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Ulf Seltmann authored
* simplified gitlab-ci using ubleipzig/deployer
* added auto-deploy for alpha, staging and production


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The service Dynamic And Compressing Api Proxy can be used to handle as proxy for self-defined API-Endpoints. All cached responses will be kept in memory. Please calculate to provide enough memory therefor.

Use of service can be worth if you deal with slow api-endpoints in production environment.


  • node >= v8.2.1
  • npm >= v5.3.0

local Execution


$# npm install -g @ubleipzig/dacap


$# dacap

as Container

$# docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /my/hosts/data/folder:/data ubleipzig/dacap

You can customize multiple values, see Advanced Configuration


After starting the Admin-Interface the application is available at http://localhost:3000/admin/.

First of all a Cache has to be defined where all requests of an API-Endpoint are stored. This is done at the Admin-Interface.

Fill in the url of the API-Endpoint (e.g. and a Cache-Name (e.g. foo).

All API-Requests which will usually go to:

you can call by:


  • Be sure to append the slash after the Cache-Name, otherwise the Endpoint cannot be resolved.
  • Everything after the Cache-Name and Slash will be passed to the API-Endpoint.

Advanced Configuration

The service can be configured by environment variables. Following options are available:

  • data_dir: Specifies the folder where the cache is stored in intervals. This is only used to make it more easy to restart the service without adding all Endpoints again. After restart the service reads the saved cache-file and keeps it in memory. By default this points to the data-folder where the process was invoked. Make sure it can be created if not existing and written if already existing.
  • proxy_path: Specifies a path where endpoints will be accessable after registering. By default this is ep/. Because it is relative to the proxy_url you must not start with a slash.
  • proxy_port: Specifies a port number where the service is listening. Defaults to 3000.
  • proxy_url: Specifies an absolute url of the service with protocol and port if it differs from defaults (e.g. Defaults to http://localhost:${proxy_port}/. Remember to always add a trailing slash.
  • cache_ttl: Specifies a time-to-live in seconds of a cached request. After this the cache will be refreshed. Defaults to 600
  • default_check_period: Specifies the interval in seconds the cache is checked for expiry. Defaults to 60
  • array_value_size: Unknown configuration. Defaults to 40
  • object_value_size: Unknown configuration. Defaults to 80
  • autosave_interval: Specifies the interval the cache is stored to disk. Defaults to 60.
  • register_name: Specifies the name of register where the cache is stored. Defaults to api-cache.
  • strip_path: Specifies if the path should be stripped processing requests. Defaults to true.
  • user: Specifies an user for simple basic authentication. Defaults to undefined.
  • password: Specifies a password for simple basic authentication. Defaults to undefined.

Only if both user and password are specified basic-auth is enabled


Docs was created with mkdocs and published to Github Pages


The CI/CD process is accomplished by gitlab at To build, test, publish and deploy the application the following stages are performed:


this stage prepares the application by installing all dependencies and building all js-files from typescript.


This job is performed on an official node-image, by time of writing [node:10-alpine]. This job is done on all git references.



This job performes all automated tests that exist for the application. This job is performed on an official node-image, by time of writing node:10-alpine. This job is done on all git references.


This stage build the npm-package which is going to be published later.


This job performes the packaging of the npm-package and provides an containing the package as tgz-file. This job is performed on an official node-image, by time of writing node:10-alpine. This job is done on all git references.


This stage builds the docker image.


This job builds the Image and is providing an containing the saved image as file image.tar.gz. This job is performed with the official docker-image docker:latest and a service-image docker:dind.

This Job depends on npm_pack and the resulting artifact containing the npm-package.


This stage takes care of all publishing jobs


This job publishes the npm-package created by npm_pack and is therefore depending on it. This job is performed on an official node-image, by time of writing node:10-alpine.

This job is done only on tags named beginning with release/.


This job publishes the image created by build_image and tags the versions according to the released package version.

This job is performed with the official docker-image docker:latest and a service-image docker:dind.

This Job depends on build_image and the resulting artifact containing the docker-image.

This job is done only on tags named beginning with release/.


This job publishes the image created by build_image and tags it as alpha-, overwriting a possibly existing one.

This job is performed with the official docker-image docker:latest and a service-image docker:dind.

This Job depends on build_image and the resulting artifact containing the docker-image.

This Job is done only on branches named beginning with <issue>-.


This job publishes the image created by build_image and tags it as staging,overwriting a possibly existing one.

This job is performed with the official docker-image docker:latest and a service-image docker:dind.

This Job depends on build_image and the resulting artifact containing the docker-image.

This Job is done only on master.


This stage takes care of all deploy-jobs


This job deploys the the published alpha-image created by docker_publish_alpha to the k8s-kluster into the namespace dacap-alpha

This job is performed with the helm docker-image dtzar/helm-kubectl:2.9.1.

This Job depends on docker_publish_alpha.

This Job is done only on banches named beginning with <issue>-.


This stage takes care of publishing the documentation


This job clones the repository and performs mkdocs gh-deploy, which creates the documentation and puts it into a special branch gh-pages. This branch is parsed by and publishes the documentation under Github Pages.

This job is performed with the docker-image squidfunk/mkdocs-material:2.7.2.

This job is done only on tags named beginning with release/.


This stage takes care of mirroring the repo to remote servers


This job clones the repository and adds the remote github-repository. Then it performs a git push --mirror github.

This job is performed with the docker-image alpine/git.