diff --git a/themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/range-slider.phtml b/themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/range-slider.phtml
index f865ef4a1d5ee743c85f6b201d2f694ffe1012cb..15797843c5be0e8449afb928250b4e4ade71052e 100644
--- a/themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/range-slider.phtml
+++ b/themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/range-slider.phtml
@@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
 <!-- fid_adlr: Recommend - SideFacets - range-slider -->
-<?php /* compare with bootstrap3 */?>
+<?php /* compare with finc */?>
+    /** finc: usability date range slider #22511:
+     * set boundary values for daterange input and slider
+     * min & max values of handles and inputs are defined by search results
+     * if date range filter is applied additionaly: lowest and highest record years can be within filter values
+     */
+    foreach ($cluster['list'] as $facet) {
+      $years[] = $facet['value'];
+    }
+    $facetmin = min($years);
+    $facetmax = max($years);
+    $low = $facetmin;
+    $min = !empty($this->facet['values'][0]) ? $this->facet['values'][0] : $facetmin;
+    $high = $facetmax;
+    $max = !empty($this->facet['values'][1]) ? $this->facet['values'][1] : $facetmax;
+<?php /* finc changes div into li for compatibility with facet list structure */ ?>
 <li class="facet">
+  <?php /* finc adds landmarks for active facets */ ?>
+  <?php if (!empty($this->facet['values'][0])): ?>
+    <?php $this->sideFacet()->setAppliedFacet($this->transEsc('Skip to facet', ['%%filter_name%%' => $this->transEsc('Year of Publication')]), $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title) . 'from')?>
+  <?php elseif (!empty($this->facet['values'][1])): ?>
+    <?php $this->sideFacet()->setAppliedFacet($this->transEsc('Skip to facet', ['%%filter_name%%' => $this->transEsc('Year of Publication')]), $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title) . 'to')?>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <?php /* finc adds landmarks for active facets - END */ ?>
   <form class="facet-range-form" name="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>Filter" id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>Filter">
     <?=$results->getUrlQuery()->asHiddenFields(['page' => "/./", 'filter' => "/^{$this->title}:.*/"])?>
     <input type="hidden" name="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->facet['type'])?>range[]" value="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>"/>
@@ -9,24 +33,26 @@
       <div class="slider-container"><input type="text" class="hidden" id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?><?=$this->escapeHtml($this->facet['type'])?>Slider" aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('Range-from-to')?>"/></div>
     <?php endif; ?>
     <div class="date-fields">
-      <?php /* finc adds 'max="'.(date('Y')+1).' to prevent dates beyond the year + 1 to be entered; maxlength was causing w3c issues  */ ?>
-      <?php $extraInputAttribs = ($this->facet['type'] == 'date') ? 'max="'.(date('Y')+1).'" ' : ''; ?>
+      <?php /* finc: usability date range slider #22511:
+              prefill min & max attributes by possible date range (given by search results or chosen date range filter)
+            */ ?>
+      <?php $extraInputAttribs = ($this->facet['type'] == 'date') ? " min=\"{$min}\" max=\"{$max}\" " : ''; ?>
       <div class="date-from">
         <?php /* finc adds label ids */ ?>
         <label id="from-label" for="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>from">
           <?php /* fid_adlr: modify result list; remove colon #15967 */ ?>
-        <?php /* finc changes this to number for consistency with adv search  */ ?>
-        <input type="number" class="form-control" name="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>from" id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>from" value="<?=isset($this->facet['values'][0]) ? $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->facet['values'][0]) : ''?>" <?=$extraInputAttribs?>/>
+        <?php /* finc: usability date range slider #22135, #22511: change input type and value */ ?>
+        <input type="number" class="form-control" name="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>from" id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>from" value="<?=!empty($this->facet['values'][0]) ? $this->escapeHtmlAttr($low) : ''?>" <?=$extraInputAttribs?>/>
       <div class="date-to">
         <label id="to-label" for="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>to">
           <?php /* fid_adlr: modify result list; remove colon #15967 */ ?>
-        <?php /* finc changes this to number for consistency with adv search  */ ?>
-        <input type="number" class="form-control" name="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>to" id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>to" value="<?=isset($this->facet['values'][1]) ? $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->facet['values'][1]) : ''?>" <?=$extraInputAttribs?>/>
+        <?php /* finc: usability date range slider #22135, #22511: change input type and value input */ ?>
+        <input type="number" class="form-control" name="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>to" id="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->title)?>to" value="<?=!empty($this->facet['values'][1]) ? $this->escapeHtmlAttr($high) : ''?>" <?=$extraInputAttribs?>/>
     <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="<?=$this->transEsc('Set')?>"/>
@@ -36,11 +62,7 @@
   <?php $this->headScript()->appendFile('vendor/bootstrap-slider.min.js'); ?>
   <?php $this->headLink()->appendStylesheet('vendor/bootstrap-slider.min.css'); ?>
-    $min = !empty($this->facet['values'][0]) ? min($this->facet['values'][0], 1400) : 1400;
-    $future = date('Y', time() + 31536000); // next year
-    $max = !empty($this->facet['values'][1]) ? max($future, $this->facet['values'][1]) : $future;
-    $low = !empty($this->facet['values'][0]) ? $this->facet['values'][0] : $min;
-    $high = !empty($this->facet['values'][1]) ? $this->facet['values'][1] : $max;
+    /* finc: usability date range slider #22511: variables moved to top */
     $script = <<<JS
 $(document).ready(function() {
   var fillTexts = function() {
@@ -79,4 +101,4 @@ JS;
   <?=$this->inlineScript(\Zend\View\Helper\HeadScript::SCRIPT, $script, 'SET'); ?>
 <?php endif; ?>
-<!-- fid_adlr: Recommend - SideFacets - range-slider - END -->
\ No newline at end of file
+<!-- fid_adlr: Recommend - SideFacets - range-slider - END -->