diff --git a/local/config/vufind/searchspecs.yaml b/local/config/vufind/searchspecs.yaml
index 9e25158349c760543babe86800df8eb34a39a0df..47072b6732dc29e62b0b2612543a42eac061364d 100644
--- a/local/config/vufind/searchspecs.yaml
+++ b/local/config/vufind/searchspecs.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 # Format is:
 #  searchType:
 #    # CustomMunge is an optional section to define custom pre-processing of
-#    #     user input.  See below for details of munge actions.
+#    #     user input when Dismax does not apply.  See below for details of
+#    #     munge actions.
 #    CustomMunge:
 #      MungeName1:
 #        - [action1, actionParams]
@@ -12,6 +13,15 @@
 #        - [action3, actionParams]
 #      MungeName2:
 #        - [action1, actionParams]
+#    # While CustomMunge only applies to Lucene search, DismaxMunge is a
+#    #     counterpart that applies to Dismax and eDismax queries. DismaxMunge
+#    #     contains a chain of custom munge operations as described below. Note
+#    #     that using this function is NOT RECOMMENDED if you can accomplish your
+#    #     goals more elegantly through Solr schema adjustments, but it may be
+#    #     useful in some situations, such as when you are connecting to a Solr
+#    #     instance that is beyond your direct control. Here is an example stanza:
+#    DismaxMunge:
+#      - [preg_replace, '/^.*$/', '"$1"']
 #    # DismaxFields is optional and defines the fields sent to the Dismax handler
 #    #     when we are able to use it.  QueryFields will be used for advanced
 #    #     searches that Dismax cannot support.  QueryFields is always used if no
@@ -114,7 +124,7 @@
-# Munge types are based on the original Solr.php code, and consist of:
+# Munge types are string manipulation rules, and consist of:
 # onephrase: eliminate all quotes and do it as a single phrase. 
 #   testing "one two"
@@ -145,13 +155,28 @@
 # [preg_replace, pattern, replacement] - Perform a regular expression replace
 #     using the preg_replace() PHP function.  If you use backreferences in your
 #     replacement phrase, be sure to escape dollar signs (i.e. \$1, not $1).
+# [ucfirst] - Uppercase the first letter of each word in the string
 # [uppercase] - Convert string to uppercase
 # See the CallNumber search below for an example of custom munging in action.
+# Note that you may create a "@parent_yaml" entry at the very top of the file to
+# inherit sections from another file. For example:
 "@parent_yaml": "../../../config/vufind/searchspecs.yaml"
+# Only sections not found in this file will be loaded in from the parent file.
+# In some complex scenarios, this can be a useful way of sharing settings
+# between multiple configured VuFind instances. You can create a chain of parent
+# files if necessary.
+# If @parent_yaml cannot be accessed as an absolute path, it will also be tried
+# relative to the path of the file defining it.
 # These searches use Dismax when possible: