diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 962e952a1efb918574d44d6ce667ff0560b11135..169b0ebe49e3ed75930e4a382aeb74cf216cc284 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,5 +16,7 @@ See online documentation at http://vufind.org/wiki/vufind2:installation_notes
-new modules added by finc and community
+* all non-global non-community modules go to
+        module/finc/
diff --git a/local/config/vufind/config.ini b/local/config/vufind/config.ini
index 9f69af02e6e42307c4894191b9865d324d3244cd..30c84dc4b66b973d49f6097ffa0fc8e08edd8d13 100644
--- a/local/config/vufind/config.ini
+++ b/local/config/vufind/config.ini
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ autoConfigure = true
 ; Base URL is normally auto-detected, but this setting is used when autodetection is
 ; not possible (i.e. during sitemap generation at the command line).
-url = "https://alpha.finc.info/vufind_eah"
-email           = team@finc.info
-title           = "EAH vufind2"
+url             = http://library.myuniversity.edu/vufind
+email           = support@myuniversity.edu
+title           = "Library Catalog"
 ; This is the default theme for non-mobile devices (or all devices if mobile_theme
 ; is disabled below). Available standard themes:
 ;   blueprint =  XHTML theme using Blueprint + jQuery libraries
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ hideLogin = false
 ; Set this to false if you would like to store local passwords in plain text
 ; (only applies when method = Database above).
-hash_passwords = "1"
+hash_passwords = false
 ; Allow users to recover passwords via email (if supported by Auth method)
 ; You can set the subject of recovery emails in your
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ recover_hash_lifetime = 1209600
 change_password = true
 ; Set this to false if you would like to store catalog passwords in plain text
-encrypt_ils_password = "1"
+encrypt_ils_password = false
 ; This is the key used to encrypt and decrypt catalog passwords.  This must be
 ; filled in with a random string value when encrypt_ils_passwords is set to true.
-ils_encryption_key = "4fa968bb383bb357b5e7279941bd282824dc9a69"
+ils_encryption_key = false
 ; This setting may optionally be uncommented to restrict the email domain(s) from
 ; which users are allowed to register when using the Database method.
@@ -312,12 +312,8 @@ recordsBySource = false
 ; This section requires no changes for most installations
 engine          = Solr
-#url             = http://localhost:8080/solr
-#default_core    = biblio
-url             =
+url             = http://localhost:8080/solr
 default_core    = biblio
 ; This setting needs to match the <maxBooleanClauses> setting in your solrconfig.xml
 ; file; when VuFind has to look up large numbers of records using ID values, it may
 ; have to restrict the size of its result set based on this limitation.
@@ -359,7 +355,7 @@ disable_from = false
 ; This section needs to be changed to match your database connection information
-database = "mysql://vufind_eah:jerwertUr@localhost/vufind_eah"
+database          = mysql://root@localhost/vufind
 ; If your database (e.g. PostgreSQL) uses a schema, you can set it here:
 ;schema = schema_name
@@ -1136,8 +1132,3 @@ tags = enabled
 ; This controls the maximum length of a single tag; it should correspond with the
 ; field size in the tags database table.
 max_tag_length = 64