diff --git a/module/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/FincLibero.php b/module/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/FincLibero.php
index 47858569991c924390ac3219cd9404ccf99f8054..8f562ec316f6d5d3018d1cb9004bc719fdbd4adf 100644
--- a/module/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/FincLibero.php
+++ b/module/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/FincLibero.php
@@ -385,12 +385,15 @@ class FincLibero extends FincILS implements TranslatorAwareInterface
         $customData = [];
         $customData['pickUpLocations'] = [];
+        // flag to indicate that we have a valid service for loan or presentation
+        $hasValidService = false;
         foreach (['available', 'unavailable'] as $availability) {
             if (isset($item[$availability])) {
                 foreach ($item[$availability] as $available) {
                     if (isset($available['service'])
                         && in_array($available['service'], ['presentation', 'loan'])
                     ) {
+                        $hasValidService = true;
                         // deal with pickuplocations
                         if (isset($available['limitation'])
                             && $pickUpLocations = $this->filterPickUpLocations(
@@ -403,16 +406,6 @@ class FincLibero extends FincILS implements TranslatorAwareInterface
-                        } elseif (empty($customData['pickUpLocations']) && isset($item['department'])) {
-                            // if we have no explicit limitations qualifying for
-                            // pickUpLocations, assume the item's department as single
-                            // pickUpLocation
-                            $customData['pickUpLocations'] = array_merge($customData['pickUpLocations'], [
-                                [
-                                    'locationID' => $item['department']['id'],
-                                    'locationDisplay' => $item['department']['content']
-                                ]
-                            ]);
                         // deal with EmailHold information
                         if (isset($available['limitation'])) {
@@ -435,6 +428,19 @@ class FincLibero extends FincILS implements TranslatorAwareInterface
+        // check if we have a valid service, but no pickup locations given, then set fallback pickup location department
+        if ($hasValidService && empty($customData['pickUpLocations']) && isset($item['department'])) {
+            // if we have no explicit limitations qualifying for
+            // pickUpLocations, assume the item's department as single
+            // pickUpLocation
+            $customData['pickUpLocations'] = [
+                [
+                    'locationID' => $item['department']['id'],
+                    'locationDisplay' => $item['department']['content']
+                ]
+            ];
+        }
         return $customData;