diff --git a/res/theme/languages/de.ini b/res/theme/languages/de.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e19305556be99e2378ab7dbd4e16344a631f831b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/theme/languages/de.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+boss_default = "Bitte geben Sie in Ihrem Profil eine Heimatbibliothek an, um Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit dieses Titels vor Ort zu erhalten."
+boss_true = "Exemplar in Ihrer Heimatbibliothek vorhanden."
+boss_false = "Nicht in Ihrer Heimatbibliothek vorhanden.<br/><br/>Ob der Titel per Fernleihe bestellbar ist, kann Ihnen Ihre Heimatbibliothek mitteilen."
+boss_noISXNZBD = "Für diesen Titel können wir derzeit leider keine weitere Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit bereitstellen.<br/><br/>Ob der Titel per Fernleihe bestellbar ist, kann Ihnen Ihre Heimatbibliothek mitteilen."
+boss_note = "Wichtiger Hinweis"
+boss_holding = "Exemplar in meiner Bibiothek vorhanden?"
+boss_callnumber = "Signatur"
diff --git a/res/theme/languages/en.ini b/res/theme/languages/en.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f68ead33bed17db17228a01d78b8f1435800bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/theme/languages/en.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+boss_default = "Please add a home library in your profile to obtain information about the availability of this title on site."
+boss_true = "Copy available in your home library."
+boss_false = "Not available in your home library.<br/><br/>Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan."
+boss_noISXNZBD = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment.<br/><br/>Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan."
+boss_note = "Important note"
+boss_holding = "Copy available in my library?"
+boss_callnumber = "Call number"
diff --git a/res/theme/templates/ajax/boss.phtml b/res/theme/templates/ajax/boss.phtml
index 4e563cc757ed0fa84e592d523df90363124f8149..60ad3353ea6ed001721d54ac82a073ed99591adf 100644
--- a/res/theme/templates/ajax/boss.phtml
+++ b/res/theme/templates/ajax/boss.phtml
@@ -1,13 +1,26 @@
 <!-- boss-module: ajax - boss -->
-    <? if ($this->isISIL): ?>
-        <?=$this->transEsc('boss_true')?>
-    <?php if (!empty($this->callnumber)): ?>
-        <?=$this->transEsc('Callnumber')?>: <?=implode(', ', $this->callnumber)?>
+    <?php if ($this->homeLibrary): ?>
+        <?=$this->translate('boss_default')?>
+    <?php else: ?>
+        <?php if ($this->isISXNZBD): ?>
+            <?php if ($this->isISIL): ?>
+                <?=$this->translate('boss_true')?>
+                <?php if (!empty($this->callnumber)): ?>
+                    <br/><?=$this->transEsc('boss_callnumber')?>: <?=implode(', ', $this->callnumber)?>
+                <?php endif; ?>
+            <?php elseif (!$this->isAddNetwork): ?>
+                <?=$this->translate('boss_false')?>
+            <?php endif; ?>
+            <?php if ($this->isAddNetwork): ?>
+            <a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank"><?=$this->translate('boss_holding')?></a><br/>
+            <a href="<?=$this->url('fid/user/terms')?>" data-lightbox><?=$this->translate('boss_note')?></a>
+            <?php else: ?>
+            <br/><a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank"><?=$this->translate('More Information')?></a>
+            <?php endif; ?>
+        <?php else: ?>
+            <?=$this->translate('boss_noISXNZBD')?>
+        <?php endif; ?>
     <?php endif; ?>
-    <? else: ?>
-        <?=$this->transEsc('boss_false')?>
-    <? endif; ?><br />
-    <a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank"><?=$this->transEsc('More Information')?></a>
 <!-- boss-module: ajax - boss - END -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/AjaxHandler/GetBoss.php b/src/AjaxHandler/GetBoss.php
index 63656ae62928f2752f91a34df1ed328584cbc680..4e87fd087448abb0449c5c20f70cc99ec1b0a8d1 100644
--- a/src/AjaxHandler/GetBoss.php
+++ b/src/AjaxHandler/GetBoss.php
@@ -160,14 +160,22 @@ class GetBoss extends \VuFind\AjaxHandler\AbstractBase
             $isilCallNumber = $this->getISILCallNumber($results['data']);
             $networks = isset($this->config->General->networks) ?
                 $this->config->General->networks->toArray() : [];
+            $addNetworks = isset($this->config->General->addNetworks) ?
+                $this->config->General->addNetworks->toArray() : [];
             $inArray = in_array($network, $networks);
+            $zdbId = $driver->tryMethod('getZdbId');
             $isbns = $driver->tryMethod('getISBNs');
             $isbns = count($isbns) > 0 ? $isbns[0] : '';
-            $callnumber = $this->getCallnumbers($boss, $results['data']);
+            $tmp = $isilCallNumber;
+            unset($tmp['isils']);
+            $callnumber = $this->getCallnumbers($boss, $tmp);
             $view = [
+                'homeLibrary' => ($homeLibrary == "AAAAA") ? true : false,
+                'isISXNZBD' => (!empty($isbns) || !empty($zdbId)) ? true : false,
                 'isISIL' => ($inArray ?
                     $this->isISIL($isilCallNumber['isils'], $boss) : false),
+                'isAddNetwork' => in_array($network, $addNetworks) ? true : false,
                 'url' => sprintf($this->config->SearchUrls->$network, ($inArray ?
                     $results['param'] : $isbns)),
                 'callnumber' => $callnumber
@@ -181,10 +189,10 @@ class GetBoss extends \VuFind\AjaxHandler\AbstractBase
     private function getCallnumbers($namespace, $data)
-        if ($this->isISIL($this->getISILCallNumber($data), $namespace)) {
+        if ($this->isISIL(array_keys($data), $namespace)) {
             $cnValue = [];
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
-                if (preg_match('/' . $namespace . '/', $key)) {
+                if (preg_match('/' . $namespace . '/', $key) && !empty($value)) {
                     $cnValue[] = $value;
diff --git a/src/Client/BossClient.php b/src/Client/BossClient.php
index 24a022ecb67eb906f37c3cf06e59f69fccdc5f49..9744b09bc05339ecbe2e72c76351635f4eb2aaee 100644
--- a/src/Client/BossClient.php
+++ b/src/Client/BossClient.php
@@ -155,34 +155,5 @@ class BossClient
             JsonEncoder::class => true,
         return $root;
-//        try {
-//            $jsonEncoder = new JsonEncoder();
-//            // TODO: caching data
-//            // symfony/serializer suggests installing doctrine/cache (For using the default cached annotation reader and metadata cache.)
-//            $objectNormalizers = new ObjectNormalizer(
-////                null,//new ClassMetadataFactory(new AnnotationLoader(new AnnotationReader(null))),
-////                new CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter(),
-////                null,
-////                new ReflectionExtractor()
-//            );
-//            $serializer = new Serializer(
-//                [
-//                    $objectNormalizers//,
-////                    $attributesDenormalizer = new AttributesDenormalizer(),
-////                    new ArrayDenormalizer(),
-//                ],
-//                [
-//                    $jsonEncoder
-//                ]
-//            );
-////            $attributesDenormalizer->setDenormalizer($serializer);
-//            return $serializer->deserialize(
-//                (string)$response->getBody(),
-//                Root::class,
-//                'json'
-//            );
-//        } catch (HttpClientException $ex) {
-//            throw new ClientException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode(), $ex);
-//        }