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  • Niels Erik's avatar
    Binary marc read and encode issues ris 152 etc (#61) · f9494404
    Niels Erik authored
    * Fixes for issues with binary MARC - RIS-152
      - In case of a MarcException, attempt to continue reading
        stream if continue-on-errors is on.
      - Use MarcStreamReader instead of MarcPermissiveStreamReader
        for iterating MARC file.
      - Inject MarcPermissiveStreamReader in the process for reading
        AND converting single records to UTF-8.
      - Always keep the original MARC as a byte array (since that is
        created always anyway as input for the permissive reader.
      - Remove option for non-buffering input stream since the code as
        it's written will always apply buffering anyway.
    * Downgrade CompletePendingCommand timeout error log to warn log