From 57d65754f369044aa9bbe398f1d565a0d3a98a68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Claas Kazzer <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 14:38:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] refs #22127 [finc] vf6 Styles Active Filters in header

* removes from finc-accessibility and adds it to finc
* fine tunes and styles it in finc
* styles Active Filters in header
* removes Active Filters from finc-accessibility
* fine-tunes active filter elements in header
* adds ellipsis for overlong filter elements
* re-alligns elements due to ellipsis-related changes
* corrects erroneous for-label
* fixes active filters alignments
 themes/finc-accessibility/scss/compiled.scss  |  51 ------
 .../templates/search/filters.phtml            | 169 ------------------
 themes/finc/scss/_customVariables.scss        |  45 ++++-
 .../components/_header-active-filters.scss    | 146 +++++++++++----
 .../finc/scss/components/_header-navbar.scss  |   1 +
 themes/finc/scss/components/_search.scss      |   9 +-
 .../templates/search/controls/limit.phtml     |   2 +-
 themes/finc/templates/search/filters.phtml    |  25 ++-
 8 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 themes/finc-accessibility/templates/search/filters.phtml

diff --git a/themes/finc-accessibility/scss/compiled.scss b/themes/finc-accessibility/scss/compiled.scss
index 34fb79fb25c..273b21b9120 100644
--- a/themes/finc-accessibility/scss/compiled.scss
+++ b/themes/finc-accessibility/scss/compiled.scss
@@ -114,60 +114,9 @@ $screen-md-max:              ($screen-lg-min - 1) !default;
-// Keep Filters elements in header
-.reset-filters-btn {
-  background-color: $brand-warning;
-  color: $black;
-  &:focus,
-  &:hover {
-    background: $sidebar-item-active-hover-bg;
-    color: $sidebar-facet-active-hover-color;
-  }
- {
-  .filters .filter-value:focus,
-  .filters .filter-value:hover,
-  .search-filter-remove:visited,
-  .search-filter-remove:focus,
-  .search-filter-remove:hover,
-  .search-filter-remove:visited:focus,
-  .search-filter-remove:visited:hover {
-    background: $search-filter-remove-hover-bg;
-    color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color;
-  }
-  .filters .filter-value:focus,
-  .filters .filter-value:hover {
-    .search-filter-remove::after {
-      color: $red;
-    }
-    .search-filter-remove,
-    .search-filter-remove:visited {
-      color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color !important; // keep !important
-    }
-  }
- {
-  content: $search-filter-remove-icon;
-// remove filter links styling
-a.remove-filter {
-  display: flex;
-  width: 100%;
-} {
   .load-tab-content {
     display: none;
-// overwrite vertical align
-#dropdown-toggle-Format {
-  vertical-align: unset;
diff --git a/themes/finc-accessibility/templates/search/filters.phtml b/themes/finc-accessibility/templates/search/filters.phtml
deleted file mode 100644
index d30559c7b49..00000000000
--- a/themes/finc-accessibility/templates/search/filters.phtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-<!-- finc-accessibility - search - filters -->
-  if (!isset($this->params)) {
-    // No current search, use last search in memory
-    $params = $this->searchMemory()->getLastSearchParams($this->searchClassId);
-  } else {
-    // clone params so that the manipulation doesn't cause trouble e.g. for facets
-    $params = clone $this->params;
-  }
-  $lastSort = $this->searchMemory()->getLastSort($this->searchClassId);
-  $options = $this->searchOptions($this->searchClassId);
-  $hasDefaultsApplied = $params->hasDefaultsApplied();
-  $filterCount = $this->searchbox()->getFilterCount($checkboxFilters, $filterList);
-  // Determine whether the only filters applied are the default ones; this controls
-  // when we display or hide the reset button:
-  $defaultFilters = $options->getDefaultFilters();
-  $onlyDefaultsApplied = count($defaultFilters) == $filterCount;
-  foreach ($defaultFilters as $currentDefault) {
-    if (!$params->hasFilter($currentDefault)) {
-      $onlyDefaultsApplied = false;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  $advancedSearch = $this->searchType === 'advanced';
-<?php ob_start(); ?>
-  <?php foreach ($checkboxFilters as $filter): ?>
-    <?php if ($filter['selected']): ?>
-      <span class="filter-value">
-        <?php
-          $removeLink = isset($urlQuery)
-            ? $urlQuery->removeFilter($filter['filter'])
-            : $this->searchMemory()->getEditLink(
-              $this->searchClassId, 'removeFilter', $filter['filter']
-            );
-          $desc = $this->translate($filter['desc']);
-          $ariaLabel = $this->translate('Remove filter') . ' ' . $this->escapeHtmlAttr($desc);
-        ?>
-        <?=$desc?>
-        <?php if($removeLink): ?>
-          <a class="search-filter-remove" aria-label="<?=$ariaLabel?>" href="<?=$removeLink?>"><!--icon from css --></a>
-        <?php endif; ?>
-      </span>
-    <?php endif ?>
-  <?php endforeach; ?>
-  <?php foreach ($filterList as $field => $data): ?>
-    <div class="title-value-pair">
-      <span class="filters-title"><?=$this->transEsc($field)?>:</span>
-      <?php /* finc: set number of filters from one group for display in dropdown to '> 1'
-               so 2 and more filters from one group will be presented in a dropdown rather
-               than as a long chain of terms - CK */ ?>
-      <?php if (count($data) > 1): ?>
-        <div class="search-filter-dropdown dropdown">
-          <?php $dropdown = true; ?>
-          <?php $safeId = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $field); ?>
-          <button id="dropdown-toggle-<?=$safeId?>" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
-            <?=$this->transEsc('filter_toggle_entries', ['%%count%%' => count($data)])?>
-          </button>
-          <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdown-toggle-<?=$safeId?>">
-      <?php else: ?>
-        <?php $dropdown = false; ?>
-      <?php endif; ?>
-      <?php foreach ($data as $index => $value): ?>
-        <?php if ($dropdown): ?>
-          <li>
-        <?php endif; ?>
-        <?php
-          switch ($value['operator']) {
-          case 'NOT':
-            $operatorChar = '-';
-            $join = $this->transEsc('NOT');
-            break;
-          case 'OR':
-            $operatorChar = '~';
-            $join = $this->transEsc('OR');
-            break;
-          case 'AND':
-            $operatorChar = '';
-            $join = $this->transEsc('AND');
-            break;
-          default:
-            $operatorChar = $join = '';
-          }
-          $operatorClass = $this->escapeHtmlAttr(strtolower($value['operator']));
-        ?>
-        <span class="filters-term filters-<?=$operatorClass?>">
-          <?=($index > 0 || 'NOT' === $value['operator']) ? $join : '' ?>
-        </span>
-        <span class="filter-value filters-<?=$operatorClass?>">
-          <?php /* finc uses entire text + icon as link for larger interaction area; adds more detailed aria-label */ ?>
-          <?php
-            $removeLink = isset($this->urlQuery)
-              ? $urlQuery->removeFacet($value['field'], $value['value'], $value['operator'])
-              : $this->searchMemory()->getEditLink($this->searchClassId, 'removeFacet', $value);
-          ?>
-          <a class="search-filter-remove"
-             aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('clear_tag_filter') ?> &ndash; <?=$this->transEsc('page_reload_on_deselect_hint', ['%%filter_name%%' => $value['displayText']])?>"
-             href="<?=$removeLink?>">
-            <span class="text">
-              <?=$this->escapeHtml($value['displayText'])?>
-            </span>
-            <!--icon from css -->
-          </a>
-        </span>
-        <?php if ($dropdown): ?>
-          </li>
-        <?php endif; ?>
-      <?php endforeach; ?>
-      <?php if ($dropdown): ?>
-          </ul>
-        </div>
-      <?php endif; ?>
-    </div>
-  <?php endforeach; ?>
-<?php $filters = ob_get_contents(); ?>
-<?php ob_end_clean(); ?>
-<?php if ($hasDefaultsApplied || $filterCount > 0): ?>
-  <?php
-    $resetLink = null;
-    if (!$onlyDefaultsApplied) {
-      $resetLink = isset($urlQuery)
-        ? $urlQuery->removeAllFilters()->resetDefaultFilters()
-        : $this->searchMemory()->getEditLink($this->searchClassId, 'removeAllFilters', 1);
-    }
-  ?>
-  <?php // Normal view ?>
-  <div class="active-filters hidden-xs">
-    <?php if ($resetLink && $options->getRetainFilterSetting()): ?>
-      <?php /* finc adds verbose reload warning via aria-label */ ?>
-      <a class="reset-filters-btn" href="<?=$resetLink?>"
-         aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('clear_tag_filter') ?> &ndash; <?=$this->transEsc('page_reload_on_deselect_all_hint', ['%%filter_name%%' => $value['displayText']])?>"
-      >
-        <?=$this->transEsc('reset_filters_button') ?>
-      </a>
-    <?php elseif ($advancedSearch): ?>
-      <p class="adv_search_filters"><?=$this->transEsc('adv_search_filters')?>:</p>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-    <div class="filters">
-      <?=$filters ?>
-    </div>
-    <div class="clearfix"></div>
-  </div>
-  <?php // Narrow view ?>
-  <div class="active-filters visible-xs">
-    <div class="filters-toggle-bar">
-      <?php if ($resetLink && $options->getRetainFilterSetting()): ?>
-        <?php /* finc adds verbose reload warning via aria-label */ ?>
-        <a class="reset-filters-btn active" href="<?=$resetLink?>"
-           aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('clear_tag_filter') ?> &ndash; <?=$this->transEsc('page_reload_on_deselect_all_hint', ['%%filter_name%%' => $value['displayText']])?>">
-          <?=$this->transEsc('reset_filters_button')?>
-        </a>
-      <?php endif; ?>
-      <div class="filters-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#active-filters-mobile">
-        <?=$this->transEsc('show_filters_html', ['%%count%%' => $filterCount])?>
-      </div>
-      <div class="clearfix"></div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="active-filters-mobile" class="filters filters-bar collapse">
-      <?=$filters ?>
-    </div>
-    <div class="clearfix"></div>
-  </div>
-<?php endif; ?>
-<!-- finc-accessibility - search - filters - END -->
diff --git a/themes/finc/scss/_customVariables.scss b/themes/finc/scss/_customVariables.scss
index cf7424408c5..0bd4ec8a795 100644
--- a/themes/finc/scss/_customVariables.scss
+++ b/themes/finc/scss/_customVariables.scss
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ $hamburger-menu-margin-left-xs: 0 !default;
 $hamburger-menu-margin-right-xs: 0 !default;
 // This is for the menu items in the header incl. language, My account etc
-$header-menu-flex-sm-up: 1 0 30%;
+$header-menu-flex-sm-up: 1 0 40%;
 $header-menu-flex-adv-srch-sm-up: 1 0 100%;
 $header-menu-flex-order-sm-up: 3;
 $header-menu-padding-top-sm-up: 6px;
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ $icon-exclamation-triangle-in-header-padding: 0 !default;
 // *****************************************************************
 // ************ Search box ************************************
 // *****************************************************************
-// Make search box container flexible -- values should complement those
+// Make search box container flexible - values should complement those
 // of #header-collapse (i.e. the right-hand side navigation elements)
 $search-container-right-padding: 0 !default;
 $search-container-sm-max-left-padding: 0 !default;
@@ -758,9 +758,12 @@ $search-form-input-type-sm-max-flex-shrink: 2 !default;
 $search-form-input-only-sm-max-flex-basis: 50% !default;
 $search-form-select-only-sm-max-flex-basis: 20% !default;
-$search-form-advanced-search-button-border: 1px solid $oil !default;
+// Pls. beware that the next two settings affect the active-filters' buttons too
+// (reset in 'header-active-filters.scss' -> button[id^='dropdown-toggle-'])
+$search-form-btn-form-control-vertical-align: top !default;
+$search-form-btn-form-control-float-xs: left !default;
+$search-form-advanced-search-button-border: 1px solid $oil !default;
@@ -803,24 +806,50 @@ $adv-search-links-sm-to-md-max-max-width: 400px !default;
 // *****************************************************************
 // ************ Active filters in header ***************************
 // *****************************************************************
-// Variables for search-filter-remove in Header
+// Outer container for filter names and reset button;
+// we overwrite BS value 'display: flex;' so filters' container will fit
+// in searchbox without squashing right-hand menu;
+// Set this to 'flex' to maintain BS-theme behaviour
+$active-filters-outer-container-display: unset !default;
+// Remove left-padding of outer filters' container for alignment under 'Remove all' button
+$active-filters-outer-filters-container-padding-left: 0 !default;
+// Variables for 'Active filters' and 'Remove all filters' in Header
 // Use orange and black for sufficient color contrast
 $search-filter-remove-all-color: $black !default;
 $search-filter-remove-all-bg: $brand-warning !default;
-$search-filter-remove-hover-bg: $brand-warning !default;
-$search-filter-remove-hover-color: $white !default;
+$search-filter-remove-text-decoration: none !default;
+// Give these the same look on focus/hover as 'Remove all'
+$search-filter-remove-hover-bg: $search-filter-remove-all-bg !default;
+$search-filter-remove-hover-color: $search-filter-remove-all-color !default;
 $search-filter-values-remove-color: $white !default;
 $search-filters-margin-bottom: 4px !default;
 $search-filters-padding: .5rem 5px !default;
-$search-filter-remove-icon: '\f00d' !default;
+$search-filter-remove-button-vertical-align: top !default;
+$search-filter-remove-button-text-display: inline-block !default;
+$search-filter-remove-button-text-max-width: 200px !default;
+$search-filter-remove-button-text-overflow: hidden !default;
+$search-filter-remove-button-text-text-overflow: ellipsis !default;
+$search-filter-remove-button-text-white-space: nowrap !default;
+$search-filter-remove-icon: '\f00d' !default;
+$search-filter-remove-icon-hover-color: $red !default;
+$search-filter-remove-icon-vertical-align: top !default;
+$search-filter-remove-icon-in-dropdown-position: absolute !default;
+$search-filter-remove-icon-in-dropdown-distance-from-right: 1rem !default;
+// Unset the vertical alignment from BS to align dropdowns AND indiv. buttons
+// The relevant definition is '.searchForm .btn {vertical-align: top;}'
+$search-filter-dropdown-button-vertical-align: unset !default;
+$search-filter-dropdown-button-float: none !default;
 // *****************************************************************
 // ************ Breadcrumbs ****************************************
diff --git a/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-active-filters.scss b/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-active-filters.scss
index 1373f53e8be..11c7638ce98 100644
--- a/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-active-filters.scss
+++ b/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-active-filters.scss
@@ -1,4 +1,46 @@
 // Use this file to style all active filters elements in header
+// The structure is like so:
+// <!-- Outer container -->
+// <div class="active-filters">
+//   <!-- Reset all button -->
+//   <a class="reset-filters-btn" ....
+//   <!-- Outer container for all individual filters -->
+//   <div class="filters">
+//     <div class="title-value-pair">
+//       <!-- Filtergroup title -->
+//       <span class="filters-title">
+//       <!-- Individual filters' outer container -->
+//       <span class="filter-value filters-or">
+//         <!-- Individual filter -->
+//         <a class="search-filter-remove" ...
+ {
+  // Outer container for all filters and reset button
+  // overwrite BS values where necessary
+  display: $active-filters-outer-container-display;
+  // Outer container for all individual filters
+  .filters {
+    padding-left: $active-filters-outer-filters-container-padding-left;
+  }
+  // Individual filters' outer container
+  // Make this the same height as .reset-filters-btn and other navigation elements
+  // for better usability - keep '.filters' for specifity (overwriting BS3)
+  .filters .filter-value {
+    height: $navigation-element-default-height;
+    margin-bottom: $search-filters-margin-bottom;
+    padding: $search-filters-padding;
+    &:focus,
+    &:hover {
+      background: $search-filter-remove-hover-bg;
+      color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color;
+    }
+  }
 // This is the 'reset all'-button
 .reset-filters-btn {
@@ -12,53 +54,93 @@
 } {
-  // Colored block with filter name
-  // Make same height as .reset-filters-btn and other navigation elements
-  // for better usability - keep '.filters' for specifity (overwriting BS3)
-  .filters .filter-value {
-    height: $navigation-element-default-height;
-    margin-bottom: $search-filters-margin-bottom;
-    padding: $search-filters-padding;
-    &:focus,
-    &:hover {
+// Set focus and hover styles for individual filter items'
+// outer container ('.filters .filter-value') and filter items ('.search-filter-remove')
+.filters .filter-value, {
+  color: $search-filter-values-remove-color;
+  text-decoration: $search-filter-remove-text-decoration;
+  &:focus,
+  &:hover,
+  &:visited:focus,
+  &:visited:hover {
+    // Keep '.active-filters' for specifity to overwrite BS
+    .active-filters & {
       background: $search-filter-remove-hover-bg;
       color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color;
+      text-decoration: inherit;
-  // Link wrapping X-icon in filter-value element
-  .search-filter-remove {
-    text-decoration: none;
-    &:focus,
-    &:hover {
-      color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color;
-      outline-color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color;
+  // Make this same color as un-visited item
+  &:visited {
+    // Keep '.active-filters' for specifity to overwrite BS
+    .active-filters & {
+      color: inherit;
+      text-decoration: inherit;
+    }
+  }
+// Set color of individual filters when focus is on outer container, {
-      .filter-value:focus &,
-      .filter-value:hover & {
-        color: inherit;
-      }
+  .filters .filter-value:focus &,
+  .filters .filter-value:hover & {
+    background: $search-filter-remove-hover-bg;
+    color: $search-filter-remove-hover-color;
+    // x-icon color when outer container is focussed
+    &::after {
+      color: $search-filter-remove-icon-hover-color;
-// set states for focussed link when the outer container is NOT focussed
-.filter-value:not(:hover) {
-  .search-filter-remove {
-    &:focus,
-    &:hover {
-      color: inherit;
-      outline-color: $search-filter-values-remove-color;
+// This is the colored, button-like element with the 'x' icon {
+  // Align with text inside the element
+  vertical-align: $search-filter-remove-button-vertical-align;
+  .text {
+    // Create ellipsis for overlong filter text
+    display: $search-filter-remove-button-text-display;
+    max-width: $search-filter-remove-button-text-max-width;
+    overflow: $search-filter-remove-button-text-overflow;
+    text-overflow: $search-filter-remove-button-text-text-overflow;
+    white-space: $search-filter-remove-button-text-white-space;
+  }
+  // Set icon content
+  &::after {
+    content: $search-filter-remove-icon;
+    vertical-align: $search-filter-remove-icon-vertical-align;
+    // Move 'x' to the right of the buttons in dropdown
+    .search-filter-dropdown & {
+      position: $search-filter-remove-icon-in-dropdown-position;
+      right: $search-filter-remove-icon-in-dropdown-distance-from-right;
-// Set icon {
-  content: $search-filter-remove-icon;
+// Style for dropdowns (activated when more than n item(s) are set in filters.phtml):
+// Unset the vertical alignment from BS to align dropdowns AND indiv. buttons
+// The relevant definition is '.searchForm .btn {vertical-align: top;}' {
+  button[id^='dropdown-toggle-'] {
+    // set 'float' to 'none' to make vertical align work
+    float: $search-filter-dropdown-button-float;
+    vertical-align: $search-filter-dropdown-button-vertical-align;
+  }
diff --git a/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-navbar.scss b/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-navbar.scss
index 8547541a6ac..2cffc9ceda3 100644
--- a/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-navbar.scss
+++ b/themes/finc/scss/components/_header-navbar.scss
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ header,
 // Make right-hand header parts fit with search box on SM devices - see also .search.container
 #header-collapse {
   @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
     // Make smaller to fit with search box and right-hand nav-elements
     flex: $header-menu-flex-sm-up;
diff --git a/themes/finc/scss/components/_search.scss b/themes/finc/scss/components/_search.scss
index 3dbcc09cbf3..528aeefad13 100644
--- a/themes/finc/scss/components/_search.scss
+++ b/themes/finc/scss/components/_search.scss
@@ -105,14 +105,15 @@
-  // BUTTONS in search form
+  // BUTTONS, inputs and selects in search form
   .form-control {
-    // align 'search type' and search button
-    vertical-align: top;
+    // align 'search type' and search button:
+    // Pls. beware that the active-filters' buttons will also be affected by this (reset in 'header-active-filters.scss' -> button[id^='dropdown-toggle-'])
+    vertical-align: $search-form-btn-form-control-vertical-align;
     @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) and (max-width: $screen-sm-max) {
-      float: left;
+      float: $search-form-btn-form-control-float-xs;
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml
index b13ad15652a..50ffafe7d11 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   <?php /* finc: DO NOT use class 'form-inline' as it messes up the select box */
         /* finc: remove classname search-result-limit */ ?>
   <form class="limit-form" action="<?=$this->currentPath() . $this->results->getUrlQuery()->setLimit(null)?>" method="post">
-    <label for="limit-form"><?=$this->transEsc('Results per page')?></label>
+    <label for="limit"><?=$this->transEsc('Results per page')?></label>
     <div class="limit-inner">
       <?php /* finc: DO NOT use class 'form-control' as it messes up the select box */ ?>
       <select id="limit" name="limit" class="jumpMenu">
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/search/filters.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/search/filters.phtml
index b5509926df0..6d365819d79 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/search/filters.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/search/filters.phtml
@@ -50,7 +50,12 @@
   <?php foreach ($filterList as $field => $data): ?>
     <div class="title-value-pair">
       <span class="filters-title"><?=$this->transEsc($field)?>:</span>
-      <?php if (count($data) > 3): ?>
+      <?php /* finc: set number of filters from one group for display in dropdown to '> 1'
+               so 2 and more filters from one group will be presented in a dropdown rather
+               than as a long chain of terms -
+               bootstrap3 has '<?php if (count($data) > 3): ?>'
+               CK */ ?>
+      <?php if (count($data) > 1): ?>
         <div class="search-filter-dropdown dropdown">
           <?php $dropdown = true; ?>
           <?php $safeId = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $field); ?>
@@ -88,13 +93,14 @@
           <?=($index > 0 || 'NOT' === $value['operator']) ? $join : '' ?>
         <span class="filter-value filters-<?=$operatorClass?>">
-          <?php /* finc: include span in remove link for better UX */ ?>
+          <?php /* finc uses entire text + icon as link for larger interaction area; adds more detailed aria-label */ ?>
             $removeLink = isset($this->urlQuery)
               ? $urlQuery->removeFacet($value['field'], $value['value'], $value['operator'])
               : $this->searchMemory()->getEditLink($this->searchClassId, 'removeFacet', $value);
-          <a class="search-filter-remove" aria-label="<?=$this->translate('Remove filter') ?>" href="<?=$removeLink?>"><!--icon from css -->
+          <a class="search-filter-remove" aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('clear_tag_filter') ?> &ndash; <?=$this->transEsc('page_reload_on_deselect_hint', ['%%filter_name%%' => $value['displayText']])?>"
+             href="<?=$removeLink?>">
             <span class="text">
@@ -125,7 +131,12 @@
   <?php // Normal view ?>
   <div class="active-filters hidden-xs">
     <?php if ($resetLink && $options->getRetainFilterSetting()): ?>
-      <a class="reset-filters-btn" href="<?=$resetLink?>"><?=$this->transEsc('reset_filters_button')?></a>
+      <?php /* finc adds verbose reload warning via aria-label */ ?>
+      <a class="reset-filters-btn" href="<?=$resetLink?>"
+         aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('clear_tag_filter') ?> &ndash; <?=$this->transEsc('page_reload_on_deselect_all_hint', ['%%filter_name%%' => $value['displayText']])?>"
+      >
+        <?=$this->transEsc('reset_filters_button') ?>
+      </a>
     <?php elseif ($advancedSearch): ?>
       <p class="adv_search_filters"><?=$this->transEsc('adv_search_filters')?>:</p>
     <?php endif; ?>
@@ -138,7 +149,11 @@
   <div class="active-filters visible-xs">
     <div class="filters-toggle-bar">
       <?php if ($resetLink && $options->getRetainFilterSetting()): ?>
-        <a class="reset-filters-btn" href="<?=$resetLink?>"><?=$this->transEsc('reset_filters_button')?></a>
+        <?php /* finc adds verbose reload warning via aria-label */ ?>
+        <a class="reset-filters-btn active" href="<?=$resetLink?>"
+           aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc('clear_tag_filter') ?> &ndash; <?=$this->transEsc('page_reload_on_deselect_all_hint', ['%%filter_name%%' => $value['displayText']])?>">
+          <?=$this->transEsc('reset_filters_button')?>
+        </a>
       <?php endif; ?>
       <div class="filters-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#active-filters-mobile">
         <?=$this->transEsc('show_filters_html', ['%%count%%' => $filterCount])?>