diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/myresearch/profile.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/myresearch/profile.phtml
index a8787ed1ecc200bdaa38df3bcb71dcaeb5996d45..1ed8eeb96ae529398fb453501c95d8a259bb055a 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/myresearch/profile.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/myresearch/profile.phtml
@@ -18,69 +18,22 @@
   <h1><?=$this->transEsc('Your Profile')?></h1>
-  <?php /* This table works well without inserting responsive data titles - CK */ ?>
-  <table class="table table-striped">
-    <?=$this->renderArray(
-      $arrTemplate, $this->user,
-      [
-        $this->transEsc('First Name') => 'firstname',
-        $this->transEsc('Last Name') => 'lastname',
-        // finc: uses show e-mail in table below
-        // $this->transEsc('Email') => 'email',
-      ]
-    )?>
-    <?php /* this section renders under two distinct circumstances; see if/else below: */ ?>
-    <?php if (count($this->pickup ?? []) > 1 || !empty($this->preferredLibraryDisplay)): ?>
-      <tr>
-        <th><?=$this->transEsc('Preferred Library')?>:</th>
-        <td>
-          <?php if (count($this->pickup ?? []) > 1): // case 1: set home library allowed ?>
-            <?php
-              $selected = (strlen($this->profile['home_library'] ?? '') > 0)
-                ? $this->profile['home_library'] : $this->defaultPickupLocation
-            ?>
-            <form id="profile_form" class="form-inline" method="post">
-              <select id="home_library" name="home_library" class="form-control">
-                <?php foreach ($this->pickup as $lib): ?>
-                  <option value="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($lib['locationID'])?>"<?=($selected == $lib['locationID'])?' selected="selected"':''?>><?=$this->transEscWithPrefix('location_', $lib['locationDisplay'])?></option>
-                <?php endforeach; ?>
-              </select>
-              <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="<?=$this->transEsc('Save')?>" />
-            </form>
-          <?php else: // case 2: set home library disallowed, but default provided by ILS ?>
-            <?=$this->transEscWithPrefix('location_', $this->preferredLibraryDisplay)?>
-          <?php endif; ?>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-  </table>
-  <div id="account-actions">
-    <?php if ($this->auth()->getManager()->supportsEmailChange()): ?>
-      <a class="btn btn-default" href="<?=$this->url('myresearch-changeemail') ?>">
-        <i class="fa fa-fw fa-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></i> <?=$this->transEsc('Change Email Address') ?>
-      </a>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-    <?php if ($this->auth()->getManager()->supportsPasswordChange()): ?>
-      <a class="btn btn-default" href="<?=$this->url('myresearch-changepassword') ?>">
-        <i class="fa fa-fw fa-lock" aria-hidden="true"></i> <?=$this->transEsc('Change Password') ?>
-      </a>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-    <?php if ($this->accountDeletion): ?>
-      <a class="btn btn-default" href="<?=$this->url('myresearch-deleteaccount') ?>" data-lightbox>
-        <i class="fa fa-times"></i> <?=$this->transEsc('delete_account_title') ?>
-      </a>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-  </div>
+  <?php
+    /* finc-specific:
+     * Removed part of template responsible for rendering user data from VuFind
+     * database as in finc we only store name/surname/email in database which is
+     * identical to profile data from the ILS shown below. Also gone are action
+     * buttons for password/emal change and account deletion as this is all handled
+     * by the ILS as well. */
+  ?>
   <?php if (is_array($this->profile)): ?>
-    <?php /* finc: change h3 to h2 */ ?>
-    <h2><?=$this->transEsc('Library Catalog Profile')?></h2>
-    <p>
-      <?=$this->context($this)->renderInContext('librarycards/selectcard.phtml', ['user' => $this->user]); ?>
-    </p>
+    <?php
+      /* finc-specific:
+       * Removed sub-heading and library card selector (should never be used in finc).
+       */
+    ?>
     <?php /* Table works without further responsiveness code inserted - CK */ ?>
     <table class="table table-striped">