From 4e245fd85cc057a14f6f0d42665c61d42b650215 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Purr <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:17:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] refs #18016 [finc] fix accessibility for select elements *
 add submit button to page limit and sorting form on result lists (and
 favorites) ** no automatic page reload on selection change ** therefore no
 focus changing * language selection form ** change language link into submit
 button ** still using js for setting language value before submitting

 themes/finc/templates/header.phtml            | 22 +++++++++----------
 .../templates/search/controls/limit.phtml     |  6 +++--
 .../finc/templates/search/controls/sort.phtml |  6 +++--
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/header.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/header.phtml
index b2019c53f1f..fc370fe70a5 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/header.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/header.phtml
@@ -102,21 +102,19 @@
             <li class="language dropdown">
               <form method="post" name="langForm" id="langForm">
                 <input type="hidden" name="mylang"/>
-              </form>
 								<a href="#" class="btn dropdown-toggle <?=(count($this->layout()->allLangs) == 2) ? ' hidden' : ''?>" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-controls="langmenu" aria-expanded="false">
 									<?=$this->transEsc("Language")?> <strong class="caret"></strong>
-              <ul id="langmenu" class="dropdown-menu <?=(count($this->layout()->allLangs) == 2) ? ' oneLanguage' : ''?>">
-                <?php foreach ($this->layout()->allLangs as $langCode => $langName): ?>
-		              <?php if ($langCode !== $this->layout()->userLang) : ?>
-    	              <li>
-      	              <a class="btn <?=(count($this->layout()->allLangs) == 2) ? ' btn-secondary' : ''?>" href="#" onClick="document.langForm.mylang.value='<?=$langCode?>';document.langForm.submit()"><?=$this->displayLanguageOption($langName)?></a>
-        	          </li>
-                  <?php endif; ?>
-                <?php endforeach; ?>
-              </ul>
+                <ul id="langmenu" class="dropdown-menu <?=(count($this->layout()->allLangs) == 2) ? ' oneLanguage' : ''?>">
+                  <?php foreach ($this->layout()->allLangs as $langCode => $langName): ?>
+                    <?php if ($langCode !== $this->layout()->userLang) : ?>
+                      <li>
+                        <button type="submit" class="btn <?=(count($this->layout()->allLangs) == 2) ? ' btn-secondary' : ''?>" href="#" onClick="document.langForm.mylang.value='<?=$langCode?>';document.langForm.submit()"><?=$this->displayLanguageOption($langName)?></button>
+                      </li>
+                    <?php endif; ?>
+                  <?php endforeach; ?>
+                </ul>
+              </form>
           <?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml
index 9284b184791..dd5d27f2d95 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/limit.phtml
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
   <form class="limit" action="<?=$this->currentPath() . $this->results->getUrlQuery()->setLimit(null)?>" method="post">
     <label for="limit"><?=$this->transEsc('Results per page')?></label>
     <?php /* finc: DO NOT use class 'form-control' as it messes up the select box */ ?>
-    <select id="limit" name="limit" class="jumpMenu">
+    <select id="limit" name="limit">
       <?php foreach ($limitList as $limitVal => $limitData): ?>
         <option value="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($limitVal)?>" <?=$limitData['selected']? ' selected="selected" ':'' ?>><?=$this->escapeHtml($limitData['desc'])?></option>
       <?php endforeach; ?>
-    <noscript><input type="submit" value="<?=$this->transEsc("Set")?>" /></noscript>
+    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc("Set")?>">
+      <i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+    </button>
 <?php endif; ?>
 <!-- finc: search - controls - limit - END -->
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/sort.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/sort.phtml
index c8a81864758..26689a993f6 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/sort.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/search/controls/sort.phtml
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
     <?=$this->results->getUrlQuery()->asHiddenFields(['sort' => '/.*/']);?>
     <label for="sort_options_1"><?=$this->transEsc('Sort')?></label>
     <?php /* finc: DO NOT use class 'form-control' as it messes up the select box */ ?>
-    <select id="sort_options_1" name="sort" class="jumpMenu">
+    <select id="sort_options_1" name="sort">
       <?php foreach ($list as $sortType => $sortData): ?>
         <option value="<?=$this->escapeHtmlAttr($sortType)?>" <?=$sortData['selected']?' selected="selected"':''?>><?=$this->transEsc($sortData['desc'])?></option>
       <?php endforeach; ?>
-    <noscript><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="<?=$this->transEsc("Set")?>" /></noscript>
+    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" aria-label="<?=$this->transEsc("Set")?>">
+      <i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+    </button>
 <?php endif; ?>
 <!-- finc: search - controls - sort - END -->