diff --git a/module/fid/src/VuFind/Resolver/Driver/Ezb.php b/module/fid/src/VuFind/Resolver/Driver/Ezb.php
index bb7fc95c75f767e1bb7e592b73405f3cebcd8f17..ba40814c6ab6cba3dfe86afbc8e3294c15565480 100644
--- a/module/fid/src/VuFind/Resolver/Driver/Ezb.php
+++ b/module/fid/src/VuFind/Resolver/Driver/Ezb.php
@@ -147,12 +147,13 @@ class Ezb extends BaseEzb
         $this->getElectronicResults('2', 'Licensed', $records, $xpath);
         $this->getElectronicResults('3', 'Partially licensed', $records, $xpath);
         $this->getElectronicResults('4', 'Not free', $records, $xpath);
-        $this->getElectronicResults('10', 'Not free', $records, $xpath);
+        $this->getElectronicResults('10', 'Unknown Electronic', $records, $xpath);
         $this->getElectronicResults('-1', 'Not free', $records, $xpath);
         // get results for print, only if available
         $this->getPrintResults('2', 'Print available', $records, $xpath);
         $this->getPrintResults('3', 'Print partially available', $records, $xpath);
+        $this->getPrintResults('10', 'Unknown Print', $records, $xpath);
         $records['messages'] = $this->messages ?? [];
         $records['stateOfResults'] = $this->stateOfResults ?? [];
@@ -208,10 +209,12 @@ class Ezb extends BaseEzb
                 $bibId = 'AAAAA';
                 $isil = '';
-            $openURL .= '&pid=' .
-                'bibid%3D' . $bibId .
-                (!empty($isil) ? '%26isil%3D' . $isil : '');
-        } elseif (isset($this->config->bibid)) {
+            if (!empty($isil)) {
+                $openURL .= '&pid=' . 'isil%3D' . $isil;
+            } else {
+                $openURL .= '&pid=' . 'bibid%3D' . $bibId;
+            }
+        } elseif (isset($this->config->bibid)) { // if library info fails use normal config?
             $openURL .= '&pid=' .
                 'bibid%3D' . $this->config->bibid;
         } elseif (isset($this->config->useClientIp)
@@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ class Ezb extends BaseEzb
             "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/Result[@state=" .
             $state . "]"
         $accessLevel_mapping = [
             'article' => 'article',
             'issue' => 'issue',
@@ -258,10 +261,11 @@ class Ezb extends BaseEzb
             'homepage' => 'default',
             'abstract' => 'abstract'
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $record = [];
+            // get title from XPath Element defined in $xpathTitleSelector
             $accessLevelXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/" .
             $accessLevel = $xpath->query($accessLevelXP, $result)->item(0);
@@ -269,28 +273,58 @@ class Ezb extends BaseEzb
                     = $accessLevel_mapping[strip_tags($accessLevel->nodeValue)];
+            // get additional coverage information
+            $additionalXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/" .
+                "Result[@state={$state}][" . ($i + 1) . "]/Additionals/Additional";
+            $additionalType = ['nali', 'intervall', 'moving_wall'];
+            $additionals = [];
+            foreach ($additionalType as $type) {
+                $additional = $xpath
+                    ->query($additionalXP . "[@type='" . $type . "']", $result)->item(0);
+                if (isset($additional->nodeValue)) {
+                    $additionals[$type] = strip_tags($additional->nodeValue);
+                }
+            }
+            $record['coverage']
+                = !empty($additionals) ? implode(";", $additionals) : $coverage;
+            // try to find direct access URL
             $accessUrlXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/" .
             $accessUrl = $xpath->query($accessUrlXP, $result)->item(0);
+            // try to find journal URL as fallback for direct access URL
             $journalUrlXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/" .
             $journalUrl = $xpath->query($journalUrlXP, $result)->item(0);
+            // return direct access URL if available
+            // otherwise journal URL as fallback
             if (isset($accessUrl->nodeValue)) {
                 $record['href'] = $accessUrl->nodeValue;
             } elseif (isset($journalUrl)) {
                 $record['href'] = $journalUrl->nodeValue;
             $stateOfResultXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/"
                 . "Result/@state";
             $stateOfResult = $xpath->query($stateOfResultXP, $result)->item(0);
             if (isset($stateOfResult->nodeValue)) {
                 $this->stateOfResults[] = $stateOfResult->nodeValue;
+            $readmeXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/ElectronicData/ResultList/" .
+                "Result[@state={$state}][" . ($i + 1) . "]/ReadmeURL[@lang='" .
+                $this->getTranslatorLocale() . "']";
+            $readme = $xpath->query($readmeXP, $result)->item(0);
+            if (isset($readme->nodeValue)) {
+                $record['coverageHref'] = $readme->nodeValue;
+            }
             $record['access'] = $this->electronic_state_access_mapping[$state];
             // Service type needs to be hard-coded for calling code to properly
             // categorize links. The commented code below picks a more appropriate
             // value but won't work for now -- retained for future reference.
@@ -344,6 +378,12 @@ class Ezb extends BaseEzb
             /* messages depends on access state and will be build within templates */
             $record['access'] = $this->print_state_access_mapping[$state];
+            $urlXP = "/OpenURLResponseXML/Full/PrintData/References/Reference/URL";
+            $url = $xpath->query($urlXP, $result)->item($i);
+            if (isset($url->nodeValue)) {
+                $record['href'] = $url->nodeValue;
+            }
             // Service type needs to be hard-coded for calling code to properly
             // categorize links. The commented code below picks a more appropriate
             // value but won't work for now -- retained for future reference.