From 35b44f1a760816d11a0523a6154af191492be166 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Demian Katz <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 16:15:05 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Eliminate tabs.

 .../src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaILSDI.php       | 32 +++++++++----------
 module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/PAIA.php  | 14 ++++----
 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaILSDI.php b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaILSDI.php
index c6e44ca76b3..ecfc320ef3f 100644
--- a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaILSDI.php
+++ b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaILSDI.php
@@ -734,23 +734,23 @@ class KohaILSDI extends \VuFind\ILS\Driver\AbstractBase implements
         //TODO - test this new functionality
         if ( $level == "title" ) {
-        	$rsp2 = $this->makeIlsdiRequest("HoldTitle",
-        			array("patron_id" => $patron_id,
-        				  "bib_id" => $bib_id,
-        				  "request_location" => $request_location,
-        				  "pickup_location" => $pickup_location,
-        				  "pickup_expiry_date" => $needed_before_date,
-        				  "needed_before_date" => $needed_before_date
-        			));
+            $rsp2 = $this->makeIlsdiRequest("HoldTitle",
+                    array("patron_id" => $patron_id,
+                          "bib_id" => $bib_id,
+                          "request_location" => $request_location,
+                          "pickup_location" => $pickup_location,
+                          "pickup_expiry_date" => $needed_before_date,
+                          "needed_before_date" => $needed_before_date
+                    ));
         } else {
-        	$rsp2 = $this->makeIlsdiRequest("HoldItem",
-        			array("patron_id" => $patron_id,
-        				  "bib_id" => $bib_id,
-        				  "item_id" => $item_id,
-        				  "pickup_location" => $pickup_location,
-        				  "pickup_expiry_date" => $needed_before_date,
-        				  "needed_before_date" => $needed_before_date
-        			));
+            $rsp2 = $this->makeIlsdiRequest("HoldItem",
+                    array("patron_id" => $patron_id,
+                          "bib_id" => $bib_id,
+                          "item_id" => $item_id,
+                          "pickup_location" => $pickup_location,
+                          "pickup_expiry_date" => $needed_before_date,
+                          "needed_before_date" => $needed_before_date
+                    ));
         $this->debug("Title: " . $rsp->{'title'});
diff --git a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/PAIA.php b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/PAIA.php
index 887cbd4474c..cde14735142 100644
--- a/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/PAIA.php
+++ b/module/VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/PAIA.php
@@ -594,18 +594,18 @@ class PAIA extends DAIA
         if (isset($fees['fee'])) {
             foreach ($fees['fee'] as $fee) {
                 $result = [
-                    // fee.amount 	1..1 	money 	amount of a single fee
+                    // fee.amount    1..1   money    amount of a single fee
                     'amount'      => $feeConverter($fee['amount']),
                     'checkout'    => '',
-                    // fee.feetype 	0..1 	string 	textual description of the type
+                    // fee.feetype   0..1   string   textual description of the type
                     // of service that caused the fee
                     'fine'    => (isset($fee['feetype']) ? $fee['feetype'] : null),
                     'balance' => $feeConverter($fee['amount']),
-                    // 	0..1 	date 	date when the fee was claimed
+                    //      0..1   date     date when the fee was claimed
                     'createdate'  => (isset($fee['date'])
                         ? $this->convertDate($fee['date']) : null),
                     'duedate' => '',
-                    // fee.edition 	0..1 	URI 	edition that caused the fee
+                    // fee.edition   0..1   URI      edition that caused the fee
                     'id' => (isset($fee['edition'])
                         ? $this->getAlternativeItemId($fee['edition']) : ''),
@@ -636,9 +636,9 @@ class PAIA extends DAIA
         // custom PAIA fields
-        // fee.about 	0..1 	string 	textual information about the fee
-        // fee.item 	0..1 	URI 	item that caused the fee
-        // fee.feeid 	0..1 	URI 	URI of the type of service that
+        // fee.about     0..1     string    textual information about the fee
+        // fee.item      0..1     URI       item that caused the fee
+        // fee.feeid     0..1     URI       URI of the type of service that
         // caused the fee
         $additionalData['feeid']      = (isset($fee['feeid'])
             ? $fee['feeid'] : null);