diff --git a/index-alphabetic-browse.bat b/index-alphabetic-browse.bat
index a6df5ad637e0c1e26a8c8584664d8ae37cbbff2c..315f0406982f339ea1970b52992041c2282a507c 100644
--- a/index-alphabetic-browse.bat
+++ b/index-alphabetic-browse.bat
@@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ rem ##################################################
 rem # Set SOLR_HOME
 rem ##################################################
 if not "!%VUFIND_HOME%!"=="!!" goto vufindhomefound
-rem VUFIND_HOME not set -- try to call vufind.bat to 
+rem VUFIND_HOME not set -- try to call env.bat to 
 rem fix the problem before we give up completely
-if exist vufind.bat goto usevufindbat
-rem If vufind.bat doesn't exist, the user hasn't run the installer yet.
-echo ERROR: vufind.bat does not exist -- could not set up environment.
+if exist env.bat goto useenvbat
+rem If env.bat doesn't exist, the user hasn't run the installer yet.
+echo ERROR: env.bat does not exist -- could not set up environment.
 echo Please run install.php to correct this problem.
 goto end
-call vufind > nul
+call env > nul
 if not "!%VUFIND_HOME%!"=="!!" goto vufindhomefound
 echo You need to set the VUFIND_HOME environmental variable before running this script.
 goto end
 if not "!%SOLR_HOME%!"=="!!" goto solrhomefound
+set SOLR_HOME=%VUFIND_HOME%\solr\vufind
 rem #####################################################
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ set JAVA="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"
 cd %VUFIND_HOME%\import
-SET CLASSPATH="browse-indexing.jar;%SOLR_HOME%\vufind\jars\*;%SOLR_HOME%\vendor\contrib\analysis-extras\lib\*;%SOLR_HOME%\vendor\server\solr-webapp\webapp\WEB-INF\lib\*"
+SET CLASSPATH="browse-indexing.jar;%SOLR_HOME%\jars\*;%SOLR_HOME%\..\vendor\contrib\analysis-extras\lib\*;%SOLR_HOME%\..\vendor\server\solr-webapp\webapp\WEB-INF\lib\*"
-SET bib_index=%SOLR_HOME%\vufind\biblio\index
-SET auth_index=%SOLR_HOME%\vufind\authority\index
-SET index_dir=%SOLR_HOME%\vufind\alphabetical_browse
+SET bib_index=%SOLR_HOME%\biblio\index
+SET auth_index=%SOLR_HOME%\authority\index
+SET index_dir=%SOLR_HOME%\alphabetical_browse
 rem #####################################################
 rem If we're being called for the build_browse function, jump there now:
diff --git a/index-alphabetic-browse.sh b/index-alphabetic-browse.sh
index 3992ec055b0fac17caa74dc554cca5e5fa9df55c..928c7109e277e97e1f0e094292009174bc110f39 100755
--- a/index-alphabetic-browse.sh
+++ b/index-alphabetic-browse.sh
@@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ else
-if [ "$SOLR_HOME" ]
+if [ -z "$VUFIND_HOME" ]
-  SOLR_HOME="`dirname $0`/solr"
+  VUFIND_HOME=`dirname $0`
+if [ -z "$SOLR_HOME" ]
+  SOLR_HOME="$VUFIND_HOME/solr/vufind"
 set -e
 set -x
 cd "`dirname $0`/import"
 # make index work with replicated index
 # current index is stored in the last line of index.properties
@@ -45,9 +48,9 @@ function locate_index
     eval $targetVar="$indexDir/$subDir"
-locate_index "bib_index" "${SOLR_HOME}/vufind/biblio"
-locate_index "auth_index" "${SOLR_HOME}/vufind/authority"
+locate_index "bib_index" "${SOLR_HOME}/biblio"
+locate_index "auth_index" "${SOLR_HOME}/authority"
 mkdir -p "$index_dir"