' . $indicator;
+                        if (in_array($relationshipIndicator, range('0', '8'))) {
+                            $value .= '_' . $relationshipIndicator;
+                    // Get data for field
                     $tmp = $this->getFieldData($field, $value);
                     if (is_array($tmp)) {
                         $retVal[] = $tmp;
@@ -692,44 +717,104 @@ class SolrMarc extends SolrDefault
     protected function getFieldData($field, $value)
-        // There are two possible ways we may want to link to a record -- either
-        // we will have a raw bibliographic record in subfield w, or else we will
-        // have an OCLC number prefixed by (OCoLC).  If we have both, we want to
-        // favor the bib number over the OCLC number.  If we have an unrecognized
-        // parenthetical prefix to the number, we should simply ignore it.
-        $bib = $oclc = '';
+        // Make sure that there is a t field to be displayed:
+        if ($title = $field->getSubfield('t')) {
+            $title = $title->getData();
+        } else {
+            return;
+        }
+        $config = ConfigReader::getConfig();
+        $linkTypeSetting = isset($config->Record->marc_links_link_types)
+            ? $config->Record->marc_links_link_types : 'id,oclc,dlc,isbn,issn,title';
+        $linkTypes = explode(',', $linkTypeSetting);
         $linkFields = $field->getSubfields('w');
-        foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-            $text = $current->getData();
-            // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-            if (preg_match('/\(([^)]+)\)(.+)/', $text, $matches)) {
-                // Is it an OCLC number?
-                if ($matches[1] == 'OCoLC') {
-                    $oclc = $matches[2];
+        // Run through the link types specified in the config.
+        // For each type, check field for reference
+        // If reference found, exit loop and go straight to end
+        // If no reference found, check the next link type instead
+        foreach ($linkTypes as $linkType) {
+            switch (trim($linkType)){
+            case 'oclc':
+                foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
+                    if ($oclc = $this->getIdFromLinkingField($current, 'OCoLC')) {
+                        $link = array('type' => 'oclc', 'value' => $oclc);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'dlc':
+                foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
+                    if ($dlc = $this->getIdFromLinkingField($current, 'DLC', true)) {
+                        $link = array('type' => 'dlc', 'value' => $dlc);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'id':
+                foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
+                    if ($bibLink = $this->getIdFromLinkingField($current)) {
+                        $link = array('type' => 'bib', 'value' => $bibLink);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'isbn':
+                if ($isbn = $field->getSubfield('z')) {
+                    $link = array(
+                        'type' => 'isn', 'value' => trim($isbn->getData()),
+                        'exclude' => $this->getUniqueId()
+                    );
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'issn':
+                if ($issn = $field->getSubfield('x')) {
+                    $link = array(
+                        'type' => 'isn', 'value' => trim($issn->getData()),
+                        'exclude' => $this->getUniqueId()
+                    );
-            } else {
-                // No parenthetical prefix found -- assume raw bib number:
-                $bib = $text;
+                break;
+            case 'title':
+                $link = array('type' => 'title', 'value' => $title);
+                break;
+            }
+            // Exit loop if we have a link
+            if (isset($link)) {
+                break;
-        // Check which link type we found in the code above... and fail if we
-        // found nothing!
-        if (!empty($bib)) {
-            $link = array('type' => 'bib', 'value' => $bib);
-        } else if (!empty($oclc)) {
-            $link = array('type' => 'oclc', 'value' => $oclc);
-        } else {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $titleField = $field->getSubfield('t');
-        $title = $titleField ? $titleField->getData() : false;
-        return $title
+        // Make sure we have something to display:
+        return isset($link)
             ? array('title' => 'note_' . $value, 'value' => $title, 'link'  => $link)
             : false;
+    /**
+     * Returns an id extracted from the identifier subfield passed in
+     *
+     * @param \File_MARC_Subfield $idField MARC field containing id information
+     * @param string              $prefix  Prefix to search for in id field
+     * @param bool                $raw     Return raw match, or normalize?
+     *
+     * @return string|bool                 ID on success, false on failure
+     */
+    protected function getIdFromLinkingField($idField, $prefix = null, $raw = false)
+    {
+        $text = $idField->getData();
+        if (preg_match('/\(([^)]+)\)(.+)/', $text, $matches)) {
+            // If prefix matches, return ID:
+            if ($matches[1] == $prefix) {
+                // Special case -- LCCN should not be stripped:
+                return $raw
+                    ? $matches[2]
+                    : trim(str_replace(range('a', 'z'), '', ($matches[2])));
+            }
+        } else if ($prefix == null) {
+            // If no prefix was given or found, we presume it is a raw bib record
+            return $text;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
      * Get Status/Holdings Information from the internally stored MARC Record
      * (support method used by the NoILS driver).
diff --git a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Theme/Root/Helper/RecordLink.php b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Theme/Root/Helper/RecordLink.php
index 6663997a87a35aafacce1f8a07c483b133d4c37e..5da6905dfe001d38e2d29ff2ccb0e476d581997f 100644
--- a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Theme/Root/Helper/RecordLink.php
+++ b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/Theme/Root/Helper/RecordLink.php
@@ -53,13 +53,31 @@ class RecordLink extends AbstractHelper
         $urlHelper = $this->getView()->plugin('url');
         switch ($link['type']) {
         case 'bib':
-            $url = $urlHelper('record', array('id' => $link['value']));
+            $url = $urlHelper('search-results')
+                . '?lookfor=' . urlencode($link['value'])
+                . '&type=id&jumpto=1';
+            break;
+        case 'dlc':
+            $url = $urlHelper('search-results')
+                . '?lookfor=' . urlencode('"' . $link['value'] . '"')
+                . '&type=lccn&jumpto=1';
+            break;
+        case 'isn':
+            $url = $urlHelper('search-results')
+                . '?join=AND&bool0[]=AND&lookfor0[]='
+                . urlencode($link['value']) . '&type0[]=isn&bool1[]=NOT&lookfor1[]='
+                . urlencode($link['exclude']) . '&type1[]=id&sort=title&view=list';
         case 'oclc':
             $url = $urlHelper('search-results')
                 . '?lookfor=' . urlencode($link['value'])
                 . '&type=oclc_num&jumpto=1';
+        case 'title':
+            $url = $urlHelper('search-results')
+                . '?lookfor=' . urlencode($link['value'])
+                . '&type=title';
+            break;
             throw new \Exception('Unexpected link type: ' . $link['type']);
diff --git a/themes/blueprint/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml b/themes/blueprint/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml
index b2cc42c90cdcc9bf508748d66143e9b13a246855..0b68ff60916f24c202ebb572dc44137d0f18df17 100644
--- a/themes/blueprint/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml
+++ b/themes/blueprint/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml
@@ -179,12 +179,15 @@
     <? endif; ?>
     <? $recordLinks = $this->driver->getAllRecordLinks(); if (!empty($recordLinks)): ?>
-      <? foreach ($recordLinks as $recordLink): ?>
-        <tr valign="top">
-          <th><?=$this->transEsc($recordLink['title'])?>: </th>
-          <td><a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->related($recordLink['link'])?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($recordLink['value'])?></a></td>
-        </tr>
-      <? endforeach; ?>
+      <tr valign="top">
+        <th><?=$this->transEsc('Related Items')?></th>
+        <td>
+          <? foreach ($recordLinks as $recordLink): ?>
+            <?=$this->transEsc($recordLink['title'])?>: 
+            <a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->related($recordLink['link'])?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($recordLink['value'])?></a><br />
+          <? endforeach; ?>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
     <? endif; ?>
     <? $tagList = $this->driver->getTags(); ?>
diff --git a/themes/jquerymobile/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml b/themes/jquerymobile/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml
index 990c20e7380e2681dbdfa049a6e280cf62d9a8bd..22bcae161d0f2050de6dcb31ca84437a31593838 100644
--- a/themes/jquerymobile/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml
+++ b/themes/jquerymobile/templates/RecordDriver/SolrDefault/core.phtml
@@ -158,6 +158,18 @@
   <? endif; ?>
+  <? $recordLinks = $this->driver->getAllRecordLinks(); if (!empty($recordLinks)): ?>
+    <dt><?=$this->transEsc('Related Items')?></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <? foreach ($recordLinks as $recordLink): ?>
+        <p>
+          <?=$this->transEsc($recordLink['title'])?>: 
+          <a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->related($recordLink['link'])?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($recordLink['value'])?></a>
+        </p>
+      <? endforeach; ?>
+    </dd>
+  <? endif; ?>
   <? $tagList = $this->driver->getTags(); ?>
   <? if (count($tagList) > 0): ?>
     <dt><?=$this->transEsc('Tags')?>: </dt>