diff --git a/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php b/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c8b3ec0f5ef5514ba7493430883bf76f3c03df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * multi data view helper callback functions
+ *
+ * PHP version 7
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Leipzig University Library, 2020.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * @category VuFind
+ * @package  View_Helpers
+ * @author   Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
+ * @license  http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License
+ * @link     https://vufind.org/wiki/development Wiki
+ */
+namespace finc\View\Helper\Root;
+ * multi data view helper callback functions
+ *
+ * @category VuFind
+ * @package  View_Helpers
+ * @author   Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
+ * @license  http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License
+ * @link     https://vufind.org/wiki/development Wiki
+ */
+trait MultiDataFieldsTrait
+    /**
+     * return render details for additionals data set
+     * @return callback
+     */
+    public function additionals($data, $options)
+    {
+        // Sort the data:
+        $final = [];
+        foreach ($data as $type => $values) {
+            $final[] = [
+                'label' => $values['identifier'],
+                'values' => [$type => $values],
+                'options' => [
+                    'pos' => $options['pos'],
+                    'renderType' => 'RecordDriverTemplate',
+                    'template' => 'data-additionals.phtml',
+                ],
+            ];
+        }
+        return $final;
+    }
+    /**
+     * return render details for otherRelationshipEntry data set
+     * @return callback
+     */
+    public function otherRelationShipEntry($data, $options)
+    {
+        // Sort the data:
+        $final = [];
+        foreach ($data as $type => $values) {
+            $final[] = [
+                'label' => $values[0]['subject'],
+                'values' => [$type => $values],
+                'options' => [
+                    'pos' => $options['pos'],
+                    'renderType' => 'RecordDriverTemplate',
+                    'template' => 'data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml',
+                ],
+            ];
+        }
+        return $final;
+    }
+    /**
+     * return render details for titleUniform data set
+     * @return callback
+     */
+    public function titleUniform($data, $options, $driver)
+    {
+        // Sort the data:
+        $final = [];
+        foreach ($data as $type => $values) {
+            $final[] = [
+                'label' => $driver->tryMethod('isRDA')
+                    ? 'rda_original_title'
+                    : 'non_rda_original_title',
+                'values' => [$type => $values],
+                'options' => [
+                    'pos' => $options['pos'],
+                    'renderType' => 'RecordDriverTemplate',
+                    'template' => 'data-titleUniform.phtml',
+                ],
+            ];
+        }
+        return $final;
+    }
+    /**
+     * return render details for events data set
+     * @return callback
+     */
+    public function events($data, $options)
+    {
+        // Sort the data:
+        $final = [];
+        foreach ($data as $eventType => $values) {
+            switch ($eventType) {
+                case 'production': $title = 'expression creation'; break;
+                case 'publication': $title = 'Time of origin'; break;
+                default: $title = $eventType;
+            }
+            $final[] = [
+                'label' => $title,
+                'values' => [$eventType => $values],
+                'options' => [
+                    'pos' => $options['pos'],
+                    'renderType' => 'RecordDriverTemplate',
+                    'template' => 'data-events.phtml',
+                ],
+            ];
+        }
+        return $final;
+    }
+    /**
+     * return render details for titleUniform data set
+     * @return callback
+     */
+    public function isbnIssns($data, $options, $driver)
+    {
+        // Sort the data:
+        $final = [];
+        foreach ($data as $type => $values) {
+            $final[] = [
+                'label' => $driver->tryMethod('isRDA')
+                    ? 'rda_original_title'
+                    : 'non_rda_original_title',
+                'values' => [$type => $values],
+                'options' => [
+                    'pos' => $options['pos'],
+                    'renderType' => 'RecordDriverTemplate',
+                    'template' => 'data-titleUniform.phtml',
+                ],
+            ];
+        }
+        return $final;
+    }
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml
index fbb7def9e17e2281bbec2900454076631813c747..7ee1dc4a8e260244adb97a318820e7075cf26164 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml
@@ -2,23 +2,16 @@
 <?php if (!empty($data) && is_array($data)): ?>
   <?php foreach ($data as $additional) : ?>
     <?php if (isset($additional['identifier'])): ?>
-      <tr>
-        <th>
-          <?=$this->transEsc($additional['identifier'])?>:
-        </th>
-        <td>
-            <?php if(isset($additional['id']) && $url = $this->recordLink()->getRecordLink($additional['id'],'id')): ?>
-                <?php if (isset($additional['label']) && !empty($additional['label'])): ?>
-                    <a href="<?=$url?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['label'])?></a><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['suffix'])?>
-                <?php else: ?>
-                    <a href="<?=$url?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['text'])?></a>
-                <?php endif; ?>
-                <?php unset($url) ?>
+        <?php if(isset($additional['id']) && $url = $this->recordLink()->getRecordLink($additional['id'],'id')): ?>
+            <?php if (isset($additional['label']) && !empty($additional['label'])): ?>
+                <a href="<?=$url?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['label'])?></a><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['suffix'])?>
             <?php else: ?>
-                <?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['text'])?>
+                <a href="<?=$url?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['text'])?></a>
             <?php endif; ?>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
+            <?php unset($url) ?>
+        <?php else: ?>
+            <?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['text'])?>
+        <?php endif; ?>
     <?php endif; ?>
   <?php endforeach; ?>
 <?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml
index e57ce111e50868f7d50cc4ee96f7b2cb2054e976..7ec5de28450e5453f4c1bada47f171d41c67266f 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
 <!-- finc: RecordDriver - DefaultRecord - data-otherRelationshipEntry -->
 <?php if (!empty($data)): ?>
   <?php foreach ($data as $subject => $values): ?>
-    <tr>
-      <th><?=$this->transEsc($values[0]['subject'])?>: </th>
-      <td>
-        <?php foreach ($values as $v): ?>
-          <?php if (isset($v['id'])): ?>
-            <a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->getUrl($v['id'])?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($v['text'])?></a>
-          <?php else: ?>
-            <?=$this->escapeHtml($v['text'])?>
-          <?php endif; ?>
-          <br/>
-        <?php endforeach; ?>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
+    <?php foreach ($values as $v): ?>
+      <?php if (isset($v['id'])): ?>
+        <a href="<?=$this->recordLink()->getUrl($v['id'])?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($v['text'])?></a>
+      <?php else: ?>
+        <?=$this->escapeHtml($v['text'])?>
+      <?php endif; ?>
+      <br/>
+    <?php endforeach; ?>
   <?php endforeach; ?>
 <?php endif; ?>
 <!-- finc: RecordDriver - DefaultRecord - data-otherRelationshipEntry - END -->
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-titleUniform.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-titleUniform.phtml
index 237b057941bb913d62df0b1a3df44b3db681e6a5..65f1c152091c0724f1fec38a09f416a5cbd90b8f 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-titleUniform.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-titleUniform.phtml
@@ -1,25 +1,16 @@
 <!-- finc: RecordDriver - DefaultRecord - data-titleUniform -->
 <?php if (!empty($data)): ?>
-  <tr>
-    <th>
-      <?=$this->driver->isRDA()
-        ? $this->transEsc('rda_original_title')
-        : $this->transEsc('non_rda_original_title')?>:
-    </th>
-    <td property="title">
-      <?php if (is_array($data)): ?>
-        <?php if ($data['titleUniform']): ?>
-          <a href="<?= $this->record($this->driver)->getLink('titleUniform', $data['titleUniform']) ?>">
-        <?php endif; ?>
-        <?= $this->escapeHtml($data['title']) ?>
-        <?php if ($data['titleUniform']): ?>
-          </a>
-        <?php endif; ?>
-        <?php if (isset($data['lang'])): ?> &#x27E8;<?= $this->escapeHtml($data['lang']) ?>&#x27E9;<?php endif; ?>
-      <?php else: ?>
-        <a href="<?=$this->record($this->driver)->getLink('title', $data)?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($data)?></a>
-      <?php endif; ?>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
+  <?php if (is_array($data)): ?>
+    <?php if ($data['titleUniform']): ?>
+      <a href="<?= $this->record($this->driver)->getLink('titleUniform', $data['titleUniform']) ?>">
+    <?php endif; ?>
+    <?= $this->escapeHtml($data['title']) ?>
+    <?php if ($data['titleUniform']): ?>
+      </a>
+    <?php endif; ?>
+    <?php if (isset($data['lang'])): ?> &#x27E8;<?= $this->escapeHtml($data['lang']) ?>&#x27E9;<?php endif; ?>
+  <?php else: ?>
+    <a href="<?=$this->record($this->driver)->getLink('title', $data)?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($data)?></a>
+  <?php endif; ?>
 <?php endif; ?>
 <!-- finc: RecordDriver - DefaultRecord - data-titleUniform - END -->
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/SolrLido/data-events.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/SolrLido/data-events.phtml
index 8030e6f371c7e39bc1798efa91466c96d07d19bb..504ed249498f2ff21ae3a604253a8ccc1b6936ab 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/SolrLido/data-events.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/SolrLido/data-events.phtml
@@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
-<?php $publicationIsSet = false; ?>
-<?php if (count($event = $this->driver->getEvents()) > 0): ?>
-  <?php foreach ($event as $eventType => $events): ?>
-    <tr class="recordEvents">
-      <th>
-        <?php if ($eventType == 'production'): ?>
-          <?=$this->transEsc('expression creation')?>:
-        <?php elseif ($eventType == 'publication'): ?>
-          <?=$this->transEsc('Time of origin')?>:
-          <?php $publicationIsSet = true; ?>
-        <?php else: ?>
-          <?=$this->transEsc($eventType)?>:
-        <?php endif; ?>
-      </th>
-      <td>
+ <?php foreach ($data as $eventType => $events): ?>
+     <?php $publicationIsSet = $eventType === 'Publication'; ?>
         <div class="truncate-field">
           <?php foreach ($events as $event): ?>
             <?php if ($event != $events[0]): ?><br/><?php endif; ?>
@@ -36,7 +23,4 @@
             <?php if (!empty($event['description'])): ?><?=$this->escapeHtml($event['description'])?><br/><?php endif; ?>
           <?php endforeach; ?>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
   <?php endforeach; ?>
-<?php endif; ?>