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-# dacap
-*Dynamic And Compressing Api Proxy* is a service which lets you proxy arbitrary API-Endpoints which are by themself to slow to be used in production environments. All cached Responses are held in memory, so be sure to provide enough.
-## Requirements
-* node >= v8.2.1
-* npm >= v5.3.0
-## Install the service
-$# npm install -g dacap
-## Start the service
-``` bash
-$# dacap
-The Admin Interface is now available under http://localhost:3000/admin
-You can customize multiple values, see [#Advanced Configuration]
-## Usage
-First of all one has to define a *Cache* where the requests to an API-Endpoint are stored. This is done from within the Admin Interface.
-One has to define the URL to the desired *API-Endpoint* (e.g. `http://foo.example.com/`) and a *Cache-Name* for this API-Endpoint (e.g. `foo`). All API-Requests which normally would go to
-    http://foo.example.com/?query=foo&offset=0&limit=10
-now you can request by accessing
-    http://localhost:3000/ep/foo/?query=foo&offset=0&limit=10
-* *Be sure to append the Slash after the Cache-Name, otherwise the Endpoint cannot be resolved.*
-* *Everything after the Cache-Name and Slash will be passed to the API-Endpoint.*
-## Advanced Configuration
-The service can be configured by environment variables. The following are available:
-* `data_dir`: specifies the folder where the cache is stored in intervals. This is only used to
- make it more easy to restart the service without adding all Endpoints again. After restart the
- service reads the saved cache-file and keeps it in memory.
- By default this points to the `data`-folder where the process was invoked. Make sure it can be created if not existing and written if already existing.
-* `proxy_path`: this is the path where the Endpoints will be accessable after registering. By default this is `/ep/`
-* `proxy_port`: this is the port number where the service is listening. Defaults to `3000`
-* `proxy_url`: this is the absolute url of the service with protocol and port if differing from the defaults (e.g. `http://api.example.com:8080`). Set this if you use a different domain name than `localhost` to connect to this service.
-* `cache_ttl`: the time-to-live in seconds of a cached request. after this time the cache will be refreshed. Defaults to `600`
-* `default_check_period`: specifies the interval in seconds the cache is checked for expiry. Defaults to `60`
-* `array_value_size`: unkown configuration. Defaults to `40`
-* `object_value_size`: unkown configuration. Defaults to `80`
-* `autosave_interval`: specifies the interval the cache is stored to harddisk. defaults to `60`;
-* `register_name`: specifies the name of the register where the cache is stored. Defaults to `api-cache`;
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c36af5967cebdbdc3c8deee7a93859c5355f57b
--- /dev/null
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+# dacap
+*Dynamic And Compressing Api Proxy* is a service which lets you proxy arbitrary API-Endpoints which are by themself to slow to be used in production environments. All cached Responses are held in memory, so be sure to provide enough.
+## Requirements
+* node >= v8.2.1
+* npm >= v5.3.0
+## local Execution
+### Installation
+$# npm install -g dacap
+### Execution
+``` bash
+$# dacap
+## as Container
+$# docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /my/hosts/data/folder:/data ubleipzig/dacap
+You can customize multiple values, see [Advanced Configuration](#Advanced Configuration)
+## Usage
+After Start the Admin-Interface is available under `http://localhost:3000/admin`.
+First of all one has to define a *Cache* where the requests to an API-Endpoint are stored. This is done from within the Admin Interface.
+One has to define the URL to the desired *API-Endpoint* (e.g. `http://foo.example.com/`) and a *Cache-Name* for this API-Endpoint (e.g. `foo`).
+All API-Requests which normally would go to
+now you can request by accessing
+* *Be sure to append the Slash after the Cache-Name, otherwise the Endpoint cannot be resolved.*
+* *Everything after the Cache-Name and Slash will be passed to the API-Endpoint.*
+## Advanced Configuration
+The service can be configured by environment variables. The following are available:
+* `data_dir`: Specifies the folder where the cache is stored in intervals. This is only used to
+ make it more easy to restart the service without adding all Endpoints again. After restart the
+ service reads the saved cache-file and keeps it in memory.
+ By default this points to the `data`-folder where the process was invoked. Make sure it can be created if not existing and written if already existing.
+* `proxy_path`: Specifies the path where the Endpoints will be accessable after registering. By default this is `/ep/`.
+* `proxy_port`: Specifies the port number where the service is listening. Defaults to `3000`.
+* `proxy_url`: Specifies the absolute url of the service with protocol and port if differing from the defaults
+(e.g. `https://api.example.com:8443/dacap`). Defaults to `http://localhost:${proxy_port}`.
+* `cache_ttl`: Specifies the time-to-live in seconds of a cached request. after this time the cache will be refreshed. Defaults to `600`
+* `default_check_period`: Specifies the interval in seconds the cache is checked for expiry. Defaults to `60`
+* `array_value_size`: Unkown configuration. Defaults to `40`
+* `object_value_size`: Unkown configuration. Defaults to `80`
+* `autosave_interval`: Specifies the interval the cache is stored to harddisk. Defaults to `60`.
+* `register_name`: Specifies the name of the register where the cache is stored. Defaults to `api-cache`.
+* `strip_path`: Specifies whether the path should be stripped when processing requests. Defaults to `true`.
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
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 # dacap
-*Dynamic And Compressing Api Proxy* is a service which lets you proxy arbitrary API-Endpoints which are by themself to slow to be used in production environments. All cached Responses are held in memory, so be sure to provide enough.
+*Dynamic And Compressing Api Proxy* ist ein Dienst, der Ausgaben beliebiger API-Endpunkte zwischenspeichert. Der Dienst wurde erstellt, um API-Requests, welche durch den zur Verfügung stellenden Service nicht performant genug ausgeliefert werden können, zwischenzuspeichern und aus dem Cache auszuliefern zu können. Zusätzlich wird das Response gzip-komprimiert ausgeliefert und die Cache-Daten werden in einem eingestellten Interval im Hintergrund erneuert.
-## Requirements
+## Abhängigkeiten
 * node >= v8.2.1
 * npm >= v5.3.0
-## Install the service
+## lokale Ausführung
+### Installation
 $# npm install -g dacap
+### Ausführung
-## Start the service
 ``` bash
 $# dacap
-The Admin Interface is now available under http://localhost:3000/admin
+## als Container
+$# docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /my/hosts/data/folder:/data ubleipzig/dacap
+Die Konfiguration wird über Umgebungsvariablen durchgeführt, siehe [erweiterte Konfiguration](#erweiterte Konfiguration)
+## Benutzung
+Nach dem Start ist das Admin-Interface unter `http://localhost:3000/admin` verfügbar
-You can customize multiple values, see [#Advanced Configuration]
+Als erstes wird ein *Cache* definiert, in dem die Ergebnisse der Anfragen an einen API-Endpunkt gespeichert werden.
-## Usage
+Unter *API-Endpoint* wird die URL eingetragen, die zum Service führt (z.B. `http://foo.example.com/`),Unter *Cache-Name* wird eine Bezeichnung für den Service eingetragen, (z.B. `foo`).
-First of all one has to define a *Cache* where the requests to an API-Endpoint are stored. This is done from within the Admin Interface.
+Alle Anfragen, die normalerweise an
-One has to define the URL to the desired *API-Endpoint* (e.g. `http://foo.example.com/`) and a *Cache-Name* for this API-Endpoint (e.g. `foo`). All API-Requests which normally would go to
-    http://foo.example.com/?query=foo&offset=0&limit=10
+gehen würden, können nun unter
-now you can request by accessing
-    http://localhost:3000/ep/foo/?query=foo&offset=0&limit=10
+abgefragt werden.
-* *Be sure to append the Slash after the Cache-Name, otherwise the Endpoint cannot be resolved.*
-* *Everything after the Cache-Name and Slash will be passed to the API-Endpoint.*
+* *nach dem Cache-Name ist zwingend ein Slash erforderlich, andernfalls kann der Endpunkt nicht aufgelöst werden.*
+* *alles, was nach Cache-Name und Slash folgt, wird an den API-Endpunkt angehängt.*
-## Advanced Configuration
+## Erweiterte Konfiguration
-The service can be configured by environment variables. The following are available:
+Der Dienst lässt sich über Umgebungsvariablen konfigurieren, die beim Start des Dienstes ausgewertet werden:
-* `data_dir`: specifies the folder where the cache is stored in intervals. This is only used to
- make it more easy to restart the service without adding all Endpoints again. After restart the
- service reads the saved cache-file and keeps it in memory.
- By default this points to the `data`-folder where the process was invoked. Make sure it can be created if not existing and written if already existing.
-* `proxy_path`: this is the path where the Endpoints will be accessable after registering. By default this is `/ep/`
-* `proxy_port`: this is the port number where the service is listening. Defaults to `3000`
-* `proxy_url`: this is the absolute url of the service with protocol and port if differing from the defaults (e.g. `http://api.example.com:8080`). Set this if you use a different domain name than `localhost` to connect to this service.
-* `cache_ttl`: the time-to-live in seconds of a cached request. after this time the cache will be refreshed. Defaults to `600`
-* `default_check_period`: specifies the interval in seconds the cache is checked for expiry. Defaults to `60`
-* `array_value_size`: unkown configuration. Defaults to `40`
-* `object_value_size`: unkown configuration. Defaults to `80`
-* `autosave_interval`: specifies the interval the cache is stored to harddisk. defaults to `60`
-* `register_name`: specifies the name of the register where the cache is stored. Defaults to `api-cache`
-* `strip_path`: specifies whether the path should be stripped when processing requests
+* `data_dir`: Spezifiziert den Ordner, wo der Cache in regelmäßigen Abständen gespeichert wird.
+Cache und Endpunkte werden im Arbeitspeicher gehalten. Nach dem Neustart des Dienstes wird die Datei ausgelesen
+und vorhandene Endpunkte und Caches in den Arbeitspeicher geladen.
+Standardmäßig ist dieser Ordner der `data`-Ordner in dem Ordner, aus dem der Prozess gestartet wurde (Im Container der Root-Ordner)
+Es ist sicherzustellen, dass der erstellt werden kann oder für den Dienst schreibbar ist, wenn er bereits existiert.
+* `proxy_path`: Spezifiziert den Pfad an dem der Endpunkt nach der Registrierung mit seinem Cache-Namen erreichbar ist.
+Standardmäßig `/ep/`.
+* `proxy_port`: Spezifiziert den Port, an dem der Dienst hört. Standardmäßig `3000`
+* `proxy_url`: Spezifiziert die absolute URL des Dienstes mit Protokoll-Schema, Port und Pfad (z.B. `https://api.example.com:8443/dacap`)
+Standardmäßig `http://localhost:${proxy_port}`.
+* `cache_ttl`: Spezifiziert die time-to-live in Sekunden für ein Cache-Ergebnis. Nach dieser Zeit wird das
+Ergebnis erneuert. Standardmäßig `600`.
+* `default_check_period`: spezifiziert das Intervall in Sekunden, in dem die Ablauf-Frist aller Cache-Ergebnisse geprüft wird.
+Standardmäßig `60`.
+* `array_value_size`: Unbekannte Konfiguration. Defaults to `40`
+* `object_value_size`: Unbekannte Konfiguration. Defaults to `80`
+* `autosave_interval`: Spezifiziert das Intervall, in dem alle Cache-Ergebnisse und Endpunkt-Konfiguration in eine Datei
+geschrieben werden. Standardmäßig `60`.
+* `register_name`: Spezifiziert den Namen des Registers, in dem alle Cache-Ergebnisse und Endpunkt-Konfigurationen
+gespeichert werden (ist gleichzeitig der Dateiname). Standardmäßig `api-cache`.
+* `strip_path`: Spezifiziert, ob der Pfad der Url entfernt werden soll. Standardmäßig `true`.
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+  - Deutsch: "index.md"
+  - English: "Readme.md"
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