diff --git a/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrDefaultFincTrait.php b/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrDefaultFincTrait.php
index f5fb36b670842cb7f3d977259c2943941603bdbf..3c158d6bd04234f03516967bdb7472c37d4ad34b 100644
--- a/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrDefaultFincTrait.php
+++ b/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrDefaultFincTrait.php
@@ -895,93 +895,6 @@ trait SolrDefaultFincTrait
             $this->fields['title_new'] : [];
-    /**
-     * After giving a record ids as e.g. ppn of the context check (KXP|BSZ) if a
-     * foreign record exists. This method can be used to indicate a direct link
-     * than to form a general look for query.
-     *
-     * Please note: 1) This method can be simplified if it is necessary only to
-     * map record_id to id but you need the solr to check if the item really
-     * exists in the Solr infrastructure to maybe no displaying a false link later
-     * on. 2) There's legacy component to rewrite back real Solr record_id in
-     * return container. Can be useful if there are still any successive methods
-     * in action.
-     *
-     * @param array  $array Array of record ids to test.
-     * @param string $context Context where to search related items.
-     *
-     * @return null|mixed  If success return at least one finc id otherwise null.
-     */
-    protected function addFincIDToRecord($array, $context = 'kxp_id_str')
-    {
-        // record ids
-        $rids = [];
-        // return array
-        $retval = [];
-        // check if array contain record_ids and collect it as an array to
-        // use only one solr request for all
-        if (isset($array) && is_array($array)) {
-            foreach ($array as $line) {
-                if (isset($line['record_id']) && isset($line['source_id'])) {
-                    $rids[] = [
-                        'rid' => $line['record_id'],
-                        'sid' => $line['source_id']
-                    ];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Solr query remains necessary if it is desired to check if solr
-        // infrastructure contains really the foreign items
-        // build the query:
-        if (count($rids) == 1) {
-            // single query:
-            $value = $context . ':' . $rids[0]['rid']
-                     . ' AND source_id:' . $rids[0]['sid'];
-        } elseif (count($rids) > 1) {
-            // multi query:
-            foreach ($rids as $rid) {
-                $parts[] = '('. $context .':' . $rid['rid']
-                           . ' AND source_id:' . $rid['sid'] . ')';
-            }
-            $value = '(' . implode(' OR ', $parts) . ')';
-        } else {
-            return $array;
-        }
-        $query = new \VuFindSearch\Query\Query($value);
-        $bag = new ParamBag();
-        $bag->set('fl', 'id, record_id,' . $context);
-        $records =  $this->searchService
-            ->search('Solr', $query, 0, count($rids), $bag);
-        $records = $records->getRecords();
-        if (isset($records)
-            && !empty($records)
-        ) {
-            foreach ($records as $record) {
-                $retval[$record->getField($context)]['id'] =
-                    $record->getUniqueID();
-                $retval[$record->getField($context)]['record_id'] =
-                    $record->getRID();
-            }
-        }
-        // write back in array
-        foreach ($array as &$val) {
-            if (isset($val['record_id'])) {
-                if (isset($retval[($val['record_id'])])) {
-                    $val['id'] = $retval[($val['record_id'])]['id'];
-                    $val['record_id'] = $retval[($val['record_id'])]['record_id'];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        unset($val);
-        return $array;
-    }
      * Get the recordtype of the current Record
diff --git a/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrMarcFincTrait.php b/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrMarcFincTrait.php
index aaed7e69ea8d14b22fee441e0c217fe7fb5160aa..ae53d4e3012e8f0c6a13288b51f37492e9ca1100 100644
--- a/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrMarcFincTrait.php
+++ b/module/finc/src/finc/RecordDriver/SolrMarcFincTrait.php
@@ -300,24 +300,14 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
             $array[$key]['text'] = ($line->getSubfield('t'))
                 ? $line->getSubfield('t')->getData() : '';
             // get ppns of bsz
-            $linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w');
-            foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                $text = $current->getData();
-                // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
-                    //$id = $this->checkIfRecordExists($matches[2]);
-                    //if ($id != null) {
-                    $array[$key]['record_id'] = $matches[2].$matches[3];
-                    if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                        $array[$key]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                    }
-                    //}
-                    //break;
-                }
-            } // end foreach
+            $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+            if (!empty($linkedRecords)) {
+                $array[$key]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
+            }
         } // end foreach
-        return $this->addFincIDToRecord($array);
+        return $array;
@@ -1047,20 +1037,14 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                     ? $line->getSubfield('t')->getData() : '';
             // get ppns of bsz
-            $linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w');
-            foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                $text = $current->getData();
-                // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
-                    $array[$key]['record_id'] = $matches[2] . $matches[3];
-                    if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                        $array[$key]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                    }
-                }
-            } // end foreach
+            $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+            if (!empty($linkedRecords)) {
+                $array[$key]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
+            }
         } // end foreach
-        return $this->addFincIDToRecord($array);
+        return $array;
@@ -1104,27 +1088,13 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                 $retval[$key]['text'] = ($t = $line->getSubfield('t'))
                     ? $a->getData() . ': ' . $t->getData()
                     : $a->getData();
-                $linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w');
-                foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                    $ids = $current->getData();
-                    // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                    if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $ids, $matches)) {
-                        // use the same key to set the record_id into the
-                        // $retval array like it is used for the other
-                        // content below
-                        $retval[$key]['record_id']
-                            = $matches[2] . $matches[3];
-                        if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                            $retval[$key]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                        }
-                    }
+                $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+                if (!empty($linkedRecords)) {
+                    $retval[$key]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
-        // add ids already here to the temporary array
-        // instead of the end of the function with the return value
-        $retval = $this->addFincIDToRecord($retval);
         // rearrange return array to collect same subjects below on unique key
         $array = [];
         foreach ($retval as $item) {
@@ -1172,25 +1142,17 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                         $array[$i]['text'] = ($line->getSubfield('t'))
                             ? $line->getSubfield('t')->getData() : '';
                         // get ppns of bsz
-                        $linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w');
-                        if (is_array($linkFields) && count($linkFields) > 0) {
-                            foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                                $text = $current->getData();
-                                // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                                if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
-                                    $array[$key]['record_id'] = $matches[2].$matches[3];
-                                    if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                                        $array[$key]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            } // end foreach
-                        } // end if
+                        $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+                        if (!empty($linkedRecords)) {
+                            $array[$key]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
+                        }
                     } // end if
                 } // end foreach
-        return $this->addFincIDToRecord($array);
+        return $array;
@@ -1219,20 +1181,14 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                     ? $line->getSubfield('t')->getData() : '';
             // get ppns of bsz
-            $linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w');
-            foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                $text = $current->getData();
-                // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
-                    $array[$key]['record_id'] = $matches[2].$matches[3];
-                    if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                        $array[$key]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                    }
-                }
-            } // end foreach
+            $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+            if (!empty($linkedRecords)) {
+                $array[$key]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
+            }
         } // end foreach
-        return $this->addFincIDToRecord($array);
+        return $array;
@@ -1407,7 +1363,7 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
         $array = [];
         $fields = ['770','775','776'];
-        $subfields = ['a', 'l', 't', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'h', 'o', '7','z'];
+        $subfields = ['a', 'l', 't', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'h', 'o', '7'];
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
@@ -1436,33 +1392,51 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                             $array[$i] = [
                                 'text'       => implode(', ', $text),
                                 'identifier' => ($line->getSubfield('i'))
-                                    ? $line->getSubfield('i')->getData() : ''
+                                    ? $line->getSubfield('i')->getData() : '',
+                                'note' => ($line->getSubfield('n'))
+                                    ? $line->getSubfield('n')->getData() : null,
                             // finally we can try to use given PPNs (from the BSZ) to
                             // link the record
-                            if ($linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w')) {
+                            $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+                            if (!empty($linkedRecords['first_results'])) {
+                                $array[$i]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
+                            }
+                            if (empty($linkedRecords) && $linkFields = $line->getSubfields('z')) {
                                 foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                                    $text = $current->getData();
-                                    // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                                    if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
-                                        $array[$i]['record_id']
-                                            = $matches[2] . $matches[3];
-                                        if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                                            $array[$i]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                                        }
-                                    }
+                                    $linked[] = $current->getData();
+                                }
+                                $linkedRecords = $this->searchRelatedRecords('isbn',$linked, 1);
+                                if (!empty($linkedRecords['first_results'])) {
+                                    $array[$i]['related_records'] = $linkedRecords;
                             // at least we found some identifier and text so increment
+                    } elseif ($linkFields = $line->getSubfields('z')) {
+                        $linked = [];
+                        foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
+                            $linked[] = $current->getData();
+                        }
+                        $linkedRecords = $this->searchRelatedRecords('isbn',$linked, 1);
+                        if (!empty($linkedRecords['first_results'])) {
+                            $array[$i] = [
+                                'related_records' => $linkedRecords,
+                                'identifier' => 'Other Editions',
+                                'text' => '',
+                            ];
+                            $i++;
+                        }
-        return $this->addFincIDToRecord($array);
+        return $array;
@@ -1555,26 +1529,21 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                         // finally we can try to use given PPNs (from the BSZ) to
                         // link the record
-                        if ($linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w')) {
-                            foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
-                                $text = $current->getData();
-                                // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
-                                if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
-                                    $array[$i]['record_id']
-                                        = $matches[2] . $matches[3];
-                                    if (null != ($sid = $this->getSourceID())) {
-                                        $array[$i]['source_id'] = $sid;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
+                        // finally we can try to use given PPNs (from the BSZ) to
+                        // link the record
+                        $linkedRecords = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($line);
+                        if (!empty($linkedRecords)) {
+                            $array[$i]['id'] = current($linkedRecords['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
                         // at least we found some identifier and text so increment
-        return $this->addFincIDToRecord($array);
+        return $array;
@@ -1639,33 +1608,6 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
-        $idRetrieval = function ($value) {
-            // use preg_match to get rid of the isil
-            preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $value, $matches);
-            if (!empty($matches[2])) {
-                $query = 'kxp_id_str:' . $matches[2].$matches[3];
-                if ($sid = $this->fields['source_id']) {
-                    $query .= ' AND source_id:'.$sid;
-                }
-                $result = $this->searchService->search(
-                    'Solr',
-                    new Query($query)
-                );
-                if (count($result) === 0) {
-                    $this->debug(
-                        'Could not retrieve id for record with ' . $query
-                    );
-                    return null;
-                }
-                return current($result->getRecords())->getUniqueId();
-            }
-            $this->debug(
-                'Pregmatch pattern in getHierarchyParentID failed for '
-                . $value
-            );
-            return $value;
-        };
         // loop through all field lists in their particular order (as in
         // getHierchyParentTitle) and build the $parentID array
         foreach ($fieldList as $fieldNumbers) {
@@ -1673,9 +1615,11 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
                 $fields = $this->getMarcRecord()->getFields($fieldNumber);
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     if ($field->getSubfield('w')) {
-                        $parentID[] = $idRetrieval(
-                            $field->getSubfield('w')->getData()
-                        );
+                        // refactored with #18333
+                        $related = $this->getRelatedKxpRecord($field);
+                        if (!empty( $related['first_results'] ?? [])) {
+                            $parentID[] = current($related['first_results'])->getUniqueId();
+                        }
                     } elseif ($fieldNumber == '490') {
                         // https://intern.finc.info/issues/8704
                         if ($field->getIndicator(1) == 0
@@ -2082,34 +2026,52 @@ trait SolrMarcFincTrait
-    /**
-     * Get related records via search index
-     *
-     * @param int      $limit
-     * @param string   $backend_id     Search engine
-     *
-     * @return array
-     * @access protected
-     */
-    protected function getRelatedRecords($limit, $backend_id = 'Solr')
-    {
-        $related = $this->getRelatedItems(true);
+    public function searchRelatedRecords($field, $values, $limit = 20,
+        $filters=[], $backend_id = 'Solr'
+    ) {
-        if (empty($related)) {
-            return [];
+        if (!empty($filters)) {
+            $fq = '';
+            foreach ($filters as $filterField => $value) {
+                $fq = (empty($fq) ? '' : ' AND ')
+                    . "$filterField:$value";
+            }
         $query = new Query(
-            'isbn' . ':' . implode(' OR ', $related)
-            . ' AND NOT id:' . $this->getUniqueID()
+            $field . ':(' . implode(' OR ', $values)
+            . ') AND NOT id:' . $this->getUniqueID()
+            . (isset($fq) ? " AND $fq" : '')
         $result = $this->searchService->search($backend_id, $query, 0, $limit);
         $return['first_results'] = $result->getRecords();
-        if ($result->getTotal() > $limit) {
+        if (isset($limit) && $result->getTotal() > $limit) {
             $return['more_query'] = $query->getString();
         return $return;
+    }
+    public function getRelatedKxpRecord($line, $limit = 1, $linkSubField = 'w') {
+        if ($linkFields = $line->getSubfields('w')) {
+            $linked = [];
+            foreach ($linkFields as $current) {
+                $text = $current->getData();
+                // Extract parenthetical prefixes:
+                if (preg_match(self::KXP_PATTERN, $text, $matches)) {
+                    $linked[]
+                        = $matches[2] . $matches[3];
+                }
+            }
+            $linkedRecords = $this->searchRelatedRecords('kxp_id_str', $linked, $limit, ['source_id' => $this->getSourceID()]);
+            if (!empty($linkedRecords['first_results'])) {
+                return $linkedRecords;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
diff --git a/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php b/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php
index b9536ccab15bf7871c05c89ade86a935039feb04..0f137ca2a6525f0f3072aa4fa5a872cba0576234 100644
--- a/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php
+++ b/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/MultiDataFieldsTrait.php
@@ -82,6 +82,30 @@ trait MultiDataFieldsTrait
         return $final;
+    public function relatedRecords($data,$options,$driver) {
+        $formats = $driver->tryMethod('getFormat');
+        $reject = array('Microfilm', 'Microform', 'Microfiche');
+        if (empty(array_intersect($reject, $formats))) {
+            $data = $driver->tryMethod(
+                'getRelatedRecords',
+                [$options['limit'] ?? 3]
+            );
+        }
+        if (!empty($data['first_results'])) {
+            return [[
+                'label' => 'Other Editions',
+                'values' => $data,
+                'options' => [
+                    'pos' => $options['pos'],
+                    'renderType' => 'RecordDriverTemplate',
+                    'template' => 'data-relatedRecords.phtml',
+                ],
+            ]];
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
      * return render details for events data set
      * @return callback
diff --git a/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/Record.php b/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/Record.php
index f326277cf94206114db2980f4b43304b7017742e..c12efed09377fb0e62cd7f4866275eee5c228702 100644
--- a/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/Record.php
+++ b/module/finc/src/finc/View/Helper/Root/Record.php
@@ -467,6 +467,7 @@ class Record extends \VuFind\View\Helper\Root\Record
         $online_keys = [
+            "Online-Ausgabe",
             "Digital. Ausg.",
             "Online-Ausg. u.d.T.",
             "Elektronische Reproduktion"
@@ -474,14 +475,34 @@ class Record extends \VuFind\View\Helper\Root\Record
         $onlineEditions = [];
         $recordLinkHelper = $this->getView()->plugin('recordLink');
         foreach ($this->driver->tryMethod('getAdditionals') as $add) {
-            if (isset($add['identifier'])
-                && in_array($add['identifier'], $online_keys)) {
+            if (
+                isset($add['identifier'])
+                &&
+                (
+                    in_array($add['identifier'], $online_keys)
+                    ||
+                    (
+                        isset($add['note'])
+                        &&
+                        in_array($add['note'], $online_keys)
+                    )
+                )
+            ) {
                 if (isset($add['id'])) {
                     $link = $recordLinkHelper->getTabUrl($add['id'], 'Holdings');
                     if (!empty($link)) {
                         $add['link'] = $link;
                         $onlineEditions[] = $add;
+                } elseif (isset($add['related_records'])) {
+                    foreach ($add['related_records']['first_results'] as $linkedRecord) {
+                        $link = $recordLinkHelper->getTabUrl($linkedRecord);
+                        if (!empty($link)) {
+                            //overwrite link in entry and add to result array
+                            $add['link'] = $link;
+                            $onlineEditions[] = $add;
+                        }
+                    }
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml
index 7ee1dc4a8e260244adb97a318820e7075cf26164..25db346933b87109240b3531290d510c94295262 100644
--- a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-additionals.phtml
@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@
                 <a href="<?=$url?>"><?=$this->escapeHtml($additional['text'])?></a>
             <?php endif; ?>
             <?php unset($url) ?>
+        <?php elseif (isset($additional['related_records'])): ?>
+            <?=$this->render(
+                    'RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-relatedRecords',
+                    [
+                        'data' => $additional['related_records'],
+                        'driver' => $this->driver,
+                        'label' => $additional['text'],
+                    ]
+                ) ?>
         <?php else: ?>
         <?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-relatedRecords.phtml b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-relatedRecords.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae4992a21951a38c840dc8aff2800fda90db014a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/finc/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/data-relatedRecords.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?php $first_other = TRUE;
+foreach ($data['first_results'] as $other): ?>
+    <?php if ($first_other): ?>
+        <?php $first_other = FALSE;
+            if (!isset($label) || empty($label)) {
+                $label = $other->getTitle();
+            }
+        ?>
+    <?php else: ?>
+        <?php $label = $other->getTitle() ?>
+        <br/>
+    <?php endif; ?>
+    <a href="<?= $this->recordLink()->getUrl($other->getUniqueId()) ?>"><?= $this->escapeHtml($label) ?></a>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php if (isset($data['more_query'])): ?>
+    <br/><a href="<?= $this->record($this->driver)->getLink('related', $data['more_query']) ?>"><?= $this->translate('More') ?>&nbsp;...</a>
+<?php endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file