diff --git a/local/alpha/config/vufind/Amsl.ini b/local/alpha/config/vufind/Amsl.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4a7fac931970063535f138f7ca309b643f888bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/alpha/config/vufind/Amsl.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################
+;################### Leipzig University Library © 2020 ##############
+; This is the default ALPHA-INI-file and inherits
+; all the settings from the INI-file defined in [Parent_Config] which
+; points to the default INI-file located in the folder vufind2/local
+relative_path = ../../../config/vufind/Amsl.ini
+; A comma-separated list of config sections from the parent which should be
+; completely overwritten by the equivalent sections in this configuration;
+; any sections not listed here will be merged on a section-by-section basis.
+;override_full_sections = "Languages,AlphaBrowse_Types"
+;       Add ALPHA-specific customization after this header.
+;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################
+; no caching for alpha
+;ttl = 0
diff --git a/local/config/vufind/Amsl.ini b/local/config/vufind/Amsl.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e792d512a788aae43165b599cac1551b5c43a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/config/vufind/Amsl.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+;##################### DO NOT DELETE THIS HEADER ####################
+;################### Leipzig University Library © 2020 ##############
+; This is the ISIL-instance-specific default INI-file
+; for the configuration of the Amsl API
+;url = "https://live.amsl.technology/inhouseservices/list?do=catalog_metadataList&isil=ISIL"
+response_type = 'application/json'
+; max caching in seconds
+; standard is 86400 i.e. one week
+ttl = 86400
+; Contains label patterns for two layers of source hierarchy
+; these will normally be source and collection represented by main_label and sub_label, resp.
+; use array_keys in double percent signs to be rendered in the labels
+; the main label MUST contain the main key and the main key SHOULD identify the source
+; same for the sub key and label
+main_key = 'source_id'
+main_label = '%%source_label%%'
+sortBySourceLabel = true
+default_main_label = 'untitled source'
+sub_key = 'collection_label'
+sub_label = '%%collection_label%%'
+default_sub_label = 'untitled collection'
+show_link = true
+; show_description can be api, local or false
+; api or true displays entry from AMSL-API as defined in sub_description_key
+; local displays entry from local translation file
+; false does not show a description
+show_description = false
+;sub_description_key = 'collection_description'
+; wrong collection label = correct collection label for links
+; "" means no link
\ No newline at end of file